- Comment on conditional probability 28 minutes ago:
Say what? The roads in Texas are 85 MPH!
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 2 days ago:
Unfortunately there’s not really anything I’m really good at in CK3, despite like 300 hours of gameplay. Perhaps open warfare, but that has other consequences that I’m not great at dealing with.
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 2 days ago:
Haha! Noice.
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 2 days ago:
Oh no! My wife is going to see that I played Baldur’s Gate 3 and Crusader Kings 3! Two games that end with 3!
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
Gonna get me some of that N
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
In the days of?
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
- Comment on DNA 2 days ago:
Sayes the blind man.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
Is her number still 867-5309?
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
You’re welcome to come blow my yard whenever you want some free entertainment. I even have two different leaf blowers you can choose from! One is a two-stroke backpack dealio, and the other is a hand-held electric jobbie.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
Why don’t you make like a tree, and get out of here?
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
Even electric blowers are extremely loud. I have both varieties, and both require ear protection for extended use.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
One in the hands of an experienced operator.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
Or homasta, if you will.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 days ago:
Well, I can make a hat, or a broach, or a pterodactyl!
- Comment on My recent experiences with big budget AAA after years of avoidance 2 days ago:
devs think Gen Z or whoever their audience is has no time to admire the view.
They are right about that. Most people these days, and especially young people, have zero attention span. They must always be doing something, lest they have a moment to examine their own thoughts. Go check out a big budget movie these days and observe how often the scene cuts. Compare it with something from 20 or even 10 years ago. Attention spans have been shrinking for decades now.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
I’m very confused by your statement that you have a pet dragon whose body is human.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
They said they have a pet dragon whose body is human. I’m not sure how to parse that, but it could be quite disturbing.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
False! Corporations are people in the eyes of the law, and the only “people” who matter to the institutions.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
You know what looks even more ridiculous? Only taking action on anything when the victims are wealthy. Go read about how ridiculously lax NYC laws against crime are. But some rich dude gets shot and all of the sudden the cops are Columbo, and the court prosecutors are Matlock (yes I’m aware how old those references make me seem).
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
Translation: majority shareholders
Translation: the obscenely wealthy that run the country
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
Help with inescapable oppression for sure.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
Or maybe they’re worried that you’re collecting humans as pets
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 4 days ago:
The unconstitutional Patriot Act says they can do that to citizens too, as long as they’re suspected of terrorism. That’s why everything is “terrorism” these days, because under that accusation they’ll strip you of your constitutional rights and do whatever the fuck they want. It’s tyranny.
- Comment on Ammo vending machines come to US grocery stores 4 days ago:
- Comment on CNBC Shock Poll: 73% of Americans Now Support Militarizing the Border 4 days ago:
It’s not even a real problem that they’re reacting towards. This is all a manufactured distraction.
- Comment on Official poster for "Superman" (2025) 5 days ago:
Caville will be a hard act to follow.
- Comment on How likely will "Cloud Storage" eventually replace Local Storage? 1 week ago:
Aren’t there enough real problems in the world to focus on without the need to go inventing more? This is just imaginative rage bait. Focus on real shit that’s actually happening.
- Comment on As a nurse, Can someone explain to me how a person OD'ing on Fentaynol can get not one but two Narcan shots and still not come to? How much Fent do you need to use to get a tol that strong? 1 week ago:
At the end of it all, there is no way after the fact to determine what the “correct” amount of narcan was for that situation.
It sounds like you’re actually saying that at the end, the correct amount was the amount it took to revive them.
- Comment on "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" Reboot In Works 1 week ago:
I was very disappointed in Foundation, specifically because it was some janky drama about people in the shell of the original story. The original story is about concepts that span thousands of years.