- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 8 months ago:
That is what is frustrating. He doesn’t really mean what you “see”. He means go with your gut/surface level feelings and understanding. If you “see” something that goes against what you see or what you feel without any specialized knowledge on the subject, go with your priors.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 8 months ago:
Did you get a browser error when trying this? It might be because you left the www in the URL. I had to remove that and replace it with old, and it works. The rest of the link structure is the same on both old and new reddit. I even tried it from a VPN just to be sure it wasn’t seeing my logged in cookies, and in a private browsing window where RES isn’t allowed to run. Worked fine.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 8 months ago:
Private Internet Access works for me. Just tested logged out in an incognito mode tab.
- Comment on Anon's sister is a NEET shut-in 9 months ago:
The proliferation of anime and Internet porn has mortally wounded familial relationships.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 9 months ago:
Interesting. I’ll have to test it when I get home. I’m always signed in and I use RES so could be some other factors causing it to not be a problem for me.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 9 months ago:
Old Reddit works for me, but I am logged into an account.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 9 months ago:
That is basically what they did. There are a decent amount of third party apps around that work. I personally use Narwhal.
The further we get from the whole third party app debacle, the more I think this was just a way to kill the most popular apps. The ones that people said made reddit worth using. The ones that got shouted out in Apple keynotes.
- Comment on What is Reddit doing 9 months ago:
Old Reddit works for me. Does it just not work in general for you, or does it not work when not logged into an account?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
It’s why I cancelled last year. I got it for free through my FIOS Internet connection for a few years, but after that went away I paid for a year. But the price increase was just not worth the like 2 shows and maybe one movie that I watched on it a year.
- Comment on What game did you last finish? What did you think of it? 1 year ago:
I just finished Spiderman 2. I enjoyed it. It’s technically ambitious with the city being so huge but detailed, second load screens for fast travel and just generally beautiful. It adds a lot more combat mechanics and balances some broken mechanics. The story was heartfelt and well done for the most part as well with a few non-combat sections that really let me relate to Peter and his relationships with Harry Osborn and MJ. Yurenthal as Peter Parker put in some emotional performances.
But the gameplay overall is extremely iterative. And the last third or so is extremely rushed with whole plot lines being crammed in and resolved in literal minutes.
If you liked the first game and just want more and “better”, you will get that with this game. I was definitely satisfied.
- Comment on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Devs Say Miles Morales Is the 'Main' Spider-Man From Now On - IGN 1 year ago:
I’m not finished with the game yet, but I’m a decent chunk into it.
They have really focused on his development more. In a way they’re copying the normal Spiderman story (how to cope with balancing being a super hero versus having a regular life) but they’re changing it a little bit by having him deal with emotions and plot points from the Miles Morales spin-off. And he’s also balancing Pete who is going through the classic symbiote stuff.
I’d consider him a more interesting Spider-Man than the last game, but his regular life development isn’t any more interesting. But I’m probably about half to 2/3 through the game so that could change.
- Comment on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Devs Say Miles Morales Is the 'Main' Spider-Man From Now On - IGN 1 year ago:
That’s true, but this isn’t about the comics. I still haven’t beaten SM2, but it does obvious that they are heading towards Miles being the main SM going forward. He’s really going through an evolution arc while Peter is going through a real rough patch.
- Comment on Wholesome shitpost 1 year ago:
Perhaps I am cringe, but that makes me free!
…Except for when I wake up at ngiht in a cold sweat remembering cringe from years ago.
- Comment on Original ‘Daredevil’ Showrunner Calls Out ‘Disney Scam’ of Naming New Series ‘Daredevil: Born Again’: It ‘Resets Contract Terms Back to First Season’ 1 year ago:
That will be the sticking point. If this is a continuation of the Netflix series, resetting the contract terms will be messed up.
If it’s not a continuation, it’s still kind of messed up that they’re going with the less generous contract terms. I also personally think that would be a bad decision just from a creative standpoint. People wanted more of the Netflix Daredevil, not Disney-fied Daredevil with some of the same actors.
- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
That’s sad, but not unexpected. The studio had pretty massive layoffs a few years ago I think when their Overwatch clone didn’t sell well. And this Saints Row reboot didn’t do well either.
Hope all the good people here find some work, one of my favorite LPers worked there and he’s a good guy. Sucks he and others have been jerked around twice like this.
- Comment on I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Windows, is in fact, GNU/Windows, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Windows. 1 year ago:
Nowadays especially so. It’s like Android vs iOS. Both OSes are good and now so are Windows, Linux and macOS. Use whatever you prefer, just know how to use it so you don’t blow up non-issues.
- Comment on I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Windows, is in fact, GNU/Windows, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Windows. 1 year ago:
It’s also an unimportant stat considering that any modern, well configured Windows machine should have reboot times of under a minute.
I’m sure it does for people who aren’t motivated.
But those same people don’t work in office either, they just walk around and bullshit all day.
I am way more productive at home than I am in office. Partly purposefully out of spite, and partly because my home work space is better in every way than my office environment. Quieter, more comfortable, better equipment, better internet, even better resilience because of my UPSes.
- Comment on Marvel Studios’ Loki Season 2 | Official Trailer | Disney+ 1 year ago:
I think Wandavision had the better start, but Loki was solid through out with a great ending.
- Comment on Marvel Studios' The Marvels | Official Trailer 1 year ago:
I had to skip this message since I realized I hadn’t watched this episode yet.
Your big points are true. Fury probably didn’t kill Rhodey then because he knew the Secret Service would immediately shoot him making the reveal pointless but it doesn’t help the fact that it is contrived. Especially since Rhodey was acting sus as hell the whole time anyway. And I guess you could also argue Fury was given the latitude he was because he’s THE spymaster who brought together the team that saved the world on multiple occasions and the universe once but the idea that the US government would let him stay outside the president’s room with a gun is hard to swallow.
And the suit up sequence had me thinking the exact same thing. I was expecting those different compartments to maybe have the different Avengers’ DNA, but nope just clothes and a gun. That did get a snort from me.
And there’s more. Like how Varra and Giah managed to fight off a Skrull hit squad despite being caught off guard and not being combatants in the first place, like how the assault team weren’t Super Skrulls and even like Sonya being caught off guard by Rhodey being a Skrull didn’t make any sense.
But the episode was still good to me. Maybe I’m just more willing to suspend disbelief. The whole premise of a Skrull invasion requires it, as does Fury not calling in even the regular Avengers like Captain America.
What I want from Marvel more than anything is a series similar in tone to this one, but one that goes more in-depth on the world. Make these things make sense, explain how the non-super powered world operates in a universe where aliens, monsters and gods exist and it wouldn’t be so jarring.
But then again, this is the series that has contradicted its own rules of time travel multiple times and even set up character growth arcs in one movie like Thor Ragnarok just to undo them in Infinity War and then Thor Love and Thunder.
- Comment on Marvel Studios' The Marvels | Official Trailer 1 year ago:
I just don’t see a way to top the build up and ending to Endgame. A decade of movies with great actors, fun action all leading up to the huge gut punch of Infinity War and the absolute spectacle of Endgame.
After you reach that high, building up again from step one is extremely difficult. And the movies just aren’t of the same quality. Besides a few good movies like No Way Home and Black Panther 2 and a few shows with strong starts or premises like Wandavision and Loki, they’ve all been very mid.
- Comment on Marvel Studios' The Marvels | Official Trailer 1 year ago:
I’ve honestly been enjoying Secret Invasion so far. The plot has some issues, but not enough to pull me out of the enjoyment. I’d call it probably my third or fourth favorite Marvel D+ show so far.