- Comment on Basic courtesy 3 days ago:
Now there’s more than one and they’re running mental gymnastics to claim that pro-social behavior is simping for corpos. Special kind of entitled faux-leftism there.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 3 days ago:
Maybe I’m just high and should go stare out a window.
You’ve unironically provided verbal support for a guy wanting to use lethal force against someone causing no property damage while attempting to bring attention to anti-social behavior.
Yes, you should probably reflect some on why you believe that murdering someone over a magnet is appropriate (brandishing a firearm is assault with a deadly weapon, and in some places attempted murder for a reason).
- Comment on Republicans getting upset at women for dumping their fascist boyfriends after the election [Day 76] 1 week ago:
I’m amazed at your persistence. 🥄
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 week ago:
When I worked at a web host, we had people like that. Being support sucked. Like, yes, it sucks that your e-commerce site that uses horrifically outdated software is offline but, we don’t offer quad nines, especially not on a $35/year shared hosting plan. And, honestly Drew, your site gets single-digit visits per month and sells erotica based upon the premise of Edgar Allen Poe being transported to 1990s Brooklyn and working as an apartment building super. At best, you’re breaking even on that hosting bill.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Human chorionic gonadotropin.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
For the moment, yes.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Best to take more tests. First thing in the morning is often recommended as it can raise the concentration of possible hCG in your urine, making false negatives less likely. If possible and safe for you to do so, a blood test is usually much more accurate, with a lower detection threshold.
I know it’s probably really stressful and causing a lot of anxiety but, try to do what you can to keep yourself calm and do self care, like drinking chamomile tea or whatever helps you. If it’s super stressful, just take things one day or one hour at a time and try not to put any pressure on yourself for any decisions that you may or may not need to make. You don’t even have the data yet.
Hope that whatever the result that you have as good of a day as you can.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Yes. Ovulation is when an egg is released from an ovary and makes its way down a fallopian tube to the uterus. It is when someone who has a female reproductive system can normally become pregnant.
Ovulation tests are used to tell if they are in their monthly window of fertility, generally if trying for a pregnancy when they have had trouble conceiving or have an irregular menstrual cycle.
A pregnancy test detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is a hormone that is released by the placenta after a fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 2 weeks ago:
Failing to attend to electoral politics is also a great way to ensure that blood has to be spilled again to re-win battles that were already fought, as has been seen with many of those left of center sitting out elections for half a century, which just so happens to coincidence with decoupling of wages from productivity, increasing wealth inequality, and erosion of workers’ rights.
If I thought people were consistent enough, I’d say that the founding of anti-electoralism was a right-wing, authoritarian conspiracy, but I don’t think that’s super likely.
- Comment on New side hustle just dropped 2 weeks ago:
I’m glad that I missed most of the streamer nonsense.
- Comment on That Reddit guy's mom when he broke both of his arms [Day 63] 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 3 weeks ago:
In addition to other suggestions, which are likely largely correct, I’ll pose another potential factor:
Smoking is self-harm, in addition to addiction. Some people are too fucked up on depression and self-loathing to see their impact on the world around them.
- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 3 weeks ago:
It’s a type of swedish smokeless tobacco that has seen popularity elsewhere. It is something like chewing tobacco in a miniature teabag. Health risks are likely lower than other forms of tobacco, based on current (limited) evidence, both due to the lack of combustion and manufacturing process (pasteurized rather than curing and fermentation) but it’s still addictive because of the nicotine and shows an increase in cancer incidence.
Apparently, Swedish snus also has higher bioavailability of nicotine than American due to pH and moisture content.
Apparently, disgusting fuckers in the previous comment were spitting the little “teabags” out on the shelf above the urinals or in the urinals (I’ve seen the later).
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
- Comment on Epic Store's Unreal Tournament page now has free download links to Unreal, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament '99 2 months ago:
I thought that they tried too hard to align with Quake 3’s twitch-gaming.
- Comment on Bae? 2 months ago:
But, imagine the lawsuits when people started trying to make “fruit punch” with the flavors.
- Comment on Epic Store's Unreal Tournament page now has free download links to Unreal, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament '99 2 months ago:
Giving away the only UT game that matters? Wow.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
I had a coworker who had this happen at a former search company in the US.
- Comment on if statement == false 2 months ago:
Sorry! I sometimes get carried away on correctness.
- Comment on if statement == false 2 months ago:
If reading the code as non-programming logic, that conclusion makes sense, yes. However,
, in most syntaxes, is a type of flow control. What it wraps has no meaning to theif
statement itself. Reading it through the lens of an interpreter/compiler makes it clear. The statement is approximately:If and only if a is equal to 1, do the thing { The thing is: assign the variable b with the value 1 }
To one not familiar with how programs are executed, it would make sense that the return value could be 1. But understanding how flow control works in programming, makes this interpretation a challenge.
- Comment on if statement == false 2 months ago:
I’m pretty sure that
would always return0
, as defined. I’ll pseudocide that up:funky takes no args, returns int { a is assigned the value 0 b is assigned the value 1 test if a is equal to 1, if it is { b is assigned the value 1 } return a }
in your function can never be reached, without some weird manipulation of the value ofa
that breaks variable scoping in most syntaxes.I think that I see your logic but it is syntactically incorrect:
b=1 }
In most syntaxes, this is a conditional execution and value assignment. That is, the code in curly braces only gets executed, if the conditional evaluates as true. If the conditional evaluates as true, the code is executed, assigning the value 1 to the variable
.It does NOT imply that the assignment of the value 1 to the variable
is a conditional requiring the assignment of the value 1 to the variableb
in most programming is NOT an equality symbol but a value-assigment symbol. It would be nice if people creating the initial syntaxes used something else that is harder to confuse but they didn’t. - Comment on Do you think being left-handed gives any unique qualities or advantages compares to other right handed? 2 months ago:
When fencing, left-handed people have the significant advantage of being able to dramatically switch their rapier from their right hand to their left hand, mid-combat, and announce that they are not really right-handed.
- Comment on Newsom Challenges Trump on Electric Vehicle Tax Credits | Gov. Gavin Newsom said California would fill the void for residents if the Trump administration killed a $7,500 E.V. tax credit. 2 months ago:
My take: With the cost of EVs and charging them in California, that’s essentially meaningless. Under Newsom, state efforts to support home solar installs were discontinued and efforts to breakup PG&E were sabotaged. This has made EVs a questionable investment for anyone not outright rich.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
And I’m childless, not by choice, and sadly glad too.
- Comment on "I never asked for this" 2 months ago:
I’ve got a robot hand!
- Comment on Neuroscientists taught rats to drive tiny cars. They took them out on 'joy rides.' 2 months ago:
Adorable rats were much needed.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 3 months ago:
They never learn though.
And we’re out of chances for them to do so.
- Comment on Whelp 3 months ago:
That’s a name that I’ve not heard in a long time.
- Comment on He's a little feisty, but he looked cold 3 months ago:
Or, it could be a catamount.
- Comment on wild seals 3 months ago:
Thank you! That’s a great video.