It’s hard to believe that a reddit post about being able to tell if someone is a decent person based on whether or not they put a shopping cart away has stuck around as long as it has. It’s a pretty arbitrary metric.
Basic courtesy
Submitted 5 days ago by to
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
My hot take is that there’s an assumption that the employees don’t want to go waaaaayyyyy out to get the carts.
When I worked at whole foods, I loved the outfield carts. I got to get away from the all seeing eye of management for a little bit, sometimes see a sunset, get to breathe some fresh air…
I know not everyone is like me, but not everyone is unlike me either.
Sometimes I still take a cart to the furthest possible space to give the poor cart worker a damn break. 3 days ago
fucking ALWAYS. 5 days ago
Not only do I put my cart away, I will take a few extra seconds to organize a couple carts that have just been pushed in all willy nilly (my grocery store has 2 sizes of cart). Like if I can take 30 seconds out of my life to make some else's day just a little bit easier, I definitely will. 4 days ago
Oh… I am going to destroy my lemmy credibility by chiming in on what I think is the absolutely most stupid conversation in the entire universe!
I know you all to be people of deep conscience and this is what I love about coming here. Lemmy is filled with people obsessed with meaningful issues… except for this one.
Maybe the leftists will join me? I don’t know, I think my perspective is simply boomer: who efffing cares.
On a beautiful Spring day, I will sometimes march my cart to the farthest end of the farthest parking lot knowing that I am giving the cart retriever a lovely stroll in the sun.
Cart retrievers are paid to do a job. I allow them to do it.
Oh, I have seen that obscenely smug little essay about how the easiest test of a person’s character is what they do with carts.
I have watched that Cart Narc guy and I always hope he gets caught and beaten by the person he has antagonized.
Oh… whatever. Judge me. Don’t judge me. It doesn’t matter.
The carts don’t matter. I probably should have read the comments here before commenting this but I was surprised to see it — because generally speaking, only topics that matter make it here and this one just doesn’t. 4 days ago
This reads like rage bait. I want to make a copy pasta of it even 4 days ago
cart retrievers are paid to do a job. I allow them to do it.
You intentionally make that job more difficult under some presumption that you’re ACTUALLY doing them a favor?
Cool. 3 days ago
Try talking to one before you judge me. 3 days ago
Dude it’s not making it more difficult. Most people in customer jobs absolutely love to get away from your bullshit for 5 minutes 4 days ago
I think I get where you’re coming from: if the cart wrangler is paid by the hour, what do they care? I’ll offer a counter point.
Have you worked in retail? You’re assuming the person collecting your wayward cart doesn’t have an a-hole middle manager breathing down their neck asking them why it’s taking so long to bring in the carts. That lovely stroll in the sun could be a write up for someone who is just trying to get by.
I don’t think you’re off base with your intentions. I’m all for sticking it to faceless corporations, but I wouldn’t want to do that at the potential expense of someone’s livelihood. 3 days ago
I personally know two of these cart gatherers and they assure me that these extra steps under the blue sky are the best parts of their day. 4 days ago
I have watched that Cart Narc guy and I always hope he gets caught and beaten by the person he has antagonized.
lol. It’s just a prank! 5 days ago
Why is this practice promoted?
It’s someone’s job and they make their money grabbing those carts, aren’t we taking that away from them if all is perfectly arranged and they can just collect the carts in 2 minutes? This concept seems to only benefit the business in saving labor?
Coincidentally, I was checking out two days ago at a Costco and the manager came up to my cashier and said, “close up after this one, I’m going to send you home early okay?” The cashier said, “yeah, I guess…” But you could tell they clearly didn’t want to leave early. If there were a bunch of carts in the parking lot at that point, feels like that person might get an extra 30 mins or so on the clock… Why aren’t we supporting that? Manager would say, " let’s close you down after this one, and then please do a lap in the parking lot to grab carts before you go"
Us carefully putting the carts away as customers is just free labor that the corporation benefits from… Period. How does this help the worker making an hourly wage? 5 days ago
As someone who has previously put carts away for a job. No, not only does leaving carts out make it more annoying to pick up it can also damage other people’s vehicles, and take up parking spots. Carts roll around or are difficult to see and can get hit. This is the equivalent of saying to just knock stuff off the shelf as you walk through the store, an employee would have to pick that up and it would just cost the company money. 4 days ago
Leaving a shopping cart near your car is the same as deliberately causing damage to products in the store? Very very interesting point of view, if completely unhinged. 4 days ago
I don’t think this comment actually responds to my points. I’ve worked many hourly retail and restaurant jobs myself. In many there was a regular struggle to hit minimum hours per week to qualify for benefits and managers were instructed to cut people during perceived slow times - none of this considering that I sat in an hour traffic to show up for my scheduled 8 hour shift that I need to meet to make my rent.
I was happy when gobacks piled up, shelves needed to be faced, tables needed to be bused and yes, to carts needed to be collected. When that was the case, I typically made my hours in those common, “we’re going to need to cut someone” moments.
Again, this entire conversation seems biased to the business owner, the corporation’s labor cost, and not the employee. Saying “all the carts are going to hit cars” is a false premise, in my opinion. And what I’m arguing for is the “good trouble” version of this. Place the carts safely away and maybe near the corral, but not in the corral. 5 days ago
This is like saying we should throw our litter on the floor because it keeps people employed to pick it up.
It’s labour that doesn’t need to exist in the first place because people can’t be considerate of others. 4 days ago
You literally said the labor does have to exist
It’s just who is doing the labor. 4 days ago
“labor that doesn’t need to exist” feels like it’s from a very privileged POV. what if those 30-40 mins here and there are the difference between me meeting the 29 hour a week threshold required to qualify for health or education benefits?
I’m commenting from a US biased perspective where you seem to be commenting from a European perspective based on your spelling. If that’s the case, you already have your core needs met through your government, we do not in this flawed country. 5 days ago
I hope you hit a shopping cart in a parking lot. 4 days ago
I hope you learn to consider nuance and stop arguing against the interests of workers in favor of heartless corporations. 4 days ago
Oooh I can escalate this one. I hope you learn to drive, so you can get safely home rather than hitting very large, often brightly colored baskets with padding on all four corners.
So that you can cut your foot in the shower, get gangrene, and have to have it amputated.
Tee hee? 4 days ago
As a person who did this for a job in my youth, may I first say, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
As a worker, collecting stray carts that people left around the parking lot ate up the most time and was the least productive time I’ve ever spent while working. Also, at the store I worked at was fairly popular, on busy days, just collecting carts from the corrales took up enough time that I didn’t really have time left over to make up for you being a lazy asshole.
As a consumer, I put away other people’s stray carts, not only for the reasons above but because I don’t want the cart demon to direct the carts into my car and cause it any damage. I also don’t want my discarded cart to end up causing damage to anyone else’s car. So fuck you for creating an easily avoidable problem that has the potential to damage my property. You suck.
Objectively, returning your cart is the correct, and proper path to take. However, nobody will arrest you, or fine you for not doing it. It is purely voluntary, but universally recognized as the right thing to do. Since you do not do it, what does that mean about you as a person? I think it means you’re a dickhead.
Stop being selfish and lazy, then justifying it with “someone gets paid to do that”. No, that’s not the reason. The reason is that you’re a terrible person, an asshole, and a dickhead.
So I reiterate: fuck you, and the horse you rode in on. 4 days ago
Again, not addressing the valid points I’ve introduced. Also, very odd phrasing throughout…
“Did this for a job in my youth?” We humans don’t speak like that? Also, “in my youth” sounds like the shopping cars you were collecting were horse drawn.
“the least productive time I ever spent while working?” Who the fuck worries about productivity in a minimum wage job like this? “Yeah, I don’t know Dad… I’ve just been really worried lately that my productivity is down this quarter. I’m cleaning up less vomit per hour at Weiner Hut than typical and I’m just worried the business owner isn’t extracting as much profit from my labor as they could be…” 4 days ago
Sounds like we’ve got a lazybones over here. 5 days ago
I always park strategically - not closest to the front door, but right next to a cart corral if possible.
This is triply important when you’re lugging kids around. 5 days ago
Is this some sort of american meme that I am too rich to understand? 4 days ago
someone has a job to collect them and unless the parking lot is even close to full there’s no risk for any vehicles getting damaged from a few dozen loose carts. 4 days ago
This person is a lazy bones. 4 days ago
I leave the carts that I find near the handicapped spots, as I know when my back goes out I really appreciate having a cart to lean on. I think it’s common for a cart to be a sort of crutch.
My own carts I take back to the store unless I’m way at the end of the lot. If it’s raining or something, always back to the store. I’m already wet, and I don’t wanna make someone trudge out in the wet any longer than necessary. 4 days ago 4 days ago
Always! And I have those super sized insulated grocery bags so I can usually carry everything with both hands once I’m done checking out. So I just return my cart back in at the door and macho walk out of the store. 😤 5 days ago
Why can’t we have new memes? Why do we have to stick with white supremacists imagery? This meme works without those tired as faces. 5 days ago
Star Trek: Riker and O’Brien Cart-o-graphers. 3 days ago
This wojack shit is so tired. 4 days ago
Lol I put shopping cart inside the White lines of the parking spot not in the line like a responsible person 4 days ago
Dang dude that Wojack character went straight to Woah, Jack 4 days ago
Brings me joy, tbh. 5 days ago
Our customers leave the shopping carts in the corral, but a surprising number of them bring back the big lumber carts. Been there a month and have seen exactly one cart floating around loose.