- Comment on What TV shows have aged the best, and what TV shows have aged the worst? 1 day ago:
Babylon 5 had big multi-season story arcs in the era of self-contained monster of the week episodes meant for syndication and watching in random order.
It also has some very good character development. The Londo/G’Kar dynamic is pretty epic.
But it does have the random weak early episodes others mentioned, and of course it is a product of its time. It has a high episode count and 90s SD vfx.
It’s still one of my favorite shows and I will do a watch through every several years, but it would have SO much potential as a modern remake with 6-10 episodes per season. Kind of like the expanse but with more fantasy and imaginary physics. The space physics were very good though, especially for the time.
- Comment on Anon's calendar is incomplete 2 days ago:
Plurday is when me and the boys go to the clurb.
- Comment on He's just eccentric 3 days ago:
My joke in my household is that no clean flat surfaces can exist.
My medicated ADHD ass is still plenty messy, but my non-medicated wife will put any item down in any place when she’s done with it or it’s in her way. Then it disappears from existence for an hour or a month or so. Unless it’s outside or in a room we don’t use daily… then the possible range expands a lot.
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 5 days ago:
How dare you point out something so relevant and foreboding.
- Comment on this bad boy can fit..... 1 week ago:
Alternate second frame:
Car salesman in ambulance headed to the hospital because a giant piece of steel that’s GLUED to the car came loose and sliced him.
- Comment on Anon gives a former president some feedback 1 week ago:
They are this clean cut folksy little musical group that had to start getting all political one day just to ruin Paul Ryan’s workout.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
It’s the Baldur’s Gate saga for me right now, and I’m still in the BG1 campaign.
It is such a great game to play on the couch with a trackball while chilling with the family.
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
Why yes I have! Did you see my own example of Chinese censorship I added to the discussion in this very thread you are commenting on?
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
Yeah, unfortunately for anything run by a US-based corporation, I think it’s not a question of whether there will be censorship but how bad it will get and how closely the tech industry we’ll continue to go along with the fascist flow.
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
Yeah, it’s pretty blatant. A bit after it hit the scene I got curious and started asking it about how many people various governments have killed. The answer for my own US of A was as long as it was horrifying.
Then I get to China and it starts laying out a detailed description for a few seconds, then the answer disappears and is replaced by the “out of scope” or “can’t do that right now” or whatever it was at the time.
It makes me think their model might be fine, but then they have some kind of watchdog layered on top of it to detect the verboten subjects and interfere. I guess that feels better from a technical standpoint, even if it is equally bad from a personal/political one.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
From what I have been reading, you can’t so much as upvote somebody else’s post that says fuck Musk.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
This feels sad on the surface, as an American who went to college 25 years ago and is used to seeing people from around the world move here to learn, teach, start businesses, etc.
But giving it any real thought, damn it, it is much better for humanity this way. Climate change isn’t going to pause while the world watches us collapse.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
How is a CEO supposed to survive on only $15,000/hr? He’ll never get to join the three comma club making LOW 8 figures!
- Comment on life changed due to shrimp 2 weeks ago:
[Dillon!] You son of a bitch!
Now I kinda wish I slipped that in there. But I won’t edit and steal your thunder, lol.
- Comment on life changed due to shrimp 2 weeks ago:
Caring for others is good for you. Even if you look at it selfishly, it is still true.
Having “chores” associated with those people or things you care for is also good for you.
Think of the memes and the stories of tech workers turning into goose farmers. It’s not a beautiful-feeling idea because goose farms have better air conditioning and more expensive chairs, lol.
Coincidentally, I plan to head off to my engineering job like usual tomorrow morning, but I am also sitting here with frozen fingertips because I was outside cleaning the filters in my koi pond for the first time this spring. In general, it seems like the more animals we get (we have a lot, in small suburban home) the messier my physical surroundings are but the clearer my brain is.
- Comment on The billionaires and politicians did it 2 weeks ago:
I can only answer your question with a question: wtfhappenedin1971.com
It’s crazy seeing how old the graphs on that site are now.
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
Iirc, what we normally call “sugar” is sucrose, made up of glucose and fructose. Glucose is used all over the place and too much is definitely bad (ask diabetics), while fructose is processed in your liver. Like a poison.
Just trying to remember that from stuff I’ve seen from Robert Lustig MD. There’s a very old “sugar: the bitter truth” lecture of his on YouTube, plus lots of media since then.
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
Only fanboys.
Oh I wish. It’s more like 2/3 of American society, and I’m sure plenty of others around the world. But if you wanted to cast a wide net and call them fanboys of the rich, I guess that’s fair.
If you are worth billions, and even moreso if you are a business leader and therefore “earned” those billions, then “worship” is the right word. They are not just good people, but the greatest among us who should be put in charge of everything. (Enter our new emperor)
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
“Thank you for your attention to this matter.”
Every time I scroll past this image, that’s the line that gets me. Bold threatening declaration by fascist dictator, then ends like a work email reminding you not to leave food in the cafeteria fridge over the weekend.
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
They will finally inherit the earth once humanity and 3/4 of animals burn away.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
I think it’s probably like more roads = more permits needed to protest.
I’m in the US and all too familiar with how car centric our infrastructure is. On top of the permit thing, our angry rushed populace will demonize you for protesting anything if you’re blocking the road to do it. You could be giving CPR to a toddler and within minutes some emotional support truck would be running you over or rolling coal in your face.
- Comment on I'm not original at all but feel a bit amusing about thought somebody takes it to heart 3 weeks ago:
I just opened my app and saw your post, because 3 hours ago I saw it and closed the app!
It was good timing moreso than me changing my plans (was just about to move on to something else) but putting the thought in my head was enough at the time.
- Comment on nets 3 weeks ago:
I like how under the entry for PVC pipes, they used an image of what looks like terracotta pipes.
I have black and white PVC pipes in my shed, but no clay colored ones, lol.
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 3 weeks ago:
As I have been transitioning more and more of my stuff to FOSS, it has become clear that the infrastructure to push shit on you is a huge problem in itself, even if you block and avoid it all.
The user experience benefit in performance alone makes it worth it for me. Even if we ignore eeeeeverything else, it’s so nice to have your computer just do what you ask it to do, and not triage your request with 50 other corporate priorities.
My favorite two recent examples are replacing Windows with Linux, and replacing Plex with Jellyfin.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
I’ve seen this image before. This time, however, I am half way through watching The Expanse. I had a much stronger reaction to it this time, for a couple reasons, lol.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News 3 weeks ago:
Excellent post! Any time I see one of these from you I’m going to upvote and comment just in case it gets it onto more screens.
I still haven’t tried the steam deck, but it seems like such an awesome system. I won’t be in the market for one any time soon but maybe by the time I am, there will be a Deck 2.
- Comment on Good boi 5 weeks ago:
lol yeah, it would be a race to see what makes his elbows hit the ground first: his arms collapsing under his weight or the little points on the ends of his arms piercing through the earth!
- Comment on Good boi 5 weeks ago:
It’s a beautiful image, but it is still undercut by being unrealistic.
There’s no way Trump’s arms could physically hold him up like that.
- Comment on Is there any hope for Ukraine to survive as an independent state now that trump is desperately wishing for a peace treaty with Russia, even bypassing Ukraine? 5 weeks ago:
If this shit is what qualifies as the “end times,” we are all going to be standing around in the afterlife looking like
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 5 weeks ago:
I think a big majority of the general population are phone-only on their own time, and a bunch of those use a PC just for work.
Personally I just use all the computers. I use my phone plenty, and I’m on my work machine all day. Then at home I just put together a nice setup with the desktop’s monitors on arms attached to a big table next to the couch. So I can just be chilling in the family room and swing a monitor over in front of me. It’s made me use the PC a lot more.