Some IT guy, IDK.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 21 hours ago:
Oh right.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 1 day ago:
But where will they deport you to?
Ehhh? Checkmate ICE.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 days ago:
No. In this image she’s making an approved gesture.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 days ago:
Leave your ID at home too… Just saying.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 days ago:
You’re free to say whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t hurt the president’s feelings.
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 2 days ago:
This is the correct answer.
- Comment on Meow 6 days ago:
I’ve been witness to the great cat distribution system.
Our current cat has moved house with us twice. The first house at lived at, we were on the ground floor of the place and this furball just waltzed in and took over. Much to the dismay of the cat we already had.
The preexisting cat was similar. She would hang out at a bus stop that my SO would frequent to get to work, didn’t take long before she followed my SO home. She was a shit, but she was cute enough to get away with it. Rest in peace Zora.
Anyways, I would submit that the only reason we haven’t had more cats distributed to us is that we lived on the fifth floor of an apartment for a long while. We recently moved into a house so that might change.
- Comment on a challenge appears 1 week ago:
This is a mood.
- Comment on Almost made it 1 week ago:
I literally just clocked in.
Guess what I’m doing. Not working, I’ll tell you that much.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
Fair point.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
Between the post and some of the comments, I’m pretty sure we’re on the worst time.
At least, the worst surviving timeline. I’m sure plenty of “worse” timelines have existed that killed off the entirety of the planet.
This is just the worst of what’s left.
- Comment on I miss myspace 2 weeks ago:
Such a good jam.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for the ad hominem response.
I will take your comments under advisement exactly as much as I have respect for your opinion.
Have a good day.
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 2 weeks ago:
Was Valentine’s recently?
Time has lost all meaning
- Comment on Basic courtesy 2 weeks ago:
As a person who did this for a job in my youth, may I first say, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
As a worker, collecting stray carts that people left around the parking lot ate up the most time and was the least productive time I’ve ever spent while working. Also, at the store I worked at was fairly popular, on busy days, just collecting carts from the corrales took up enough time that I didn’t really have time left over to make up for you being a lazy asshole.
As a consumer, I put away other people’s stray carts, not only for the reasons above but because I don’t want the cart demon to direct the carts into my car and cause it any damage. I also don’t want my discarded cart to end up causing damage to anyone else’s car. So fuck you for creating an easily avoidable problem that has the potential to damage my property. You suck.
Objectively, returning your cart is the correct, and proper path to take. However, nobody will arrest you, or fine you for not doing it. It is purely voluntary, but universally recognized as the right thing to do. Since you do not do it, what does that mean about you as a person? I think it means you’re a dickhead.
Stop being selfish and lazy, then justifying it with “someone gets paid to do that”. No, that’s not the reason. The reason is that you’re a terrible person, an asshole, and a dickhead.
So I reiterate: fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
You have the freedom to decide, you do not have the freedom from the consequences on your decisions.
- Comment on What we all want deep down 3 weeks ago:
I feel like this is obvious.
Honestly, I don’t give a shit if I have to work for that security, but the job markets have gone to absolute garbage. Nobody has a lifetime career at a single employer anymore. Employers don’t do raises, and just rinse through the entire employable workforce with no care in the world because there’s always some bright eyed college grad willing to take the job for less than the person who has it now, so raises don’t serve companies. Long term experience and knowledge is both highly desirable, and completely worthless.
If you’re trying to get a job for anything beyond every level, you must have years and years is experience with the specific products and software that company uses to manage their company. Experience you could only have if you’ve worked there before.
Entry level positions have wages so low it’s barely better than working at McDonald’s.
The world is fucked.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 4 weeks ago:
Sad but true.
Not all Americans called for it, just very vocal ones. The people that were fine with the lockdowns and restrictions were not represented in the debate because they were sheltering in place at home trying to keep more people from dying to the virus.
- Comment on Feelin free 5 weeks ago:
I agree, this is simply stating fact.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
You only say that because you’re at the bottom.
/s (obviously)
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
Fair enough.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
This is what I would suggest.
Looking for grants and bursaries for the effort is something that should always happen. You may get lucky, or not, either way it will probably cost less than the same from an American university.
I mean, I haven’t done this, but it seems logical since OP is looking to further their education.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
Those that want to leave are probably not the ones you want to avoid.
IMO, anyone who is awake and aware of the situation in any capacity, and can think rationally has, or is, considering leaving, or has left already.
It’s the people who agree and are happy with what is happening that you should probably avoid, and they don’t want to leave.
- Comment on LPT: always be an asshole so you don't miss great opportunities in life 1 month ago:
Sadly true, also the reason that most c-levels are also assholes. They want power and money and being an asshole is damn near a requirement to do so.
- Comment on Anon makes a troubling connection 1 month ago:
You can buy often that comes with more drama than it’s worth, and/or, isn’t consistent in terms of being able to have someone to be intimate with.
There are exceptions here, but they’re relatively uncommon.
Not saying that people in relationships can be intimate with their partner whenever they want, but I am saying you have more opportunities to be intimate, as long as both people are willing to do so at the same time.
- Comment on Anon makes a troubling connection 1 month ago:
Maybe, but also, relationships take a lot of time and effort and sometimes your significant other is just crazy and you have to break it off.
It seems like getting a real-enough experience with a “real doll” and then not having to deal with another person or their drama, may appeal to some.
Not me, I’ve been in a long term relationship for going on 10 years now. I can just take my bias out of the discussion and consider other perspectives.
- Comment on Anon makes a troubling connection 1 month ago:
Given the existence of products like “real doll”, there’s some merit to it happening to humans.
I don’t know enough about any of it since I’m in a relationship with someone who has a pulse, and I like it that way.
- Comment on Resume help 1 month ago:
That’s just ADHD that’s undiagnosed.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Assassin's Creed 1 month ago:
I had to stop playing when I saw the review for AC 3 (I think) from Zero punctuation.
He pointed out that the quests were almost entirely “gofer” quests… You know, you go over there and get that, then go fer that other thing and go…
I started the game not long after and I have to say, he was right. And every time I was given a quest to go somewhere only to talk to someone with little to no reason for doing so other than, I have nothing better to do in the game… When that happened, I heard his voice in my head talking about how annoying gofer quests were.
It annoyed me, and I stopped playing as a result. Never got past the first chapter.