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- Comment on How to satisfy your merry Curieosity.... 2 days ago:
This is how life should be.
- Comment on Divided and conquered 1 week ago:
Some are dumb, some are evil. Some are both, but none are neither.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
That’s how we got the Nazis to stop the first time around: we sat down with them over a cup of tea and expressed our unity with them.
Oh no, wait, that’s not how we defeated Fascism, at all.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
We didn’t defeat the Nazis the first time with amnesty, conversation, and kindness.
We defeated them by stabbing them, shooting them, and fire bombing their cities.
We will have to do it again.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 5 weeks ago:
Y’all still using paper money and coins?
I haven’t used physical bills in twenty years.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
I always park strategically - not closest to the front door, but right next to a cart corral if possible.
This is triply important when you’re lugging kids around.