- Comment on What TV shows have aged the best, and what TV shows have aged the worst? 12 hours ago:
Have you not been paying attention to the intelligence of average Americans?
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 2 days ago:
Look at this red neck hick over here drinking cheap beer who things he’s a god because people tolerate him enough to use him for his tiny island of knowledge around cnc machines.
The only line of work he can maintain because the machine doesn’t judge him for his horrendous stench and ogre like appearance.
- Comment on If you think that you are always right remember you could actually be stupid and not know it 4 days ago:
Most painful comment so far
- Comment on Forgot a number in my address... 5 days ago:
There are ways to verify addresses exist and while an unknown address is possible, it should be extra work for the user to enter such an address such that it isn’t the browser autofilling to blame.
These databases are used for calculating taxes since someone on one side of the street can have a different tax rate than their neighbor on the other side of the street.
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
Whereas they have to treat all men as though they are their worst iterations just to be safe, and that can be frustrating and confusing and they also know that it’s hurtful to treat men who may not be terrible that way.
It’s more complicated than that. They have to treat men with unearned respect while planning for the worse. Treating man as a threat can make him a threat if he feels his masculinity is threaten he may act erratically.
To put it the other way, they don’t have to worry about managing the bear’s feelings.
- Comment on Elon Musk Shared, Then Deleted X Post Absolving Hitler, Stalin and Mao of Genocide 1 week ago:
Is that a wig? I knew those baseball caps were being used to hide bad hair days but looks like his transplants are gone.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
OMG, Daniel Tosh is on Lemmy!
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 weeks ago:
Their time is worthless, they use slave labor.
- Comment on Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak says Tesla ‘is the worst in the world’ at improving its technology for drivers 2 weeks ago:
"FSD is the best of the best and has improved dramatically the last few months.
Every musk fanboi has repeatedly claimed this “last few months” line for the past several years. If it was actually true the car would be sentient by now.
- Comment on got any others? 2 weeks ago:
Fuck copyrights.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
Americans actually pay a higher effective tax rate than in civilized countries, while receiving fewer services in return.
Only the very weathy have a lower effective rate because they use discretionary spending to purchase lax tax laws.
America is a shit hole country in deep deep denial.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
So he bought a house for 6k 50 years go and now has to pay 2k in property taxes each year. If he was renting that wouldn’t cover two months.
Does he also complain that the sales tax on candy bar is more than he used to pay for a candy bar when he first bought his house?
- Comment on Your boomer parents after giving you the most outdated job-seeking advice of your fucking life [Day 86] 3 weeks ago:
Instructions unclear.
Threw a brick through each window at the local strip mall.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
That you use being offended to be offensive it is a common emotional response. So I accept the explanation that you are of simple mind in this regard.
You’ve have choosen to take the intolerance of one small opinion of mine and expanded it to total intolerance of me as a fellow human.
You do you.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Cool. And yet you keep responding and so what does that say about you? What compels you to continue this demonstration? Do you feel your superior virtue has not be made clear?
It feels like you need to silence me and your method involves intimidating me. What is your justification for this.
Why do draw the line at beliefs? This is all endless curious to me.
I am most curious why your curiosity has this hardline and what makes you feel so extremely justified, so certain. All this allowing you to draw a hard line here of all places.
I expect you won’t elaborate but I suspect it is all based on emotion and not logic.
I’m not sure if it was your another that indicated I should fear being body shamed myself and so how much of all this is based on your fear of being body shamed.
I know mine is partly based on not giving a shit if someone wants to make fun of me because I would never give another person that power over me.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Your assumptions for my reasons for responding is based on your personal biases. It indicates a lack of curiosity as to who I am as in individual.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
The issue here is still you thinking I’m offended. I’m not. You continue to insist I am and insist you know my motivations.
You and I disagree I what a bad person is. I can accept that. Why can’t you?
I posted this knowing it would get called out. Literally just said that. It appears you’ve having trouble understanding what I am saying.
I think this makes you a bad person. If you disagree then by your own rules that makes you childish. Does this help you see the fallacy of your logic?
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
It’s really weird how much emotion is in all of these responses but it’s really silly when you then claim I am being emotional.
I’ve made no claims to my moral superiority but you and other have. That is a paradox.
We disagree on something. Calling me childish is a bully tactic.
I am true to myself and that offends people in weird silly ways. It results in them applying their imagined prejudices to me.
These are all logical fallacies and if there is one thing I’ve learned over the year is that those who deploy them are not worth arguing with and this is such an occurrence.
I knew it would lead here because the internet is predictable because people are predictable.
For example you will now ignore me or responses with an emotional response, dismisal of my position and list of logical facllicies you feel I am using because you aren’t interesting in a discussion.
You need me to be a bad person
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
Nope. I understand logical fallacies.
For example, you calling me a child is one.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
It’s funny how you’re acting superior but have no problem judging the world I must live in as being shitty.
The difference between you and I is that I don’t lie to myself. It’s a subtle difference but actually leads to living in a world that is less shitty.
Maybe one day you can join me but you’ll need to let go of that gate your keeping yourself behind.
- Comment on Chad rule 4 weeks ago:
This is fundamentally no different than making fun of someone for obvious plastic surgery. Choices were made.
This guy is clearly choosing to look like this.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
They weren’t lied to by the right. They were lied to by themselves.
Themselves are the problem and one cannot not remove one from the other.
Those themselves will never be our allies. They will slink right back to their comforting lies at the first convenient moment, betray us, and laugh about it.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Charlie Brown and the football gag.
Day after day.
Year after year.
There are always people on the left that think this is the time things will be different. They’ve been yanking it away at the last moment since before the civil war.
It’s time to stop being a Charlie Brown.
- Comment on Protesters Display Upside-Down American Flag at Yosemite | meant to draw attention to the Trump administration’s cuts to the National Park Service. 4 weeks ago:
This is how everyone should be displaying the US flag.
- Comment on I just think skibidibi sounds neat. 4 weeks ago:
The use of sus dates back to at least 1936.
- Comment on I started doing sketches for fun. Got so many compliments I'm going to do it full time and quit my real job 4 weeks ago:
5111 1111 1111 1111
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
I agreed. There is more to raising a son than discussing masturbation.
Being a women is not an excuse for not being able to research these topics around male adolescence.
There are tons of materials and without more information it is not possible to know what the knowledge gaps are and op needs to start reading to find theirs.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
Except the most expensive phones on the market are android devices.
It’s actually incredibly difficult to tell if someone has the latest iPhone or one that is five years old.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 5 weeks ago:
We’re not there yet. The problem is as we approach it, they just skim more so we will reach a point where we should barely need to work but won’t know it.
That skim is how the stock market keeps going up in ways that make no sense to the workers. They’ve figured out how to profit regardless of the struggles of the working class.
As it stands today, we could probably survive by working one day per week, likely less. The amount being skimmed is that insane.