- Comment on Blobfish 6 hours ago:
- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 17 hours ago:
That’s when I stopped watching the Office.
- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 17 hours ago:
That reminds me of all the Olibur memes.
Once I figured out the plot to every season I stopped watching.
A lies to B to protect them. Something happens to B because they didn’t know the truth. Truth comes out anyway. Reconciliation. Rinse. Repeat.
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 3 days ago:
You know why.
- Comment on Top 50 TV Shows Of All Time Ranked by the most known sources of ratings like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. Agree? 3 days ago:
Nice to see Fleabag on there.
- Comment on "Saw XI" has been canceled 1 week ago:
I guess not enough people
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Saw X
- Comment on What is your single favourite movie soundtrack? 1 week ago:
Snatch is a fun one.
π is also very good.
- Comment on Here's one more for you 🐸 1 week ago:
Thanks, that’s a cute frog.
- Comment on Here's one more for you 🐸 1 week ago:
This happened to me irl as a kid. I said I liked frogs at a family event once and for the next 5 years I got frog themed presents.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 mod for Stardew Valley is out now 2 weeks ago:
“I can fix him” might be the trope you’re looking for
- Comment on Get Your Coconuts Ready: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Is Returning to Theaters 2 weeks ago:
There’s going to be a resurgence of people who think quoting it is the epitome of humor.
- Comment on Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show? 3 weeks ago:
Groundhog Day. At first, I’d expect it to be incredibly fun, but then I’d expect a vast loneliness to set in. Nobody can understand your situation, you cannot grow relationships, and everyone else stays the same while you continue to grow. But eventually I expect that you would adjust mentally and settle into a routine, similar to how happiness tends to eventually return to baseline levels after culture shock or a major injury. So, you know, like the movie.
- Comment on Tesla for Sale: Buyer’s Remorse Sinks In for Elon Musk’s E.V.-Owning Critics 3 weeks ago:
A number of defectors from the Tesla brand said that a deal-breaker was when Mr. Musk extended his arm diagonally upward, palm facing down while speaking at an inauguration event for Mr. Trump, a gesture that resembled a salute used in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
Why are they still tiptoeing around it? It is a Nazi salute.
- Comment on Has Anyone Else Noticed Jellico's Face Constantly Changes in Prodigy? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Why aren't all rooms holodecks? 3 weeks ago:
Considering how often a single holodeck tries to take over the ship/kill its occupants/malfunctions, the fewer the better.
- Comment on Ban misogynistic online pornography, review to propose 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, so the only good that will come of it are the protest photos and videos.
- Comment on Greenpeace Is Going to Trial in $300 Million Suit That Poses Bankruptcy Risk 4 weeks ago:
Yep, the opposition to it is right on Greenpeace’s website. Was interesting to read elsewhere about just how much of an outlier golden rice is when it comes to the usual objections to GMOs of patents/corporate evils, the consequences of the modification (e.g. pesticide resistance in plants leading to overuse and resistance in pests), and purpose (alleviate malnutrition as opposed to increase profits). Thanks for pointing me at something new to learn today.
- Comment on Greenpeace Is Going to Trial in $300 Million Suit That Poses Bankruptcy Risk 4 weeks ago:
I’m interested in some more details about that. Got a link to recommend?
- Comment on Greenpeace Is Going to Trial in $300 Million Suit That Poses Bankruptcy Risk 4 weeks ago:
Can’t they just take a play out of the corporate playbook and come back as Greeenpeace, a legally distinct entity, after transferring assets to the new entity indirectly while the old entity becomes insolvent?
- Comment on Grimes Publicly Asks for Elon Musk's Help With Their Kid's "Medical Crisis" - E! Online 4 weeks ago: Sorry to ping you, but you’ve got an alt for an alt right troll on on your instance. Looks like there are alts on most servers, but there’s a reason this user has been banned from most places.
- Comment on Grimes Publicly Asks for Elon Musk's Help With Their Kid's "Medical Crisis" - E! Online 4 weeks ago:
UniversalMonk must have gotten banned from other instances. This alt is two days old. Looking forward to this one getting banned, too.
- Comment on Admins Hijack Conservative Community Over Not Removing Post Praising Elon Musk's "I Give My Heart To You" Salute 4 weeks ago:
Good riddance. It’s a Nazi salute done by a Nazi.
- Comment on your average entomology textbook 5 weeks ago:
Wow, can’t unsee Agent Cooper now.
Damn fine bug sex.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
I agree the guy shouldn’t be so quick to pull a gun, but it also solved his problem very quickly. He was making sure carts were returned, gun came out, no more carts in the parking lot. Nobody got hurt, nothing was damaged, and the situation was resolved quickly.
Does it sound insane yet?
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
Dude, going from my car got a removable magnet on it to my car got keyed to my children’s lives are at stake is an insane take, not a rational one. Justifying shooting someone because you’re generally scared is something cops do when they shoot an unarmed, handcuffed black man because an acorn sounds like danger. It’s not a defensible position.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
People that think gun is the appropriate response to magnet are a big part of why I want to leave this country.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
That time Cart Narcs got a gun pulled on them in Texas:
Assholes have guns and that’s all they need to think they’re right.
- Comment on Real 5 weeks ago:
From OP’s link, other of the papers: ……/japplphysiol.01413.2009
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
Best overlords ever.
- Comment on What would you consider the 3 greatest movies ever made? 5 weeks ago:
It’s too bad we had to get worse voice acting to get the whole plot. For anybody that would like to compare, Warriors of the Wind is available on