- Comment on The Voices 1 day ago:
I am amused but I also don’t really think I get it. Am I dumb
- Comment on Another treasure stolen from us 6 days ago:
I always have. The PS2 only fits 2 cards. Did you only ever have 2 cards? If you had more than 2 then where did you put the rest?
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
So far I’ve tried Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Pop OS. Although I only briefly tried Pop OS. Didn’t stick around long enough to see if it would have issues as well. There were other issues with that one that I can’t quite remember…I think it was that often the OS would decide not to boot. Something about a weird compatibility issue with the BIOS or something.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
The basic mouse features work, stupid. It’s the gesture features that don’t work, stupid. No one has come up with good support for anything other than basic mouse features on Linux, stupid.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Like I said, my computer no longer has BSODs in Windows after some settings I changed.
I do remember when I first got the laptop, it was frustrating because it would BSOD with relative frequency. I was very frustrated with the manufacturer…because the laptop would always pass hardware benchmark tests and the BSODs were random, so they refused to look at it under warranty.
I don’t think I have ever tried that particular set of texts before, though. I tried googling it…is it the one by Pass Mark? If so, I’ll check it out, thanks.
Re: hanging in Linux…no, the system would completely freeze up and never recover until I manually powered down the system. Interestingly, I found some other users stating that they had this issue with Firefox because of some resources issue or something. So I planned to try to switch to Chrome, but got frustrated with the features mouse not being compatible anyway. So I left it at that.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Wouldn’t surprise me, but the point was that it’s fixable in Windows but not the Linux distro I have tried.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Plug and play essentially means “it just works”. Like as simple as plugging in a USB mouse and using it. When something isn’t plug and play, it means it takes a bit of fiddling with.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
I can’t get the more elaborate functions of my common Logitech mouse to work properly. And Linux systems like to cause my computer to periodically hang for some reason. In Windows, it used to BSOD, and I managed to fix the issue in Windows but it seems impossible for me to fix in Linux because of how vague of an issue it is.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
I’m in a similar boat. My computer meets all of the other requirements like TPM and whatnot, yet they are arbitrarily deciding that my processor is too old. And for some reason you can walk into your local computer store and buy a laptop with the shittiest processor and other specs possible that somehow runs Windows 11. Just because the processor on the new shitbox was manufactured more recently. Ridiculous.
- Comment on Technology isn't fun anymore 2 weeks ago:
Is there a community like /r/lostredditors for Lemmy lol
- Comment on fingerme 3 weeks ago:
I love this
- Comment on fingerme 3 weeks ago:
You’d think that every place should do this, but for whatever reason a lot of them do weird shit like in the OP. Not sure why that is. Maybe they are afraid of the characters running too long or something like that for people with long names?
- Comment on The right person for me deserves better. 4 weeks ago:
Legalize robosexual marriage!!
- Comment on This jerk poisoned my water supply, burned my crops and delivered a plague unto our houses! 4 weeks ago:
I don’t. Honestly no one should respect me.
- Comment on Guys with coprophilia are always trying to slide into my BMs 5 weeks ago:
Truly a shitpost
- Comment on 'Murica! 5 weeks ago:
Found it in the wild? Why does it look like AI? Is there some sort of funky post processing happening?
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
Idk. I put my cart back but I have heard an occasional decent argument why someone wouldn’t.
One of the biggest ones is a single parent shopping alone with one or multiple very small children. I get that ideally the cart corral probably isn’t super far away, but leaving small kids alone for even a short period of time must be nerve wracking and not always safe depending on the area and climate.
- Comment on Understimulated 5 weeks ago:
Wow…I played that way too fucking long lol. Then my screen froze and I figured it was time to stop playing.
- Comment on Pick the best description of your parents and see if you turned out as predicted 5 weeks ago:
I’m not really sure where a not strict abusive parent fits.
- Comment on If you dont have a macking cmheese, are you even based? 5 weeks ago:
I’m using the Voyager app, but I don’t see a caption on mine?? Is there some setting I need to enable?
- Comment on I want to know. 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on A pirate's life 5 weeks ago:
In my experience, piracy sites are usually riddled with ads even with a good ad blocker.
- Comment on I mean I would totally give it a try 1 month ago:
“Let’s eat, Grandma!”
“Let’s eat Grandma!”
- Comment on Eaten’ on the roof 1 month ago:
Wow…I read back my comment and I noticed I somehow had a stroke and wrote it backwards lmao.
I meant I’d rather eat alone!!! Dunno wtf happened there!
- Comment on Eaten’ on the roof 1 month ago:
I think I might be more comfortable eating with a giant stuffed mascot as opposed to eating alone.
- Comment on My mom lying her ass off about me to her friends so she can brag [Day 73] 1 month ago:
Ohhh ok. Yeah I know of The Room but I’ve never watched the whole thing myself. It’s just interesting how this particular screenshot is trending from it on here lol.
- Comment on My mom lying her ass off about me to her friends so she can brag [Day 73] 1 month ago:
What is this meme referencing because I am seeing it everywhere
- Comment on Always go go go. Never no no no. 1 month ago:
It’s simple, really. There’s something about falling back asleep in the morning that feels so incredibly amazing. I swear it’s like some sort of drug or intoxicant. But simply waking up later without snoozing doesn’t give me a pleasurable feeling.
- Comment on Or taking feet pictures to keep the heat on 1 month ago:
I’ve been enjoying the memes! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sharing them here tbh! But just maybe not all at once is all!
- Comment on I don't exactly remember it that way 1 month ago:
Same but I’m even older!