- Comment on I’d find a way to burn it 3 days ago:
Vegetable. Hit the pan and flames.
- Comment on I’d find a way to burn it 3 days ago:
I embarrassingly started my first grease fire this weekend.
In my defense I never had used this stove and when I added oil to the pan it was a lot hotter than I was expecting. This was a very hot 5 setting.
I did what you’re supposed to do and just smothered it, though I puckered a little when I couldn’t find the lid at first glance and had to grab a pie tin.
- Comment on Get ya every time 3 days ago:
Recently saw a photo from Ukraine.
It was an abandoned or unoccupied trench. But it had 6 feet of rebar sticking up every few feet in the trench.
From the top of the trench it’s almost invisible.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 4 days ago:
You keep doing this thing with your eyebrows when you say this and it’s unsettling.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 4 days ago:
We keep telling you that you cancel all that goodwill out when you give the cashier The Look and announce there’s no need for bags and that you’re putting it all in your cart unprotected.
- Comment on motherfu.... 2 weeks ago:
Lightbringer, not Tightbringer.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Some white lotus shit there.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 2 weeks ago:
You’re just supposed to bite that bit off. Otherwise it’s just going to keep happening.
- Comment on I'll have one war please 2 weeks ago:
We have more ofnthe surface of the moon mapped than our own oceans. Go swimming.
- Comment on Animal Spirits 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Amish virus 3 weeks ago:
The amish do have computers and they’re linux
- Comment on I feel stupid asking this. But cities and countries who have smog and a major amount of air pollution. Why doesn't the wind blow it away or move it overtime? Is there that much pollution? 4 weeks ago:
From Pittsburgh l, grew up across the river from a coke plant. If you’ve read an article on US Steel being sold recently it’s likely got stock footage from the plant.
But it never stops. These facilties run 24/7. In fact a lot of the ovens can break if they’re not running.
And then there’s the fact that the hills bottle things in (PGH sits at the base of the Appalachians). It gets really bad when there is a temperature inversion over the area.
It’s not as bad as it used to be though. Dad’s generation always talked of how the snow would be dirty after a few hours, which I don’t really see.
- Comment on I welcome our new alien overlords 5 weeks ago:
The only thing I can think that would be unique is the life on this planet and the way it’s adapted and formed. We’d likely just be studied.
That is until they find out about the seven dragonballs.
- Comment on Cheers Bro 5 weeks ago:
I went to a private high school in the US and graduated in 06, just to set the scene.
Animal Farm was on the reading list sophomore year, and you were tested on it strictly on the plot. What happened. Who did what. That’s it.
The class as a whole learned more about cheating than anything, because the teacher used the same tests for his whole career. They were typed on a typwriter, you just wrote your answers on your own paper and turned them both in. He was a good basketball coach from what I understand though, so… yeah.
- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 1 month ago:
Helldivers 2 for similar reasons.
- Comment on What are your bank details? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Merry Crisis 1 month ago:
Patton Oswalt has a whole bit of how cleaned up G rated filth is a million times worse than just swearing.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Why did you have to bring Vin Diesel into this?
- Comment on this Malawi gold shit is wayy strong than I was expecting 1 month ago:
I listened to that Beefheart album and I’d beg to disagree.
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
maybe but he’s a skinny guy
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
consciousness is stored in the balls
- Comment on Single-bladed razors are superior! 2 months ago:
That and the fact that I bought $20 in razors like 2 years ago and I’ve yet to buy more.
- Comment on This show is wild 2 months ago:
See, if you were into Gundam text rpgs on GeoCities forums in the late 90s, this is something you’d have encountered in the wild already.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 2 months ago:
I’ll just lick both handles to be safe
- Comment on The last thing Brian Thompson saw before he died 2 months ago:
How does this solve it for the elites?
- Comment on Just put a spray tan over it 2 months ago:
Do the whole unit and if something goes wrong tell the doc you fucked Shrek.
- Comment on Sounds like grapes or some shit 2 months ago:
Those be yeast queefs
- Comment on It's December, what are your favorite Christmas movies? 2 months ago:
Sure, they were winter releases if I remember right?
- Comment on luigiposting 2 months ago:
A real man doesn’t consistently miss their call time by 5 hours.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.