- Comment on How do I host a site for sharing notes for peers? 1 day ago:
Depending on your comfort level and cash flow.
You could host a mediawiki server on something like ovh or digital ocean.
Alternatively Atlassian has a software suite that matches your needs I figure.
There’s also Microsoft OneNote that’s fairly popular. I believe you can use it through their cloud services. And depending on your education institution’s policy it might be free if you ask their IT department.
- Comment on Is there a theoretical limit to profit? 4 days ago:
This article explores that. The Delusion of Infinite Economic Growth
- Comment on As a nurse, Can someone explain to me how a person OD'ing on Fentaynol can get not one but two Narcan shots and still not come to? How much Fent do you need to use to get a tol that strong? 1 week ago:
The application of medication isn’t exact. There are many uncertain variables at play when someone is dying. It’s quite possible that its not the only reason the patient is crashing or they’ve taken what some call a ‘heroic’ dose and its simply wasn’t enough.
- Comment on shoe 2 weeks ago:
Oh wow, this better not awaken anything in me
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 weeks ago:
I wonder if I could be made into quality boots and other clothes.
I’d like my mind to be uploaded into an AI heaven or whatever similar thing.
- Comment on Meal prep 2 weeks ago:
Oh using stuff not rated for those conditions could be an easy way to end up with glass in your eyes.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 weeks ago:
In any of these situations you’ve described, do not be the one that stops yourself. You’ll probably need to go into the office in person and explain the stress you’ve been through and how you’re unfamiliar with the process.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 weeks ago:
In my experience unless you’re friends with someone at the company. You need to be a unicorn candidate when applying on your own.
Entry level is an illusion they want people to take entry level pay with 10+ years of experience.
I was able to get my first industry job through the career services department at my school. So if your university is as good as they claim they’ll have something akin to that.
- Comment on If I go to Canada can I retire there and draw SS from the US? Also can I go to Canada buy a cabin or house with a plot of land and not work? Unless I just needed some walking around money? 3 weeks ago:
Someone once told me they will pay you to move to Alaska. So maybe just get buddy buddy with an oil company.
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 3 weeks ago:
Ah yes and once you’ve reached max duck you get a 90 second ad for essential oils or you’re free to click all the ducks.
- Comment on Is there a way to promote a community you create without stepping on toes? 3 weeks ago:
Don’t mind me I kinda like it.
Jokes aside, I usually see people shamelessly cross posting the same post across multiple communities.
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 3 weeks ago:
move those decimals over one.
Add a free tier and base it around gacha mechanics.
- Comment on Since the government can theoretically access the location of everyone's phone, wouldn't it be unsafe for an undocumented immigrant to have a phone? 3 weeks ago:
Unless you’re a person of great interest that level of effort just isn’t happening at the scale needed.
They got better things to do than go after all the people just trying to vibe with the locals.
- Comment on why is my whisky evaporating? 3 weeks ago:
If the room cools down after you seal the container it’ll feel tighter as well
- Comment on Don't mock feet hands it's a real thing 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Who wants a stretchable screen? 4 weeks ago:
I just want a bigger battery in the same form factor. Innovation in the wrong direction if you ask me haha
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 4 weeks ago:
You do make a fair point. I just imagined someone trying to fit their entire genealogy on their ID like Daenerys Targaryen.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 4 weeks ago:
I’m a fan of the hyphen strategy. I really don’t wanna change my last name just cause I fell in love. But hyphenation sounds like a good compromise.
- Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 4 weeks ago:
I’m pretty sure if I didn’t do any yard work by May I’d have the city repossessing my home.
- Comment on Are the inside parts of toilets universal? 4 weeks ago:
After trying to make the wrong replacement handle work, I’m gonna cast my vote as no.
- Comment on Cat Calibration 4 weeks ago:
Day 228: They still do not know I’m a Dog.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 4 weeks ago:
A Phony
- Comment on How would American culture change if the internet went down? 5 weeks ago:
Since a great deal of essential services rely on the Internet. It would probably be a bit like New York during 9/11 or Canada when one of their biggest ISP died.
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 5 weeks ago:
CentOS would be an empty coffee tin that still smells like coffee.
- Comment on well, at least I wasn't the only one to wonder 5 weeks ago:
it’s fucking horrific in humans. Don’t google it.
Is that the R34 sonic mutation?
- Comment on why is mexico not treated the same way as canada?? 5 weeks ago:
This is loosely related so forgive me if it’s not helpful.
The world has been broken up into economic zones for some markets. Using DVDs as my example.
Mexico falls into region 4 while the USA and Canada fall into region 1.
This serves several purposes but I’ll focus on one.
This allows the publishers to sell DVDs at different prices for different regions. This is to accommodate the different buying power of the average citizen of these regions, without competing with themselves at an international level.
I suspect why you don’t see Mexico on the tag is a reflection of this concept. You’re not selling the book at an equivalent value and advertising that might cause salty customers that want the less expensive price. Or citizens of that country demanding the alternative price while abroad, complicating things.
- Comment on Should I buy it? 5 weeks ago:
I suspect this would cause internal ouchies lol
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 5 weeks ago:
If I’m mistaken it depends on the precise model. Cause they contract manufacturing out to more than one place.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 1 month ago:
Theoretically Samsung and Taiwanese phones won’t be hit bad.
- Comment on the lemmy conundrum 1 month ago:
I find the best way to maximise that is to post around 8am for any major city.