- Comment on Stranger danger warning in eastern suburbs today 1 week ago:
You’d think a kid would have noted a rego by now. How hard is it to ping a white van hanging around schools?
- Comment on idk french but this escalated quickly 5 weeks ago:
They turned it into Cher-noble.
- Comment on Let's reclaim Doge! 5 weeks ago:
I keep telling you. She’s 18 years old, and she’s dead.
- Comment on I always get them confused. 2 months ago:
The best rule: It’s fantasy if there is a sword.
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 4 months ago:
We call it “streaming”.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
What’s the lesson here? Clean your bongs?
Imagine facing 30 years for not emptying out an old coffee cup.
- Comment on Fractals 6 months ago:
But it’s a badass fucking fractal!
- Comment on How do you search for honest product recommendations? 6 months ago:
Don’t search for reviews. Search for forum posts where users are having issues. “[Product] + [not working/failed/broken]” gets you an idea of what the product is like to live with, and now quickly issues get resolved.
- Comment on Victoria is launching a trial exploring medicinal cannabis patients being allowed to drive. Here's how it will work 6 months ago:
the drug is the second most frequently found substance in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle accidents after alcohol.
I suspect if they had a control group for this, they would find it is also the second most frequently found substance in the bodies of everyone everywhere, after alcohol.
- Comment on How do recommend eating this? 7 months ago:
Poke a pinhole and squeeze the juice into your mouth.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Protip: use to generate Simpsons memes effortlessly.
- Comment on What do you do with your time after leaving Reddit? 8 months ago:
Most of the reason I liked reddit (and use Lemmy) is because I use it almost exclusively while people are talking. Sound must always be off.
- Comment on Limited edition Great Gatsby 8 months ago:
There’s a Mulligrubs vibe to this.
- Comment on RIP in pieces 8 months ago:
Yeah, and I have to practice mental arithmetic because I won’t always have a calculator in my pocket.
- Comment on Rest easy 8 months ago:
Not sure of trolling… or just very stupid.
- Comment on Man, 21, charged with murder after 23yo woman's body found near Ballarat 8 months ago:
This is just devastating. Clunes is such a small town with cheery folk who probably all know each other.
- Comment on Push to lower Australia's compulsory voting age to 16 as advocate says youngsters feeling 'disenfranchised' 8 months ago:
My 2c, it should be optional at 16; mandatory at 18.
- Comment on Victoria to roll out tobacco licensing scheme by year's end 8 months ago:
I reckon alcohol, tobacco, gambling and marijuana should all be treated equally by law. Licensing, taxation, criminal sanctions - the same for each.
- Comment on Carbon emissions limits for cars weakened amid opposition's 'ute tax' campaign 8 months ago:
Ugh. Start charging rego by the kilo already. Big vehicles are an inconvenience to absolutely everyone.
- Comment on Waverley Park — Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!) 8 months ago:
I remember watching my dad direct traffic there. It took a full police unit to pull it off.
- Comment on What could be wrong with me? 11 months ago:
Look up ADHD and “Auditory Processing Disorder”. I believe there’s a decent overlap between the two.
- Comment on What could be wrong with me? 11 months ago:
I’m ADHD (inattentive type, so just ADD I guess).
This all checks out. The audio processing disorder part is particularly frustrating. I can hear everything perfectly, but can’t focus on a person speaking because my brain will give equal attention to every other noise source around me.
- Comment on Stop pussyfooting that gaspedal! 11 months ago:
I saw this meme so long ago that I think it was made using a flatbed scanner and uploaded on dialup.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 11 months ago:
It’s funny how when I jumped to DDG a few years back, I felt like I was sacrificing the quality of results for better privacy.
These days you get the best of both.
- Comment on This would be a nice temperature for Easter, not for Christmas Eve. 11 months ago:
The Melbourne demographics has changed wildly in the last 15 years. I’d suggest visiting first to make sure it’s still what you’re expecting.
- Comment on This would be a nice temperature for Easter, not for Christmas Eve. 11 months ago:
It’s 16°C in Melbourne at 10:30AM right now.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 11 months ago:
1ml of water is 1g.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 11 months ago:
Here’s a Starbucks cappuccino marked as 2g of protein per 100ml and 4.4g per serve.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 11 months ago:
The best example is the slab ‘o’ Coke from Woolies.
Sugar is marked as 10.6g/100ml and 39.8g per serve, and 24 serves in the pack.
Syrups are sold in grams, and maybe that getting 200g of sugar into 100ml of liquid is why.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 11 months ago:
Australia does this right. Everything has a percentage.
Nutritional panels have:
- Serving size
- Servings in the pack
- Energy, sugar, fat salt. etc per 100ml or 100g, and per serving.
Alcoholic beverages have “standard drinks” per bottle which factors in ABV and volume.
I can quickly see that a drink has 9g sugar per 100ml and know it’s 9% sugar. Easy.