- Comment on Four pianos. Four. 2 days ago:
The way are being transported…I wouldn’t get your hopes up for them. :'(
- Comment on Every time I search a windows error 6 days ago:
“Help! My computer is slow after an update.”
“Try reinstalling window and reformatting you drive”
“Help I can’t find my documents!”
- Comment on Memory is a fickle mistress 1 week ago:
Let’s assume she is telling the truth.
If this happened between ages 9-12, I’d be looking at the family as a whole to determine how this happened at such a young age and for so long with out any adult knowing. There wasn’t the internet where information about such topics is freely avalible. Someone planted the seeds and some one else failed to educate the kids about personal space while also somehow making the girl not want to tell her parents “hey my brother invented a wired new game!”.
I’ll also acknowledge that the girl may have been “consenting” to secret play time with out really knowing what was going on. At the time all was fine, but retrospectively all was clearly not fine.
Ultimately it’s a he said, she said fight and we will never know the truth.
- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 1 week ago:
But taxes!!!
Said anyone who doesn’t know that minus $600/month that only covers the basics plus $300? in taxes that covers a lot more is a net savings.
- Comment on Perspective 1 week ago:
But only for doomsday events. You get a 40 day notice.
- Comment on Memory is a fickle mistress 1 week ago:
#MeToo has also shown that there are people out there will claim SA as a form of revenge or in attempt to get money of the situation.
As things are, the man is always assumed guilty even when proven innocent.
I try not to take accusations at face value for this reason. You have to put your self in their shoes; If someone accuses you of SA 30 years ago, what do you do? How do you convince people it never happened or in the case of two consenting adults hooking up, how do convince people it was consensual.
By the time you prove your innocence, you’ve lost your job, friends, family, possibly divorced, children all have 100 mile restraining orders and have been told terrible things about you…your life is fucked because some saw the #MeToo movement and figured out there are 0 consequences for fucking up someone’s life.
That being said, if the accused is proven guilty, then feel free to chop of their head (not the one attached to the neck).
- Comment on Memory is a fickle mistress 1 week ago:
That whole article basically sums to they settled out of court, which proves nothing.
Innocent until proven guilty.
- Comment on Memory is a fickle mistress 1 week ago:
Why are they not scientists? Sure their profession was in special effects, but you don’t need a degree or a lab to carry out scientific research.
- Comment on Perspective 1 week ago:
Back-room alliances √ Build up of new weapons √ Bunch of other things √
Maybe its time to make friends with the doomsday peepers…
- Comment on Perspective 1 week ago:
That’s sad. Someone asked “what does she like?” and someone responded “TikTok”. At least the other stuff on the box is an actual theme.
- Comment on The greater good 2 weeks ago:
Love that she has fully embraced 2005 YouTube. Gives us hope for the future.
- Comment on Forgot your moms azz 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on alpha 2 weeks ago:
I too am a release candidate, but my marketing sucks.
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 weeks ago:
if they claim a 15lb Turkey feeds 12, how am I supposed trust any of the other numbers?
- Comment on Brazilian's impression on the united states(i have never been there and this is based on nothing) 3 weeks ago:
More accurate than the average american.
- Comment on Just the essentials 4 weeks ago:
That’s easy. Let’s assume you take home 18,000 a month. To get the couch, cut your food budget in half and skip rent for 1 month.
Using the extra $900 to hire a moving company to get the couch in.
Next month, you going to face late fees Again, cut the food budget in half, and use the $900 for rent.
Repeat for matching Tiger and Panther couches.
If your landlord complains about the late and unpaid rent, just remind them its all for the couches. They’ll understand and leave you alone. That being said, be sure to place the couches so one can be easily moved in front the door whenever you’re there.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 weeks ago:
[Insert the graph meme]
Dried pasta ----- homemade pasta ---- Dried pasta
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 weeks ago:
When you stop using boxed pasta.
- Comment on Kermit :) 5 weeks ago:
My brain: 9 years ago? So 2007 right?
No that’s 2015 :'(
- Comment on Kermit :) 5 weeks ago:
Never, apparently I’m one of today’s Lucky 10,000
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 5 weeks ago:
But do you have magic box where the beige happens?
- Comment on Fuck transphobia 5 weeks ago:
🎼Yum yum paste! 🎵
🎶I love to eat paste!🎶
🎵It’s got a great taste!🎵
- Comment on Fuck transphobia 5 weeks ago:
🎼Yum yum paste! 🎵
🎶I love to eat paste!🎶
🎵It’s got a great taste!🎵
- Comment on Fuck transphobia 5 weeks ago:
🎼Yum yum paste! 🎵
🎶I love to eat paste!🎶
🎵It’s got a great taste!🎵
- Comment on l fixed it! 5 weeks ago:
I agree, the unified experience is really good.
Its just their prices are highway robbery.
- Comment on l fixed it! 5 weeks ago:
Its seems less on the software side, but more of a hardware reparability and cost issue.
For the iphone 16, going from 128GB to 512GB is $200.
The new Mac mini is asking for $200 for 8GB extra of ram, and $800 for 2TB of (non-removable, encrypted) storage (the base model is only $600). For an extra $1200 you can upgrade the Mac mini to have 32GB RAM, 2TB of Storage and 10GB ethernet.
For reference a good Samsung top of line 2tb nvme drive is about $200. And most 32gb ddr5 kits are about $100. So instead of $300, you pay $1100.
On the software front, they are more stable. If you jumped from a 2014 iPhone to a 2024 iPhone (and iOS), it’d be similar enough you wouldn’t feel you’re on a brand new OS.
Good luck trying that with android (or even windows to some extent).
- Comment on 10 Ways to Destroy the World 1 month ago:
This really makes you appreciate the bazillion factors that went to making Earth a place where life can thrive.
Really sucks humans are wreaking it, and the only ones who can make a significant impact to reverse course don’t care.
- Comment on Help 1 month ago:
You lost that one buddy. Rule one of spreading misinformation is to completely ignore your opponent.
- Comment on Rock and Stone 1 month ago:
Indeed your sharp wit flew straight over my head and hit some poor bloke standing in the wrong place.
- Comment on Rock and Stone 1 month ago:
“Hating elfs”