- Comment on Thought I heard a buzzing 1 day ago:
This just getting better and better. Say less lol
- Comment on Like Elon Musk, 1 in 3 bosses admit they are pushing RTO because they're so upset about wasting money on all those empty desks 3 days ago:
Good. Turn that shit into housing.
- Comment on NY woman who used to own "NCC-1701" license plate ticketed thousands of dollars because of cars with Star Trek novelty plates going through traffic cameras. 4 days ago:
Yeah no. The thing here is that some cars are not designed to have a front LP, and you’ve got me fucked up if you think I’m going to drill holes in a piece of art.
- Comment on Time for some landlord love, I think 1 week ago:
I was honestly disgusted at first because I know for a fact this is what they see.
- Comment on Cups 1 week ago:
I think the reason I’m bitching about it is because it’s made it into my home. My SO’s friend got got by the ads, then gifted a similar cup as a gift (essentially got double got)
But now I gotta look at it multiple times a day
- Comment on Cups 1 week ago:
I don’t believe they are the same company but I could be wrong.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like spears 1 week ago:
This guy would bang my dead mom instead of using a spear? What an L.
- Comment on Cups 1 week ago:
It’s a godamn status symbol, and it’s a cup. A cup.
- Comment on Cups 1 week ago:
The next time someone says advertising doesn’t work, I want you to show them this meme.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 1 week ago:
So that’s why I saw that door with two separately labeled butt plugs on it instead of handles
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
Well yeah, but over time you start to realize behaviors. Just like over time, we’ve learned to rub potentially hazardous foods on your skin, then wait, the mucus membrane, then wait, then tiny piece, then wait. You don’t just jump right in with some random mushrooms.
I’m not knocking anyone for getting your first crazy SO surprise, but after a bit it’s a George W. Bush fool me once shame on, shame on you, fool me, can’t get fooled again situation.
Make boundaries, communicate, and go after what you want and try to work on what you don’t, and if it’s not possible it’s time to go. sometimes that’s not easy, but relationships aren’t easy.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
Gotta work on it. There’s someone for you, I know it’s cheesy as hell, but theres a ton of us and all of us get lonely and have the same issues give or take.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
Be honest with yourself and your partner in what you want. If those boundaries are crossed, dip.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
This helped everyone. Thank you.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
Well fuck, that’s rough. Take a bit to find out why and work on it. Best of luck to you
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
There are plenty of foods I don’t like, I avoid em
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 weeks ago:
Who is y’all datin
- Comment on Sounds like grapes or some shit 2 weeks ago:
This is gonna be the riskiest thing I click all day.
- Comment on 'I want to acknowledge that we messed up': NZXT addresses concerns about its controversial Flex gaming PC rental program and commits to taking action 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out
- Comment on 'I want to acknowledge that we messed up': NZXT addresses concerns about its controversial Flex gaming PC rental program and commits to taking action 2 weeks ago:
What a shame, they have the best looking cases imo.
Well anyone knows of a company that I can replace them with?
- Comment on Uno what really happened 2 weeks ago:
Well no. Only 90% of them. And barely.
- Comment on Sounds like grapes or some shit 2 weeks ago:
Lol this is filthy
- Comment on uraniumposting 2 weeks ago:
Lol I was just goofin
- Comment on uraniumposting 3 weeks ago:
Their feet are heavy enough, you sick fuck.
- Comment on seriousposting 3 weeks ago:
I saw it too, I’m not sure op did
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 weeks ago:
Woah woah woah, we weren’t expecting an easy example to prove us wrong, how dare you.
- Comment on I was there, I remember 3 weeks ago:
Oddly enough but I’m not staring because of tits, legitimately trying to figure out what’s going on here
- Comment on Under Trump will anything happen to my brothers Social Security Disability? He is 42 and draws it for mental illness. 3 weeks ago:
The only possible way is if they change the name to Bureau of Corruption.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Downvote this stupid shit and move on. If this is not about organizing or taking action, it does not belong here.
- Comment on Jake Rule vs Mike Ruleson 5 weeks ago:
What’s even scarier is that he got absolutely rolled when it came to pros.
You’re not wrong, dude was champ in the non pro arena, and as soon as he stepped in it was just as shocking with different winners.