- Comment on Basic courtesy 3 weeks ago:
You mean our coins are in the cart
- Comment on At this year's big speedrunning fest, Elden Ring bosses will be defeated with the power of saxophone 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 2 months ago:
Your take on Japanese music is fine. Your take on “western” (whatever that means) music is hot garbage, however.
- Comment on Hope you had a great christmas 2 months ago:
A) “You” as in your mammalian cells don’t care about (most) antibiotics. Your intestinal microbiome does, however. But it doesn’t exactly get resistant. B) Antibiotica used in medicine are generally reserved for medical purposes. High usage in agriculture is not pretty, sure, and certainly won’t help multi-resistant pathogen issues, but your statement is wrong regardless.
- Comment on the real best thing that Santa ever did 2 months ago:
Nikolaus != Santa
- Comment on Battle like MEN 2 months ago:
Wars break out all over the world Trust us smooch , we are doing this smooch for our country!
- Comment on Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing) 3 months ago:
What do you mean “too easy to piss off a German”, do you want trouble? I’ll give you some you lousy … samba dancer.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
“They … they’ve hit me, Finn” Enderal, a should-play
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
“Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.” And so SO many others from Darkest Dungeon. “Commander” from the newer X-Com games … tha dark, rapsy voice
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
Isn’t that Darkest Dungeon?
- Comment on Bottom of the Ocean 3 months ago:
Dang, you were faster
- Comment on Bottom of the Ocean 3 months ago:
Wouldn’t the bottom of the ocean NOT be water?
- Comment on Swords suck, spears are a way more effective weapon 3 months ago:
I feel you. I know how many hits I can get in just stabbing at unexpected moments at long range with my sword, with a spear it would be plenty easier.
- Comment on Swords suck, spears are a way more effective weapon 3 months ago:
Have you ever fenced against a spear?
- Comment on Come to Biotech! 3 months ago:
Seemingly pointless tasks such as washing sand!
- Comment on well, at least I wasn't the only one to wonder 3 months ago:
Toxicologists and medical scientists looking for data on humans suddenly having to learn Japanese (or German) …
- Comment on Sore loser Kamala STILL hasn't admitted she lost as world waits for concession speech and Biden stays silent 3 months ago:
I … you do know that it has benn, like, two days? One day? I don’t know when you folks are done over there. If you think “ah, Trump still does not recognise the election, but Harris is just as bad!” then I don’t think we have a further basis for discussion.
- Comment on Sore loser Kamala STILL hasn't admitted she lost as world waits for concession speech and Biden stays silent 4 months ago:
Damn, what a loser. At least Donald Trump never refused to admit his defeat for a good four years, and instead ceded right after the polls were closed, right?
- Comment on Why is voting before the deadline in US elections referred to as 'early voting'? 4 months ago:
I mean, yes of course I would, but solely because I somehow voted for Trump.
- Comment on Truly a tragedy of our times 4 months ago:
That’s … actually very high quality!
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
Tbf, this has proven to be extremely effective: Just think of how many tobacco or chili plants are grown today! Domestication really is a two-way-street
- Comment on Explains a lot... 4 months ago:
*Ah, here we go shit again
- Comment on Batteries/Chargers 4 months ago:
Great answers already, I’d like to add a few things: Lithium batteries like to be charged at 1C, meaning that if they have a capacity of 1.6 Ah they like to be charged at 1.6 A and will (theoretically) be fully charged in one hour (this is wrong in practice though). You can charge most of them at a higher rate (e.g. at 3.2 A), but they should be rated for it. If you don’t better, stick to a lower amperage. Too low of an amperage should not be an issue but I’m not sure - it will take ages though.
The voltage has to fit! Batteries change their voltage over the course of charging/discharging. This is more pronounced in older NiMH or NiCdH (discard those) batteries but still relevant. A 12V charger can charge your batteries to 12V. Most chargers can handle different voltages and will usually select the correct voltage depending on the battery. This is important if you are charging LiIons or LiPos (two types of Lithium batteries), as overcharging them is NOT advised. They generally peak at around 4.2V per cell I think with a working charge (don’t know the term) of 3.7V per cell. Some chargers require you to select the number of cells. Charging a 2-cell LiPo with 12-13 volt is a bad idea I wager and charging a 3-cell LiPo with 9.something volt won’t work (it won’t drain it, but the minimal voltage is higher than what the charger provides - current would like to flow the other way if It could).
TL,DR: If you can adjust the charging parameters manually or you are doing something the manual states you shouldn’t be doing, educate yourself. If however you only plug in your phone (with a painfully small battery at 2 Ah) and only provide a 1.5A*5V=7.5W charger, you are perfectly fine.
- Comment on Anthropologists: "You motherfuckers!" 5 months ago:
Well, what else is there to human behaviour? There are some serious hypothesis about the interface between neurology and quantum mechanics, but if you break humans down to their foundations they will invariably die. Don’t do that, it’s bad.
- Comment on Any game with a forced stealth section needs to have it as a warning so you know not to buy crap. 5 months ago:
Hot take.
- Comment on Citation Ascension 5 months ago:
+1 for Zotero and Biblatex. You do need the “Better Bibtex”-Plugin though, or at least I highly recommend it.
“Zotfile” allows you to more or less automatically create a filesystem, so as long as you have a way to sync parts of your drive (or access a server) you can have working links to every paper in your library on any machine.
- Comment on Bethesda, you just entered the no flight zone 5 months ago:
Consider getting a therapist, this sounds very unhealthy.
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
Something to remember: thicker filaments, while they do last longer, worsen the ratio of light to heat.
- Comment on Climate change 5 months ago:
They’d … switch to metric?
- Comment on "rebellious" 6 months ago:
It’s going to be very hard having the same opinion for all of these (somewhat abstract) instances - considering how wildly incompatible some of these are.