Anon discovers real life
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Comments 1 month ago 5 weeks ago
Shouldn’t have trusted that fart. 1 month ago
It’s time to stop posting anon. You’re free. 1 month ago
There is groups of people that will out right ruin your life because they believe it somehow improves their own. But they are statistically a very small portion of the population. So long as you avoid the " energy vampires" and stick to the Normie’s, you are likely fine to go out and make friends just; shower, manscape/ladyscape, be friendly, and people will likely respond to you positively. However; if you are out being curteous, friendly, generally positive, and people are reacting negatively, congrats you found energy vampires. If it keeps happening you are being hunted by energy vampires. If it only happens around certain friends, those friends at best are energy vampire familiars and they are dragging you to be fed on. Be aware, and always keep in mind nothing is stopping you from leaving. I’ve known more than a handful of people including myself that decided it was better and safer to just walk 20-30miles in the middle of the night rather than enduring the people they were with. It may not be a fun to do all that walking, but spending energy on a easy exercise like walking is better than spending emotional energy on people that just want to hurt you to get a buzz. 5 weeks ago
Fuck Colin Robinson.
Hang out with Guillermo instead. 5 weeks ago
The fresh air and movement can improve your mood as much as just being away from the funsuckers.
Who doesn’t look forward to going home, putting on some comfy clothes, and chilling with their cat? 1 month ago
If, after having been in someone’s presence, you feel like you’ve lost a quart of plasma - avoid that presence.
William S. Burroughs
That goes for online communities too. 5 weeks ago
This is so true. I read online and see how panicked and angry people are at us in the states. It breaks my heart. But I just read and listen instead of respond lately.
I notice how much our apps are made to make us angry or sad. All to prey on people to buy things to make them feel better.
But when I hang out with my family who all voted Kamala or friends, or just being kind to strangers in real life – Its just a whole new vibe of hope that we will get through this.
Im trying more and more to get outside my bubble and be more social. It feels like a great way to protest tech oligarchs. 5 weeks ago
It does put you in a false state sometimes and it’s good to know multiple perspectives.
I invited these new guys out to go drinking. And my god, the level of ignorance and “uh I don’t really understand politics” followed by a strong appreciation for Elon Musk.
Yeah last time I’m drinking with those guys. 5 weeks ago
OP isn’t wrong, it’s the reason I came off social media years ago & I’ve been so happy since
Browsing social media gave this false illusion that people were constantly out having the time of their lives, every single day.
I just constantly felt like I had to try and do the same, that my life was boring and miserable. The reality is that I was doing and having more fun than most people based on conversation, social media was just painting a very false picture of people’s day to day lives. 5 weeks ago
4chan is a psyop, it got sold before the 2016 election. 5 weeks ago
Lol, that has nothing to do with the constant psyops run on it. Those have been present since well before the sale. The site allows anyone to post anonymously. It’s the perfect grounds for manufacturing the appearance of consensus. 5 weeks ago
You realize this thing right here is social media too, right? :o 5 weeks ago
By definition, yes.
But let’s be honest, you know exactly what I meant. 1 month ago
Every platform is like this 5 weeks ago
I was going to say if you think 4chan is bad you should go on Reddit. That is peak delusion 5 weeks ago
We short guys are in a golden age, women don’t care so much any more. When I was dating heavily, I went out with 4 women taller than me. 5 weeks ago 1 month ago
Lol. They comment based on what they want, not what they have. 5 weeks ago
Dude this comment was sad. 5 weeks ago
Really? The ‘they’ I was referring to was the 4chan mouth breathers demanding their submissive waifish perfect 10s with PhDs, not red or green op text. But hey, I guess we’re not that different from the reddit userbase, huh? 1 month ago
Real and straight. 5 weeks ago
How is that possible? 5 weeks ago
Non anon government plant