- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
Within 50 years, the whole world population is going to shrink dramatically, and it will have nothing to do with declining birth rates.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 4 days ago:
We met have the level of social safety nets that France does to allow people the freedom to pretest without starving or becoming homeless. It is by design. They keep everyone just on the verge of poverty so nobody can afford to be disruptive.
- Comment on You have to pick one 1 week ago:
What is the velocity of each one?
A slow moving bowling ball causes little to no damage.
A marble fired at around half the speed of light might do some damage.
- Comment on Anon offers some dating advice 2 weeks ago:
goat: anon stares at goats
- Comment on What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life? 2 weeks ago:
The Princess Bride
- Comment on Acorns! 2 weeks ago:
<slow clap>
- Comment on Florida opens criminal investigation into Tate brothers 2 weeks ago:
DeSantis hates them.
- Comment on Jon Stewart lacerates hand on air, for the second time. 3 weeks ago:
There is medical grade super glue, and I highly recommend using it over the standard stuff, primarily because the chemicals in regular superglue isn’t great for your cut.
- Comment on Cannot unsee 4 weeks ago:
Bro in the costume has his dick out on full display without anyone noticing.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 4 weeks ago:
Nope. Do it. I did. It’s rough at first, but it gets better over time.
You won’t miss him. You’ll miss the idea of who he was, but then you’ll realize he was never the person you grew up believing in/admiring.
Sometimes you grow up and your dad stays your hero. Other times, you learn he’s a narcissist misogynistic selfish small minded person.
Cut people like this out of your life.
- Comment on Life goals 5 weeks ago:
This feels a lot like a bachelor party thing
- Comment on Anon remembers summer 5 weeks ago:
Rebase would mean only one of those two things is real and true in the history, and it’s whatever the last thing was. The other one has no SHA or commits in history anywhere anymore and is essentially erased whenever the
does agc
.Merging is correct I believe (at least in this context), as you alluded to. But a rebase means only one version of summer exists, not another summer. And there’s no record of that first summer ever existing after a
push. - Comment on Anon discovers real life 5 weeks ago:
Non anon government plant
- Comment on The Oligarchs Who Came to Regret Supporting Hitler | They helped him in pursuit of profit. Many ended up in concentration camps. 1 month ago:
To seize their assets as “state” assets after their deaths. It’s a somewhat common tactic of fascist regimes to treat their oligarchs as piggy banks.
Anytime you need some more money for the “state” (aka the dictator’s pockets), you knock off an oligarch and seize their assets.
- Comment on Brother HL-2280DW, what are you doing? 1 month ago:
Missed opportunity for:
Step Brother HL-2280DW…
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 1 month ago:
If it actually was attempted to be cooked in a skillet, a very, very different outcome and text message would have been shared.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 1 month ago:
I was with you but if you’re calling out logical fallacies your ad homenims are a little much against the guy, who I agree, sounds 15 or a 55 sovcit.
The majority of your post is valid though, outside of the personal attacks.
- Comment on Anon becomes a shrimp farmer 1 month ago:
Weeks. Months at most.
- Comment on What’s gone wrong with James Bond? No star, no script, no plan 1 month ago:
This is what leads to ww3 in the stupidest timeline. So, ours.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Disagree. If the son cared, he’d end things with his father. He should become a better man than his father. Tell the son, and if he doesn’t respond in support of his wife, then it should probably end there anyhow.
- Comment on Now give me a treat 2 months ago:
Either can make them very ill/cause death (in extremely high dosages), but the effects are different. Even if they don’t eat things with the THC psychoactive qualities having been unlocked from heat being applied, they can still “look” like they’re very stoned, when in fact, they’re just very, very sick.
Dogs tend to hide all sick-like behaviors similarly. It’s just one of those evolutionary instinctual things they do to not show weakness that could get them removed from a pack (or so I’ve read).
- Comment on Now give me a treat 2 months ago:
It takes a surprisingly large amount of weed to hit the LD50 point for dogs out turns out. Somewhere around 1 gram per pound of body weight.
But yeah, they do not handle it well at all.
- Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 2 months ago:
Alcohol or other solvents like Acetone work, but another easy trick a lot of people aren’t aware of is to go over a permanent marker with a dry erase marker, and then wipe it off.
I shit you not, it works. We tested this across several whiteboards. First in inconspicuous spots, then on main parts of the board. Occasionally there was some residue remaining if the permanent marker stayed on for long, but the solvent they use in dry erase markers also erases permanent marker material.
YMMV on a tape measure though…
- Comment on I know what I have 2 months ago:
Why is he looking to downgrade his lifestyle?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Going to take a lot of therapy to therapy the cunt part of her away
- Comment on My favorite 2 months ago:
Porque no Los dos
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
Giving a serious answer with serious consideration that follows serious rules, is impossible with religion, as all the rules are made up, there’s no consistency, and they’re all silly.
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
That shoe rack next to the door will prevent it from opening more than a crack, and it annoys me.
- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 3 months ago:
All she has in her house are succulents? That makes sense. They’re literally the only things someone like her could possibly hope to keep alive. They need almost zero attention, maintenance, or moisture.
Just like her brain.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
The image of a 4 inch tall human towering over a bird amuses me.