Thanks I hate it
Submitted 1 day ago by to
Comments 1 day ago 1 day ago
Perhaps you suffer from trypophobia. 14 hours ago
Shower heads must be a nightmare. 1 day ago 1 day ago
Tree zits 1 day ago
i guess woodpeckers don’t get trypophobia 1 day ago
CMM: Trypophobia should be tagged as NSFW. 1 day ago
Genuine questions for the purpose of discussion: should photos of spiders also be marked as NSFW for arachnophobia? What other phobias should and shouldn’t be considered in this?
I do not have any genuine phobias, so I concede that I’m speaking out of my limited knowledge coming only from years of solo and group therapy for other issues, but NSFW tags are intended to block images that you wouldn’t want your boss (or mom, or general public) to see you looking at due to them being sexual or otherwise inappropriate. There are a lot of things that are going to trigger phobias and other very difficult feelings for a lot of people, but I don’t think it’s feasible to ask that everyone accommodate all possibilities when posting images or sharing stories. I think it’s a positive thing to tag content warnings in bodies of text, for example, and at the same time I think that a person that can have an extreme reaction to what is otherwise an innocuous image due to a personal issue needs to take responsibility for it.
I hope this doesn’t come across as minimizing the very real struggles that people with phobias have to deal with on a daily basis, and as a whole I support making public spaces more accessible in general. 1 day ago
I definitely think content warnings (not specifically “NSFW”) are ideal for this. Sure, the line between what should and shouldn’t be content-warned is blurry, and you don’t need to go through every highly-specific issue someone might have with your post, but things like tripophobia (or arachnophobia) are pretty widely known so it makes sense to warn about it imo. Especially for image posts since you can’t really just “not look at it” if it pops up in your feed.
And whether or not the warning is precisely about a “phobia” isn’t relevant imo. It’s just a nice thing to do, as it avoids causing others to feel suddenly itchy and uncomfortable for several minutes.
So no, I wouldn’t tag spider images as NSFW, but I’d definitely add a “CW: spider” if Lemmy supported it 🙂 21 hours ago
I think trypophobia is a “meme” phobia on the internet.
Like how everyone says “oh that’s my OCD”. It’s not really OCD (and it’s somewhat demeaning to people that do really have OCD), they’re just picky/finicky/particular.
Same with trypophobia. It may be a crippling phobia to a small amount of people, but it’s unsettling at most to a lot of people. Like that. Lots of people don’t have a serious phobia around a bunch of holes (some people do, I’m not saying it’s not real)…it just makes them feel really uncomfortable in a weird and almost indescribably reason. 9 hours ago
It’s not a phobia, it’s just gross. Everybody thinks it looks gross. 1 day ago
We have AI which is good at image recognition. Just use this little schmuck to add tags to posts and allow users to filter tags. Would also helo with Trump/Elon filtering etc. 1 day ago
This is amazing. I have a question though: How come only the author woodpecker can remove the acorns but not other woodpeckers? What kind of ID tech are these guys using? 1 day ago
Since they don’t have fingerprints they ID the pecker. 1 day ago
<slow clap> 1 day ago
They jam the acorn in hard enough that you have to break the acorn to get it out. If they put it in too small a hole, though, it breaks and rots. Too big a hole and they get taken. 1 day ago
‘patrols and batons’ classic 1 day ago
Not only did you just repeat the information already given in the original post, but you didn’t even address the guys question you’re responding to. 14 hours ago
Trees going through puberty be like: 11 hours ago
For fucks sake, put a fucking NSFW tag on this shit. I hated it, but for other people it could even be worse.
Your post is bad, and you should feel bad. 15 hours ago
Absolutely nuts 1 day ago
Would love to have a wood pecker as a pet, but the last thing I need in my financial situation is another bill. 21 hours ago
This is why I got chickens instead of ducks. 15 hours ago
“Preparing a woodpecker for winter” 😂😂😂 1 day ago 1 day ago
This hole is mine! 1 day ago
This is making me feel queasy cos that tree makes me think of skin and the things in it zits. 1 day ago
That’s trypophobia . Don’t Google it though, might come up with a lot of triggering pictures. 1 day ago
Thank you. 1 day ago
Why so many people are complaining and having trypophobia in this thread? Is that very common? I’ve never heard of it before 1 day ago
Be like the squirrel, girl. Be like the squirrel. 1 day ago
So you’re saying if you’re lost in the woods in winter, follow wood peckers to their food trees to get free ripe acorns?
Fantastic news. 1 day ago
Yeah, and then a bear comes and gorges on it. Every year, same bear, same tree, same woodpecker. 1 day ago
This is AI? 1 day ago 1 day ago
This is amazing, I had no idea how prolific they are. 1 day ago
Trypophabia ⚠️ 1 day ago
TIL I have Trypophobia! 1 day ago
Like most phobias I think most people experience discomfort with this imagery but to really have a phobia it needs to be an unreasonable level of anxiety I think.
IDK why we have a hard wired aversion to these. It might be a vestigial response to some kind of predator or danger which is no longer relevant. 1 day ago
Woah what a coincidence! Same here! 1 day ago
Oh, you talking about bot flies? 1 day ago
It’s a fear of looking at things with a lot of holes 1 day ago
I didn’t even understand what I was seeing and I started shivering instantly. Now feel a deep urge to scrub my skin with steel wool. 1 day ago
I wanna touch it