- Comment on Depart, men of education. 5 days ago:
Haha, did this months before trump the first, enjoying early start fruits!
- Comment on Acorns! 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, and then a bear comes and gorges on it. Every year, same bear, same tree, same woodpecker.
- Comment on NZ Birbs 4 weeks ago:
I’ve read kiwis are forest floor bullies, isn’t that true?
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
But, as far as I remember, major contributor to carbon emissions are not poor villages, but jet sets and their factories in poor villages exploiting the work of poor villagers who have no say about their air quality lest they lose their jobs like they lost their means to sustain themselves from farming. Indeed, just not flying for fun and not selling the oil and coal that do not really belong to them would be so much more technological than trying to get grants for things they do not understand (and waste them traveling the world on planes telling everyone they should invest in it too only to then burn the rest in taxes used to support oilgascoal industry directly or not). When you show perpetum mobile here it is totally relevant - that’s how greenwashing works in terms of economy on every level, no matter what technology is being praised.
- Comment on I want to know. 5 weeks ago:
How about I want to have my inference process to negate error bound to my priors?
- Comment on I want to know. 5 weeks ago:
In object oriented onthology, to know is him is to be him.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
That’s essentially how many gases are made from mixtures, like notrogen or oxygen. Showing this as something new tells a lot about author’s uderstanding. Carbon capture is not about making entirely new tech, it’s optimization, and that’s where startups suck at everything except for getting and then wasting cash.
- Comment on Seasonal depression 1 month ago:
Surviving through November in Finland is good enough.
- Comment on FGFBD 1 month ago:
What if we apply negative pressure?
- Comment on It's coming 1 month ago:
Vangers 2.0
- Comment on The evolution of phones 2 months ago:
Gudim and Nazim - best contemporary meme artists!
- Comment on all your base are belong to us 2 months ago:
I make and sell mucrocloning kits in anticipation to see this happen