- Comment on *Removed by Moderator* 5 days ago:
Seen old forums.
They are fine, did you notice the activity spike? Sure, some of it is in wrong categories…most of it is…and maybe they don’t even post things related to forums…well, mostly naked titties…but so much activity!
- Comment on What's making it into the good parts, my fellow philosoraptors? 6 days ago:
…random thought chain:
What if Jesus simply was on spectrum and he hyoerfixated on the scriptures but then got pressured by family who saw as a “gifted” child into the whole belief he’s a god?
- Comment on Skyrim teaches a Lemmy user about fascist propaganda 1 week ago:
Skyrim civil war in nutshell:
One side - ambitious and zealous racist who got fedup when species that have ages old beef with his people fucked Imperium, and then spat in the face of nords.
Other side - A scorned mother that got pissed old traditions resulted in the death of her child and became petty incarnate deciding that these traditions are yucky only after they fired against her.
Still on Ulfric’s side ideals wise, but the racism pisses me off x_x
- Comment on 2025, still no flying cars! 2 weeks ago:
What’s depth weeeeeeeee
- Comment on May be atomic habit forming 3 weeks ago:
I am gonna be honest. Atomic Habits and the like helped me immensely recover my life outside the work. I don’t have lotsa energy, and I have no motivation whatsoever. It was always like that. But these shitass books, well, more excerpts from them actually helped me to get back some of my life. After that, I managed to start working on my mental health.
What I am going for is - don’t bash something only because it’s being sold. :( These are just tools.
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
I may be outsider but lower graphic level horror games actually work more for me, because imagination fills the gaps better than engine rendering plastic looking tentacles can
- Comment on Don't forget Big 3 3 weeks ago:
There are electronic keys. NFC and the like. Better yet, if you have a smart watch it can act like a key.
- Comment on Anon eats lunch alone 5 weeks ago:
I do not know whether that guy sits alone because he likes it that way…or maybe we won’t have anything to talk about and it’ll be awkward…? No use in risking it…
I am working on my mental health but this and much more was absolutely normal thought process I had before. I still have some leftovers. Yuck.
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 1 month ago:
I mean, yeah. But also not everyone.
It worked well for so long because it is a good solution. Allow users to block and let everything fly as long as it’s not a personal attack. The community will relatively quickly sort itself out.
Sadly, today there are exception to block button working >:(
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 1 month ago:
Yes you effing can. It’s called block button.
- Comment on Pro tip: it's much easier to lose 100k than it is to earn it 1 month ago:
Or, ya kno, to another AI center.
Most prolly another AI center.
I orefer the goofy ball.
- Comment on Oh no 2 months ago:
Jump forward like you would like to do the jump to roll thingie. Now, he didn’t outreach his hands, so that means that just after photo was taken, dude perfectly bodyslammed the camera xD
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 2 months ago:
Welcome to yet another world war I guess?
- Comment on Anon reads a book for school 2 months ago:
I remember my teacher being upset about “official” interpretation. She called it out as over the top IIRC and then still taught it to us, because it was required on exams.
- Comment on Fruit Flies 2 months ago:
Better yet, they aren’t actually penguins - they were just called that because they resembled real penguins.
Which are literally dead today, because they dared live close to humans.
- Comment on Bandai Namco reportedly tries to bore staff into quitting, skirting Japan’s labor laws 2 months ago:
And company has cameras. Where I live, most monitor workers 24/7. So they would that especially while trying to get rid of you.
Of course, they say it’s for security and that’s what you sign for, so they can’t simply grab screen of you on phone and throw you out…however, suddenly management gets super instinct.
- Comment on Seattle is like "come to downtown please" 2 months ago:
Isn’t 60% of USA riding SUVs? Physics point kinda moot.
- Comment on Anon watches a movie with a girl 2 months ago:
…yeaaaah… that’s worse than original. “Nah, sorry, got brainlocked cuz damn you’re beautiful”.
Make it informal, silly and goof off of your own reaction to remove the awkward and embrace the “you’ll make fun of me for this later”.
- Comment on Piss™ 2 months ago:
How did it go? If gatorade was salty, you needed it, else you got fooled?
- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 3 months ago:
Old worlder here. Still calling them Indians. Also actively refusing to use the term towards people of India, bexause we have other words for them (actually two, one similiar to Indian, secons not at all, neither a slur).
- Comment on Wolfenstein difficulty settings 3 months ago:
I love it so muuch, loved the original one too. Sad that remake got hate for that and thus, there’s little to no chance of it hapoening again…
- Comment on Just a reminder... 3 months ago:
Saw similiar shit here. “Delivery person needed!”. And whne it comes to pay, it’s sudden;y “up to xx/h”. God forbit they pay you normally.
- Comment on Choosing violence 4 months ago:
As a windows user WIN+R -> CMD -> TASKKILL /F /T /IM “<appname>*”
… I use it too much. Appa often block my screen :|
- Comment on Who says OSHA compliance doesn't have to be fun? 4 months ago:
Whaaaa, noooo. Belt off, helmet’s for pussies, gas is meant to be floored, and ppl need to feck off. /s
Although I do drift with forklift irl…
- Comment on How to treat a man 4 months ago:
Meanwhile men don’t have access to support groups, are not supported by anyone when they admit it, get straight up ridiculed for this ever happenning by both everyday people and justice system…
It happens to both genders. But we managed to build fundamental lattice of support for one of them (fundamental as in there’s still so much to do), while failing to even recognize the other one faces this problem too. We do not have to compromise on helping one side to help the other - that’s straight up not an option. But we should help, and recognize the need of help, for both.
- Comment on Oregonian driving 5 months ago:
The gas is meant to hug the floor tightly, engine is meant to roar, adrenaline to be pumped, and zoomies to be upheld.
…in a race. However, zoomies apply everywhere.
- Comment on Windows 11 5 months ago:
I…what? Never said 7 was better than 10, nor that quality goes up. Just that every second windows is good.
- Comment on Windows 11 5 months ago:
Every second windows tho. Xp good, Vista bad, 7 good, 8 bad, 10 good, 11 bad…
- Comment on Povertymaxxed and bolognapilled 5 months ago:
Reminds me when I got off diet. I was so desoerate that I took a whole ass bread, cut it horizontally, put a lot of veggies and meat inside and ate it in one go.
God it felt good.
God my stomach hurt.
- Comment on gotdamn 6 months ago:
The only “unneeded” abortions are those that are forced on the mother against her will.
Abortion is killing off another human being, so it’s not really that black and white. Also, I agree that forced abortions are, at the very least, unneeded.
The only “help” our hypothetical victim has requested is an abortion, and she hasn’t requested it from you.
What I meant by help is therapy, societal support and the like. If we just presume that every woman wanting abortion is a rape victim, these forms of help would loose support due to lessening the weight of situation.
Why are you choosing to involve yourself?
The only place I chose to involve myself initially was in calling a human being brought into this world through people knowing what they are doing a parasite.
I’ll stop you right there.
It was you who wanted to kniw my rationale. I simply responded.
As our situation does not involve anyone accused of a criminal act, there is no valid justification to presume consent.
Meanwhile, however, you require others to presume that there’s a rape victim. This means there’s criminal act, and thus is a valid justification.
If your personal code of morality only allows you to accept abortion in the case of non-consent, you may presume non-consent. You can satisfy your own morality by accepting the possibility that she was raped, and just doesn’t want to talk about it. You can simply presume she meets your arbitrary criteria; you have no need to actually prove her status to any degree of certainty.
I’ll be honest, only at this point I actually got what you are going for, but sadly, it applies both ways and depends highly on someones morality. While I cannot say in good faith that I would choose life of an unborn baby over it’s mothers health - be it mental or physical - there are people whose moral compas wouldn’t allow to simply accept killing off such child. There are also more reasonable - in ny opinion - people who simply don’t want us to kill off unborns due to the mere convienience.
My point from the get go was, however, to not treat creating a new living being from activity meant for doing just that as a surpise and/or punishment. For people to think about what they are doing, and what consequences may be.