- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 4 hours ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 15 hours ago:
Okay, most people here talking about “is it legal, is it gross, is the ex a cunt, all of the above”.
I’d just like to point out that regardless of all of that, since there is legally nothing you can do, the best you can do is support your daughter. Don’t engage with the toxic ex. Just let your daughter know that you’re not happy about it but that you respect her and support her no matter what. And behave accordingly, don’t get mad at her, show her your kindest side.
What your ex is doing feels like manipulation to distance her from you, in addition to rage bait you. Don’t fall for that.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
Some low quality bait my dude
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 5 days ago:
Okay we need to start that crowdfunding, these are the changes science needs to see today
- Comment on POV: Bro asks you on game 1 week ago:
Finally, text that fits the image
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 3 weeks ago:
In theory it would, in practice good luck holding it in if it’s really diarrhea.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 4 weeks ago:
Ahhh they surely saved from not buying avocado on toast.
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 4 weeks ago:
I’m in Australia. Here when meats approach their date they mark them down, but you don’t see them still for sale after the date. I found an item that wasn’t supposed to be on the shelves anymore. Yeah the waste is really frustrating.
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 4 weeks ago:
I’m not saying there shouldn’t be regulations. If I’m paying for something I expect a certain level of quality and safety.
I’m also saying people should have the right to take a risk if they want to eat something out of a trash can for free. “You can’t take our trash for free because you might sue us” is very much mildly infuriating to me
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
It’s just that you need “pioneers”, people who resonate with what’s already here but also want to add to whatever new communities. I don’t think we’ll have a migration of users only for those topics if we first don’t have a few that can already keep things alive as they are.
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 4 weeks ago:
I totally see your point, which is why I mentioned this really depends on context. I’ve worked in places where people actually did stretches or meditation during their breaks and nobody cared for it. But I can totally see how that wouldn’t fly in other places.
Also, from experience - some people will still talk to you even if you have headphones and your attention on the phone.
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 4 weeks ago:
I hear you, I hear you and here’s my two stories:
Once at Large Chain Supermarket I found some lamb chops on special. Took them to the self serve checkouts but the item didn’t scan. The team member had a look and said, it’s because it’s past its expiry date ( the date was the day before). The meat was in perfect condition though, no dark spots or dry edges or any discoloration. So I asked if I could take it for free, and she said no, and she put it in the trash bin right next to the checkout.
Now I’m not blaming her since I understand that’s what she has to say since it’s her job, and I also understand the supermarket would be liable if they sold me something that caused me food poisoning. But I believe the real motivation is profits. It would be all to easy to have a law saying supermarkets are not liable for expired items if they are taken for free; but if that was the case most people would be waiting for the nearly expired items and sales would plummet. I think this is messed up, I don’t know. I have no idea about what do supermarkets do with fresh nearly expired food but I have the naive hope they at least use some for their bakery/rotisserie section.
(I took the meat out of the bin after paying for my other groceries so I did, in the end, get it for free. And it was delicious)
The other story happened while working for Well Known Retailer. I had to grab a wheelie cart/trolley or whatever they’re called, to put stock on the floor. But the only cart left was full with old merchandise. So the manager led us to where the big dumpster bins were, and said, okay help me chuck these out. And she started throwing away all these very expensive scented candles in perfect condition with no other flaw than being old. I’m talking about $30 - $50 candles. I asked if I could take some for free, and she said we weren’t allowed. I asked about buying them with a discount, and she said that was also not allowed because the items weren’t even part of the inventory anymore. So we just trashed roughly $1500 worth of merchandise. It’s just messed, those could have gone to a Salvation Army store or something instead of getting dumped (and broken in the process).
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 4 weeks ago:
Awww nostalgia! I remember those containers, we would fight over them in my family. Funny how now they’ve disappeared and I’m not even sure what replaced them (as miscellaneous containers)
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 4 weeks ago:
That depends on the type of work OP does and when exactly are they adopting the yoga stance. People can do whatever they want during breaks.
But ultimately I agree with your last sentence.
- Comment on Since removed comments can still be read in the modlogs, isn't removing comments useless? 5 weeks ago:
You can reply to a comment removed, but you can’t read it unless you bother going to the log to check. If you don’t read something you don’t reply to it, do you? What do you say to a bunch of " comment removed by moderator "? Sure you can vote it too but again, you need to first figure out what it said, unless you’re just voting at random.
Does the app matter?
- Comment on Since removed comments can still be read in the modlogs, isn't removing comments useless? 5 weeks ago:
Removing a comment also makes it impossible for people to join and carry on the conversation. Or keep on upvoting . How can one reply to something they can’t read?
In your particular case, replies such as “yes and let’s also kill this other person” , " they deserve torture beforehand " , or “let’s do it next Tuesday folks” will never see the light of day under that post. They’ll have to first go read the mod log and then contact you via DM. And DMs are between two people afaik.
So the point of removing a comment isn’t to erase the comment out of existence but just to prevent it from having any effect on people who haven’t yet read it.
- Comment on NOT A TOY 1 month ago:
- Comment on NOT A TOY 1 month ago:
I want a squeeze toy with tardigrade shape. You know, like those toys shaped like a rooster/chicken that dogs chew on
- Comment on graceful wombats 1 month ago:
- Comment on graceful wombats 1 month ago:
I’ve seen wombats like twice maybe along the road and I never imagined they’d be capable of such grace and poise
- Comment on Where do people dance? 1 month ago:
Many already said how people start dancing. I’ll add some things to keep in mind:
1- culture is a massive factor: nobody mentioned birthday parties. I’m going to presume kids don’t dance at birthday parties in English speaking countries, but elsewhere in the world you have birthdays and I’m going to guess other festivities in other cultures include dancing. That’s a major step before you are old enough to go clubbing. Freestyle in the case of birthdays, but you also need to keep in mind my next point,…
2- TV, Music videos, Videogames and whatever media in which people see these moves also helps people learn them. It’s not uncommon for a small group of friends trying out if they can do this Celebrity Move like in Such Video Clip or whatever and this can happen while they hang out anywhere, even during school breaks.
So yes, if you have the inclination for dancing you have plenty of opportunities to practice and learn as you grow.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 1 month ago:
I feel for you. I’m not in the same field as you, and I’m not the same person you replied to either. I’m just chiming in. I’ve been unemployed for over a year; your post makes me think you are starting to feel stressed and this is the first step towards depression. I went down that route and getting out of it was very tough; I’m still working on it.
In short, I want to say, try to get a plebe jobbe now instead of waiting to land something good. It’ll keep you going and you won’t care much about it if you lose it or need to quit.
I’m currently in retail, I actually have two part time jobs. It took me a while to get them, and I had to tailor my resume for it. I had to remove experience from it to finally get interviews in lower positions. Nobody at the shopping mall cared how long I worked in a studio elsewhere or what I did. And trust me, I have plenty of dim witted, ugly coworkers (as well as smart ones and good looking ones) so don’t think you have an unhireable aura. There’s plenty worse than you out there, I’m absolutely certain.
Good luck OP
- Comment on Fashion is cyclical 1 month ago:
Can they live that long? Maybe one of them remembered and had a nostalgia moment, then the rest of the pod caught up
- Comment on lewd noodles 1 month ago:
Wow that’s so intriguing! I can’t believe I never heard about it before
- Comment on lewd noodles 1 month ago:
I didn’t know this was possible, is the image real?
- Comment on Hackers breach Andrew Tate's online university, leak data on 800,000 users 1 month ago:
- Comment on Hackers breach Andrew Tate's online university, leak data on 800,000 users 1 month ago:
Then I’m confused - sorry for being this slow- how is this supposed to affect him or his followers?
- Comment on Maya hee 1 month ago:
Maya hee, maya whooo, maya haaa, maya ha ha🎶
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 1 month ago:
Absolutely milk bottle caps. It looks like syringes too but there could be plastic straws mixed in. Needs more pixels. Bottle caps are common in bowerbird decor, I’ve seen blue clothes pegs too
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 1 month ago:
I also wish the same for us both. But I’d like to remind you, people who rent can also find themselves complaining about the neighbour’s mismatched fenceposts