- Comment on This job description for a job posting by Amazon 17 hours ago:
That’s got to be llm-generated
- Comment on A prophet!! 1 day ago:
Viva la ruffolution!
- Comment on Kevin sounds nice! 2 days ago:
He’s blunt! He’s pissed! He’ll see you in the lists. Lichtenstein!
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 2 days ago:
Haha now I’m just fury-laughing so I look way crazier snort what do I do lmfao I’m so fucking pissed rn
- Comment on Doppler 5 days ago:
Might have community service periodically
- Comment on Doppler 5 days ago:
Maybe it’s slightly convoluted but here’s how I tackle it in my head: I just think of infrared and ultraviolet, ultraviolet being greater frequencies than violet and infrared being the opposite for red. Blue is on the way from infrared to ultraviolet, so blue has a greater frequency than red.
- Comment on Anon sets up a prank at school 5 days ago:
Probably got the idea from fight club, you know, in the hypothetical scenario that this is neither fake nor gay
- Comment on Turn left in 300 m 6 days ago:
Still, that’s gotta be a world first, right? First person to get run through with the handle of a toilet plunger?
If anyone has a relevant anecdote, please feel free to keep it to yourself!
- Comment on Kid is having such bad luck 6 days ago:
She should have been a son
- Comment on Head banging to the Saudi Arabian national anthem 1 week ago:
Only if he brings the rest of oingo boingo
- Comment on Infuriating update to the broken lift plea. Signatures were added two days ago. And now someone has added a note. 1 week ago:
…that’s not cursive? Like, there’s 3 or 4 actual cursive letters in there, the rest is sloppy print
- Comment on Seems like solid advice 1 week ago:
- Comment on Gottem. :) 1 week ago:
This is the cutting-edge of my understanding so if I’m wrong somebody call me out, but I think because gravity is warping space-time and not actually pulling anything, we wouldn’t feel an inertia change. Our inertia would be maintained, but the space-time we’re going through would suddenly be shaped different, so we’d follow a new path
- Comment on Car diagram 2 weeks ago:
Source for the morbidly curious: jalopnik.com/this-disturbing-theory-explains-pixa…
- Comment on Are you afraid 2 weeks ago:
What’s the screenshot from?
- Comment on Anon reads Harry Potter 2 weeks ago:
This one’s better
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 2 weeks ago:
Grew up in the potato-growing part of Idaho. I’ve never seen that baked-potato-dog thing in my life. If anything, anecdotally, Idaho should be the “pig in a blanket”: a bun baked around a hotdog and dipped in who gives a fuck. The cheap ones are just wrapped in Pillsbury croissant dough from the can, the good ones use homemade dough.
- Comment on Taking them to Canada. 2 weeks ago:
That’s gotta be more than half of them
- Comment on Or is there someone standing behind her 2 weeks ago:
Accidental Renaissance
- Comment on Forgive them, for they know not what they do 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Pills here! 3 weeks ago:
I don’t think it’s either of those things. We all need to cope. The meme just laments that coping is necessary
- Comment on Which movies are much darker when you rewatch them as an adult? 3 weeks ago:
El Dorado. Couple dudes find the city of gold and get mistaken for their main deities, which quickly puts them in conflict with the local religious leader who up until that point and even for a few days after had been terrorizing his people with human sacrifices in their name, stoking and leveraging that fear to maintain authority over the city as the “speaker for the gods”. The two “gods” are liars and crooks, and like the religious leader are also using their newfound religious authority for personal gain, but they don’t want to hurt anybody, and Miguel in particular had really fallen in love with the city and it’s people and culture. That puts the “gods” in a really interesting moral dilemma where they needed to choose between rebuking the zealous religious leader who keeps trying to perform human sacrifices and rule in their name, and “lying low” for the best chance of getting out of the city alive themselves with a shit-ton of gold. They go with the former, and the people are stoked to see the religious leader they feared knocked down a peg by his own gods, including the chill, secular-coded chief (who is aware that the “gods” are full of shit, but likes them anyway). Of course that’s not the end of the movie, but there’s a whole lot of interesting commentary on the relationship between religion, terror, and authority that I didn’t really catch until I was in my late teens.
- Comment on It's coming 3 weeks ago:
You know, if they fit the mold
- Comment on If we are going to rename the Gulf wouldn't this be more appropriate 3 weeks ago:
See everyone? Compromise.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 3 weeks ago:
Marxist, anti-marxist, I’m here still trying to piece together what the hell you’re trying to say
- Comment on Hypothetically existed 3 weeks ago:
Much easier to use the browser inspector to edit the html then take a screenshot: ctrl+shift+i
- Comment on Keep away 3 weeks ago:
An apple a day is good for you, 'kay?
- Comment on guys... :( 4 weeks ago:
But even if I do tell someone, I’ll make them promise not to tell. Watertight baby
- Comment on You could've had it all! 4 weeks ago:
Holy shit I’ve never seen the whole thing before. That was a fucking ride
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Seriously, I’m actually pacing I’m so fucking pissed. Dude throws two heils with conviction and everyone there just claps and chears?