My insane ass posting that screencap to the family group chat
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
“… hey Mark, I’m truly sorry to have to do this but you need to see this text from your dad.” 5 weeks ago
Nah. Nothing good will come out of this.
I would rebuff this advance in no uncertain terms. Then ignore and file the father in law under “untrustworthy scum of the earth”.
This is stuff that can destroy lifes. 5 weeks ago
Hard disagree. If my father was a piece of shit like this I would definitely want to know. Keeping silent just allows the father skirt responsibility. It’s 100% OP choice though obviously. 5 weeks ago
Disagree. If the son cared, he’d end things with his father. He should become a better man than his father. Tell the son, and if he doesn’t respond in support of his wife, then it should probably end there anyhow. 5 weeks ago
By saying nothing you make yourself complicit in keeping this betrayal a secret. Unacceptable to me, at least. 5 weeks ago
The good thing that will come of this is that Mark will understand why they should never spend time with his dad again 5 weeks ago
I don’t know why… But I really hate it when people write like this… Actually… Now that I think about it… I actually do know why… 5 weeks ago
My father in law, who is otherwise a very nice person, overuses ellipses in his informal written communication and it bothers the hell out of me
The crazy thing is he is extremely well educated. He was a professor at a super classy university, had a very distinguished career, etc. dude can write. But hand him an iphone and all of a sudden he can’t end a sentence definitively… 5 weeks ago
Hey but he offered full discretion. What a gentleman haha 5 weeks ago
Oh shit, we good then. Why yes, that is purified radium I’m gobbling by the handfuls, and no it has nothing at all to do with this post. 5 weeks ago
Mildly this ain’t. This is scorch earth! 5 weeks ago
so… send it to Helen? 5 weeks ago
That’s sexual harassment in a nutshell. 5 weeks ago
Gotta say, the down votes on this comment are deeply disturbing. Do those people think that this is acceptable behaviour? 5 weeks ago
Not one of those who downvoted you. But I have a question. This is obviously cringy and immoral on so many levels. But would it be considered harassment if:
- The FIL is sending this as a one off and never bringing it up again
- He’s not getting mad or otherwise being offended at the woman
Basically, my question is what makes this harassment as opposed to an unwelcome sexual advance? 5 weeks ago
Holy shit that’s awful! 5 weeks ago
Green text got nothing on this.
Sorry you have to tell Mark. That sucks that fil has such low self worth and self awareness. 5 weeks ago
That’s just fucking gross. I wouldn’t be allowing his nasty ass anywhere near you or your kid.
Mark’s dad is a fucking scumbag. 5 weeks ago
[deleted] 5 weeks ago
This IS the top cherry, indeed! 5 weeks ago
“Hello, Helen? Let’s meet for brunch tomorrow?” 5 weeks ago
Gonna save this post in case I ever accidentally ingest a poison and need an emetic handy 🤮🤮 5 weeks ago
I would make quadruple sure that Mark has no traces of that part of the gene pool 5 weeks ago
Yeah this is one that I’m sure Mark and his mother would like to see. 5 weeks ago
Jesus Christ. 5 weeks ago
Look man, if I wanted radiation poisoning, I’d just go hop in a nuclear reactor. 5 weeks ago
Damn. This is the kind of thing that can destroy not one, but two marriages and instantly breaks trust of a relationship. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by attempting this. Weirdo.