- Comment on Please answer. 1 week ago:
True; some mold is actually medicine. Therefore you only have 1/4 chance of dying.
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 1 week ago:
You have the causation wrong here.
Autistic people go into astronomy, and then find more exoplanets. Therefore autism causes exoplanets!
- Comment on Not the Toll Roads Notification of Toll Evasion!! 3 weeks ago:
To avoid this, you need to succeed in the roll of evasion against the toll roads notification of toll evasion
- Comment on Shedding 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, I’d be pretty embarassed too if I offered my shed skin to some complete stranger.
- Comment on where?? 3 weeks ago:
Unfortunately Earth is mostly below the horizon for this one. :(
- Comment on The Periodic Table according to astronomers 3 weeks ago:
And if you ask a cosmologist what the universe is made of, they go “Well, there’s a lot of dark matter, and even more dark energy. And then there’s a tiny bit of some matter or something idk lol.”
- Comment on Real estate market is tough 4 weeks ago:
Look at moneybags here, who can afford their own shotgun.
- Comment on I knew there was something sketchy about Phil 5 weeks ago:
Hey, this is a repost. I swear I saw this yesterday somewhere.
- Comment on When you see it.... 5 weeks ago:
I never really followed ctrl+alt+del, which is prolly part of the reason. Only heard about the drama that specific comic strip caused second hand.
- Comment on When you see it.... 5 weeks ago:
I didn’t get it either, so I tried googling “Loss”.
I think it’s to do with this thing. Specifically the alignment of the little pins in the DVI port seem to be the same as for the “minimalist version of Loss” thing mentioned there on the wiki.
I have a hazy recollection of that comic from way back yonder, and it causing some sort of a hassle. Apparently the minimalist version is some meme, now? Or always has been?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I don’t know why… But I really hate it when people write like this… Actually… Now that I think about it… I actually do know why…
- Comment on A job well done 1 month ago:
Hey, that’s unfair. He also figured out that if things push at each other, they get pushed.
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 2 months ago:
Holy shit, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a cure for aging. I was born in 1984, yet I’m somehow only 40 years old.
- Comment on I know my purpose 2 months ago:
I want to learn your secret walking techniques capable of destroying entire anthills with every step.
- Comment on Percentages 3 months ago:
The annoying part is that there is no well-known notation for showing percentage points, so people use % for both percentages and percentage points.
- Comment on CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!1 3 months ago:
Oh come on that’s just nonsense. Let’s stick to real science here please.
All you need to do is make sure that the area has been sweeped by chronotron particles filtered through a multiphasic tachyon diffractor.
- Comment on gnipooP 3 months ago:
The best part about this is that it implies pooping makes a “pmooht” sound.
…which sounds pretty accurate tbh
- Comment on Don’t fall for it 3 months ago:
Look at all the stuff in your house. That’s not minimalist at all! You need to throw it all away, and instead buy iMinimalTable, for only $499.
Then buy iMinimalTable 2 next year.
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
I, too, am addicted to hemoglobin.
- Comment on I wish I was this funny.. 4 months ago:
Hate to be a spoilsport, but that specific article does seem to be available from Nature without a paywall: www.nature.com/articles/356739a0.pdf
Still funny/sad, though.
- Comment on Fead 4 months ago:
Sometimes I look at the wide open sky and think “What if gravity suddenly reverses and I fall up into the sky and then space? That would be really dangerous.”
- Comment on Fead 4 months ago:
I’m mildly scared of railings overlooking lower floors and such, thinking “I would get seriously injured if I somehow accidentally lean over this railing so much that I flip over to the other side and fall down.”
- Comment on Kids a genius 5 months ago:
Decoy snail