- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 5 days ago:
It seems obvious that a 20mph limit will be more safe in most instances.
There’s the issue with older cars having a gearing not really suited to staying at that speed (meaning revving higher and chucking out more pollution/being louder), but that’s less of an issue with new cars.
There’s also the issue of a car in 2nd gear at 20mph being ready to take off far more easily if you were to accidentally press the accelerator instead of the brake – something which often happens in traffic incidents. But again, the gearing of more recent cars is typically fine with sitting at 20mph in third gear. Cars seem to be designed with 20mph in mind now.
And honestly, in most circumstances it won’t make a serious difference to travel time going 20 or 30. Either way you’re likely going to be stopping multiple times or stuck behind people.
Worth noting though, that the very people who collected this data say that the data can’t really be used for direct comparison and that we need at least a couple more years to see what the effect of the change is.
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 5 days ago:
Pretty much any car that comes with even a very basic cruise control will have a speed limiter option. My car is from 2010 and has it. I think my 2004 Mégane I had beforehand may have had it too, IIRC.
Although it’s a bit more fiddly than what you describe in that you have to turn off cruise control mode, switch to speed limiter, set the speed, then activate.
But yes, it would be an interesting feature to have a “town mode” button that you could set to 20 or 30mph in the car settings. Much more streamlined than the above. I imagine you could do other things, too like trying to keep revs to a minimum to keep the car quiet, (if a hybrid) going EV-preferred or EV-only, etc.
- Comment on Rachel from accounts causes the economy to shrink. Blames everyone else. 2 weeks ago:
Facts are lefty propaganda now…
The far right are the people living in a bubble separate from reality.
And imagine being someone who likes star trek enough to have a reference to it in their username, yet be far right. Incredible lack of perspective.
- Comment on Rachel from accounts causes the economy to shrink. Blames everyone else. 2 weeks ago:
Such a long stream of bullshit.
blame her for the pathetic 0.4% growth in December.
0.4% growth in a single month is not pathetic, that’s great. Do that every month and you have nearly 5% yearly growth - absolutely unheard of for a developed economy. On what planet is 0.4% in a month pathetic?!
She inherited the fastest growing economy in the G7
We had a temporary increase after a recession. That’s not sustained growth. Conservatives didn’t suddenly crack how to enable permanent explosive growth.
businesses are firing the lowest paid staff and curbing their new hires as a DIRECT RESULT of the disastrous budget
No they are not. The fabled mass unemployment after the budget never materialised.
Businesses rated the UK as the second best country to invest in after the budget. The facts don’t seem to be lining up with your opinion.
Not to mention pensioners going hungry to be able to afford to heat their homes
Nope. Not only are their pensions going up by a huge amount, the WFA is means tested. Poorer people still get it. The wealthy don’t.
They are planning on sending more SEND children to mainstream schools
Probably for the best. The current solution is rubbish. My nephew has to travel two hours each school day, in a private taxi, because that’s the only suitable SEND school for him. That’s an insane system. It would be much better to restructure the system for more local support.
They are removing our rights to free-speech.
Arresting people for inciting violence is a good thing.
God your whole comment is full of such nonsense misinformation. Stop. You’re not convincing anybody.
Imagine actually thinking that Labour are damaging the country more than the Tories did. Christ on a bike. If you put your brain in a cat’s body, you’d bark.
- Comment on Rachel from accounts causes the economy to shrink. Blames everyone else. 2 weeks ago:
The UK is currently ranked by businesses as the second best economy to invest in.
And if you’re ready to point at the 0.1% contraction in January and blame “Rachel from accounts”, you by extension must also believe that the 0.4% growth in December was also her doing.
- Comment on 'Don't Buy a Swasticar': Tesla hit by UK boycott campaign over Elon Musk's far-right support 4 weeks ago:
People in the UK are more likely to drive new cars than France, and only just behind Germany.
- Comment on 'Don't Buy a Swasticar': Tesla hit by UK boycott campaign over Elon Musk's far-right support 4 weeks ago:
It’s true that our drop is a third of Germany and France’s, but it’s also true that they were buying far more Tesla cars to begin with.
In January 2024, Germany bought 3150 Tesla cars, France bought 3118, and the UK bought 1581. They were buying double our amount.
Germany and France’s numbers have now massively dropped, and are now in line with UK numbers.
Our percentage drop is lower only because we were already iffy on Tesla, whereas Germany and France weren’t.
- Comment on Ban misogynistic online pornography, review to propose 4 weeks ago:
Is this going to be another thing like the porn law Theresa May pushed for? The one that made face-sitting, fingering with more than two fingers, “inflicting pain”, bondage, and female ejaculation illegal?
- Comment on Who will be the next James Bond? Amazon's tough 007 decision 4 weeks ago:
Amazon controls the Bond franchise now? FFS.
- Comment on Retail giant Monsoon's CEO calls on UK to scrap tax loopholes benefitting Shein 1 month ago:
It’s astonishing we allow it to happen.
Starbucks, for example, contributes almost nothing to the UK (~4% effective tax rate), and they have a UK-based competitor, Costa, that doesn’t dodge taxes and pays an effective tax rate of over 20%.
Why the hell have our governments been allowing this to happen? Our businesses are playing at a massive disadvantage in their home market. It’s absurd.
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 1 month ago:
Why do you keep putting random double spaces in half your comments?
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 1 month ago:
Our minimum wage is indeed fairly high, and the taxes that low earners pay is very low, but we do have problems. Wage compression in this country isn’t particularly good. Most people are either minimum wage or close to it.
Even a lot of highly skilled jobs aren’t highly paid, it’s a problem for the economy, for tax revenue, and for encouraging workers to go for better jobs/strive for progression. I don’t know what the government can do about it, but the answer certainly isn’t to pin it on young people and imply they’re lazy.
But one thing the government can definitely impact is what you mention at the end of your comment: government policy can certainly help bring down the big costs like property costs (both for people and businesses), energy, water, council tax.
- Comment on Parents sue TikTok over child deaths allegedly caused by ‘blackout challenge’ 1 month ago:
For anybody like me who doesn’t know what the blackout challenge is:
The blackout challenge is a social media dare that calls on users to strangle themselves with a belt, purse strings, ropes, and similar items until they pass out, all while uploading the resulting videos to TikTok. However, the challenge did not start on TikTok, nor is it exclusive to the platform.
What the fuck
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 1 month ago:
When you wake up early, start a long commute, work in a shit job (often with unpredictable hours), have an unpaid lunch break, work some more in your understaffed company, then start the long commute back home to your parents house because you can’t afford a place of your own, then yeah, I can imagine that’s stressful.
And it gets more so when you open social media or news and it’s always the privileged or the elderly (often they’re even one and the same) constantly shaming youth for being horrible lazy pieces of shit who won’t lift themselves up by their bootstraps.
The increase in minimum wage is a great thing. As is the incoming increase in workers’ rights. I won’t sit and pretend Labour are doing nothing. But more needs to be done if you want a mentally healthy workforce.
Just saying “too many find XYZ stressful” without detailing how you plan to change that isn’t helping.
- Comment on Thames Water seeks court approval for emergency cash 1 month ago:
Let it run out. Businesses should be allowed to fail. That’s capitalism.
If the state want to buy the assets for a bargain price, so much the better.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
I said OP knew exactly what kind of arguments this would spawn. And I believe that to be correct. It was inevitable.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
What? I’m very well aware of the fears people, especially women, have at going out alone at night.
What’s your problem?
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
Predominantly other men. But that doesn’t make it ok.
Relax, David, you might get attacked or killed on your way back from work, but I don’t feel sympathy, because it’d probably de done by another man.
The reality is anybody can feel unsafe at night, and everyone is valid in thinking so.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago:
Almost like this is a submission specifically posted to elicit that exact response.
- Comment on I got the money saved in my mansions safe. 1 month ago:
Like I said, it’s difficult for many and impossible for others.
- Comment on I got the money saved in my mansions safe. 1 month ago:
More realistically, 3 months of expenses, not 6 of salary. Maybe go higher from there if you’ve paid off debts and stuff.
It’s unfortunately very difficult to achieve for many, and impossible for some. But if you can, you absolutely should have an emergency fund.
Some people can but don’t, either due to lack of financial education, lack of impulse control, or feeling they have to spend a lot to be happy.
Shit happens in life, from a broken boiler or car to a job loss. If you can, please build an emergency fund.
- Comment on UK shoplifting on the rise and more brazen, new survey says. 1 month ago:
No shit. Police forces have been gutted, there’s no prison spaces left, and the cost of living is high.
- Comment on Not enough teachers, children turned away: Schools 'can't cope' with population boom 1 month ago:
Tories gutting education over an extended period will leave the sector unprepared for an expected boom of children needing education… due to Johnson’s immigration policy of “just let a load of people in, it’s bound to boost GDP” (it didn’t).
The fact that the Tories are polling above 0% is a travesty.
- Comment on Camping with the far-right: What I learned from a year undercover 1 month ago:
Doubt many Brits voted for Trump.
- Comment on Axel Rudakubana: 'Evil' Southport killer jailed for minimum 52 years 2 months ago:
I dunno, even a 70 year old can do some damage. Particularly to someone vulnerable, and if they use a weapon.
Which is exactly what he did. He stabbed young kids.
I think a 70 year old psychopath brandishing a knife is still a danger to society. I hope he gets thoroughly assessed to see if he’s fit for release when the time comes.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Jesus Christ.
- Comment on Axel Rudakubana: 'Evil' Southport killer jailed for minimum 52 years 2 months ago:
No, I don’t think the death penalty is acceptable. It’s pretty well-researched why it doesn’t work very well.
And yes, I do think this sentence, at a minimum, is acceptable. Not even necessarily as a punishment (although that’s part of it), but because a small amount of people simply have to be kept separate from the public because they will never be safe to be around. This man is one of them.
- Comment on Benefit cheats could lose driving licences in anti-fraud drive 2 months ago:
I suppose that could be an effective punishment.
A monetary fine may mean little to a benefits scammer, and prison is obviously a silly punishment, particularly when prisons are in the shambolic and overcrowded state they’re in now.
When you drive, it’s a big part of your life (or maybe that’s just my perspective, living in rural Northumberland where my “public transport” is a twice-weekly shuttle-bus to Hexham), the threat of that being taken away would be a pretty huge deterrent in my view.
- Comment on Digital driving licences to be ‘put on phones this year’ 2 months ago:
Reminder that the UK is actually fairly lax in comparison to other countries when it comes to showing your drivers licence to police. Most countries require you to have it with you when you drive, the UK does not.
If you don’t want to show your license, don’t. Say you left it at home.
They can request that you come into a police station with it within 7 days, but in reality they probably won’t because they can trivially search for this information anyway.
Certainly don’t hand over an unlocked phone.
- Comment on Patients dying in hospital corridors, say nurses 2 months ago:
It’s been 6 months, why hasn’t Labour completely cleared the backlog, cured the flu, and completely fixed the NHS yet?