- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 17 hours ago:
I think it was the illness. Even without the illness based on the first games ending and the fact that Arthur was not mentioned or existed within it I was pretty sure I knew how rdr2 was going to end before I started but the illness gave it such a somber tone. Arthur recognized his mortality and really started to reflect.
It’s been ages since I played rdr1 but as far as I remember John was more “I’m doing this to be done, for my family!”. The tone was much lighter as a result even though there were moments that were heavy. And the characters weren’t as developed so I didn’t care as much. Dutch was just a fucking monster in that game, bill and Javier were just props. But rdr2 fleshed them all out so much
- Comment on Anon gets lunch 17 hours ago:
Of course, you are free to feel whatever you want. How could I possibly stop such a thing. What I mean is if you decide that I need to adhere to dress code based on it you can go fuck yourself.
- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 17 hours ago:
I mean it is an era where up and moving 100 miles basically meant you started your life over. But that was kind of the plot: they were a gang of that era where they could run in a town, wreak havoc, disappear, and the infrastructure didn’t yet exist to reliably track them across the gigantic land mass that is North america.
But by the time the game rolls around the beginnings of the modern federal government are happening and agencies to track people like them across the country are in full swing. So all of a sudden their way of life is coming to a close, quickly. Instead of just some pissing off a sheriff in a town and never being able to go back there, occasionally having a bounty hunter after you, you now have a huge team of people with the resources of a government coming for you.
I think part of it that’s understated is the size of the map. The map is obviously big for a game but it’s supposed to be a huge chunk of America. When you compare the geography of the map to America it’s somewhat clear that it’s supposed to be a gigantic swath of America, from like Montana down to Louisiana and across to Texas. You can ride across the map in 20 min but obviously this would take months irl. Obviously this is about gameplay balance but as a result you lose the sense that Arthur is going extremely far away when he’s going from valentine to st denis, when in reality that would be like a month of riding and crossing several states. Even if he did a genocide that would probably shake the heat for a little while back then
They did obviously play it up of course. If you literally murdered everyone in a town back then there would probably be more of a response from the surrounding towns to find you. But gamers like violence and it’s again about balancing gameplay vs authenticity. usually gameplay wins because otherwise you end up with a boring game
- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 17 hours ago:
I remember so many people being furious at rockstar for not releasing dlc on the scope of gta4 but honestly with this game I don’t know what form that narrative would take that could be satisfying.
The main narrative is concluded decisively obviously. It’s a prequel so continuing with John would just be rdr1. Another undead nightmare is eh, zombies are so played out. I guess you could fill in what went on with Dutch or some of the others that show up in rdr1 but frankly I don’t really want to play as them. I suppose you could intro some new character that’s part of their new gang. I dunno. I get why they didn’t prioritize it (well that and more so that dlc costs a ton to develop for a pitiful return relative to something like gta online, which is kind of sad)
- Comment on Anon gets lunch 18 hours ago:
The idea of appropriate clothing outside of like shirts with swastikas or pictures of murdered babies on them is bullshit. Your delicate sensibilities shouldn’t dictate my sense of self expression
- Comment on Suppose you were a dissident facing political persecution, how would you preserve your personal files so that you can retrieve it many years later, in case of imprisonment? 1 day ago:
Depends on budget and storage options
That’s not much data
Listed in order:
Encrypted nas. For that small amount of data raid 1. A shitty e waste pc would suffice. A ups would be ideal. This is least ideal honestly as it requires power, a maintainer, and isnt truly backup
SSD of some kind, even a usb stick Enterprise hard drive like wd gold or ironwolf pro Redundant copies, 2-3 ideally, store in various cool dry locations
LTO tape - far more resilient than hard drives and cost effective per tb but downside is that you need a very expensive ($3-5000) tape drive to utilize them, also very slow to read/write, older/cheaper tape formats (I believe pre lto8?) don’t have the ability to act as an external disk where you can just drag and drop files and are more of a pain to use
Blu-ray M-DISK. Upside for these are that they are very resilient, can be stored basically anywhere assuming you put them in a sealed container, and will last many many years (probably longer than you’ll be alive). Downside is that storage per disk is very low (100gb), cost per disk is high, and write speed is low. so you will need ~ 50 for 5tb of data, each disk is about $25 (so $1225 though tbf there’s probably bulk pricing) and it would take 37.5 hours to burn them. But this would be the most resilient of all
Cloud storage - backblaze, tresorit, icedrive, etc
Hybrid solution - ideal scenario. Load a hard drive or two and lock them away somewhere. If you have access to a Blu-ray burner maybe burn a handful of m-disks of your most critical data (not all 5tb but the most important 1-200gb or so). If you can access a tape drive do that too. Ideally update the tape and hard drives monthly. Update the Blu-ray as needed. local nas and cloud for daily backups
- Comment on Day 231 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 1 day ago:
I love this game. It has several drawbacks, some of the physics make things feel like you’re underwater the whole time, the wanted system can be extremely irritating at the worst moments, and for a game with a world that is extremely alive the missions are extremely on rails where often even doing something slightly off the developers intended path will fail you
But despite that I still love it. The game is gorgeous years later. They put so much effort into the world. It’s not just the graphics, it’s every detail that just makes it feel so alive. Walking around the town the npcs are so thought out, have so much dialogue. The animals too. I remember playing other open world games after and just noticing more so how lifeless they felt in comparison; that npcs would repeat dialogue after 2 or 3 lines, animals would run in circles, etc. and the story is great.
I hope that once gta6 is done they turn to rdr3. Its overall a much better series with a stronger narrative, better characters, etc. with red dead they seem to not be as overly concerned with shitting it up with online bullshit and microtransactions though so the series might be done for
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd 3 days ago:
Like a dragon pirate yakuza
Any rgg game is a game I buy. It’s dumb but I love them, especially the action ones where you actually fight (versus the more persona combat oriented ones like 7 and 8). This one is not exceptionally good but the boat parts at least add something new. It’s not bad at all (so far, I’m only a few hours in) but tbh if you don’t like these games you won’t suddenly like this one and if you’re new to the series this definitely isn’t the jump in point
- Comment on modern psychiatry be like 4 days ago:
I would argue that psychiatry and psychology does not make this claim. if anything modern psychiatry and psychology along with autism foundations led the push to educate early childhood development associated caretakers, eg pediatricians, elementary and preschool teachers, etc for signs to look for and led to development and revision of specific screening tools throughout the 1990s that started to greatly increase the number of cases that diagnosed early on when they would’ve otherwise would’ve been considered “socially awkward” and ostracized for much of their lives without any support offered at all
Granted there are certainly professionals that reject this now. The field is diverse and you certainly have varying opinions on things. And one weird phenomenon no one saw coming is that in this day and age staunchly conservative viewpoints would be disproportionately platformed. So sometimes those dumb shitheads get a huge platform because when they soapbox on social media saying “too many kids are getting diagnosed with autism” there are forces behind that realize they can be a useful idiot to legitimize awful views, like limiting health care spending (more people diagnosed with autism means insurance companies spend more) or anti vaccination nonsense (autism always attracts the loonies). And a bit of fame will often easily go to their heads, especially if it means they can now make a decent clip of money from speaking engagements and selling books.
But remember those people don’t define the field. They are a sore on the field. The Jordan Petersons and Lisa Littmans are scum that are propped up by a propaganda network and powerful forces. They are outnumbered. That’s why their research keeps getting retracted (or in petersons case why he simply sticks to podcasts and hasn’t authored a paper since 2007), because there are more people with ethics and integrity that will call them out. At least for now, until our institutions surrounding social science are fully dismantled
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 4 days ago:
There is a large degree of this, at least with some manufacturers. the iphone se referenced being a great example. If you’re a tech dork that wants fancy features you will overlook the se 100% of the time because even if you value a small phone many (basically all) of the bells and whistles on flagship models are gone as the se was based on the low end models from 1-3 generations back. No face id, no 5g, no magsafe, etc
Even for casual users: if you valued photography the se had the absolute worst camera of all the iphones. It was slow, it had less storage (64 gb minimum vs 128gb in the iphone 13 and newer), noticeably worse battery life, etc.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 4 days ago:
the obvious answer is that people weren’t buying them enough and that capitalistic markets will not support niche products that serve smaller demographics unless they can either financially justify themselves or earn some kind of government subsidy to sustain the effort (eg for a medical device and even then it’s shaky)
There are thousands of cool things that have died because they weren’t financially viable. That is what it is, but what’s more frustrating is that the technology behind these items and ideas is then almost always kept under lock and key forever, lost to the ages, because of the sliver of hope that some portion of it may somehow become a part of some new project. Instead of sharing the information to allow for collaboration and building on what was already established, any future projects need to now start from scratch. Otherwise they may infringe on the creators ability to secure earning potential you see, and that justifies drastically slowing the development of human progress in all fields by obfuscating research everywhere
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 1 week ago:
This is pretense to intrude on other things and more importantly remove the ability to browse pornography anonymously, which is dangerous. I would never use an account to browse a porn site because why would I ever want that data linked back to me? Look at the government right now. You watch a gay or trans porn video and in a few years that could be grounds for never being able to have certain types of jobs or worse, being deemed a “miscreant”
If this was truly about protecting children they would encourage open dialogue on sex in homes and increase inclusive sex education. This is evidence based. It would still be necessary even with this nonsense because obviously vpns exist, as well as amateur run sites, sites run from outside of the USA, torrents, etc that don’t give a shit about us laws requiring age verification and will show all kinds of obscenely hardcore videos
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 2 weeks ago:
However, my extensive mermaid knowledge consists of: ariel,
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 2 weeks ago:
I feel like the classic image the mermaid in my head is clamshells as a bra. However, my extensive mermaid knowledge consists of: ariel, the concept of the undine (which I have never seen depicted and I’m not sure is a mermaid actually, is this something that encompasses mermaids technically? Not really my forte), and decerto, who I have also never seen depicted
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 2 weeks ago:
So you definitely can’t go there easily but Gerald Hough is who does a lot of research on the abilities of homing pigeons and is available via email if you had specific questions
Is his bio and email
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 2 weeks ago:
if you’re really interested in pigeon behavior Rowan university in New Jersey has a pigeon lab for studying avian communication and cognition
- Comment on Ads are coming to bit.ly links 2 weeks ago:
Short links are bullshit anyway. Don’t obfuscate where you’re sending me, that’s sketch. That’s phishing email behavior. Just because you don’t want me to erase all the tracking bullshit from url. Soon I won’t be able to anyway because most sites are starting to embed it into the url anyway. Fuck you and fuck the internet
- Comment on Horse goals 3 weeks ago:
I came here to say there are a lot of youtube videos of horses farting, this being the most notable. It’s nice when youtube shoves stuff like this in my feed instead of right wing garbage
- Comment on Does Aphantasia exist for senses other than vision? 3 weeks ago:
A phantom taste perception is actually a lingering bad taste in your mouth and actually caused by multiple things like schizophrenia, diabetes, bad dental hygiene, head injuries, certain cancers, medications, etc
- Comment on Does Aphantasia exist for senses other than vision? 3 weeks ago:
Olfactory aphantasia is the inability to imagine smells Phantosmia is detecting smells that aren’t there
Similarly there’s gustatory aphantasia for taste and phantom taste perception
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 4 weeks ago:
Improves data tracking and increases the odds they can sell you services, which is money they love because it’s consistent and predictable income.
Also means you get drawn into their “ecosystem” and the deeper you get into it the harder it is to move to a competitors. If you have $4,000 worth of iphone apps and in app purchases it’s much harder to switch to android. You can migrate bookmarks, password databases, calendars, message histories (not imessage lmao), etc but you can’t migrate proprietary apps and services
big tech has been anti consumer for decades and while apple is a big issue now 90s and early 2000s microsoft was the driving force in making sure open standards and interoperability was quashed at every opportunity. US government had endless chances to regulate the industry but incompetent politicians did nothing because they were completely ignorant and corrupt (shocker)
- Comment on Does anyone know what Trump is going to do with people with mental disabilities who get SSDI? Or can someone link me something on Trump and SSDI since google is cleaning up Trump from searches? 4 weeks ago:
Oh for sure, self preservation above all. I just mentioned it because I’ve known a lot of disabled ppl who were very surprised to find that out and planning needs to start now
- Comment on Does anyone know what Trump is going to do with people with mental disabilities who get SSDI? Or can someone link me something on Trump and SSDI since google is cleaning up Trump from searches? 4 weeks ago:
Keep in mind that visa means you still need to self fund health care and in many countries like Canada and Australia if you are disabled you can be denied permanent residency for being a cost burden on their healthcare system.
Research where you go if you are disabled and leaving, especially if you’re leaving with permanent residency in mind
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
It happened long before chatgpt. Subredditsimulator was touted as a “fun game” at first but it was really a testing ground for bot devs. That goes back to like 2016, 6 years before chatgpt.
Openai was established 2015 though, some of their team was probably already shitting up the internet by then
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 5 weeks ago:
According to another comment reply that info is out of date
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 5 weeks ago:
States Where You Can Buy a Gun at a Gun Show Without a Waiting Period or Background Check
In the following states, private sellers (non-licensed individuals) at gun shows can sell firearms without conducting a background check or imposing a waiting period:
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Georgia Idaho Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mississippi Missouri Montana New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina (only for rifles & shotguns; handguns require a permit) North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 5 weeks ago:
Total fiction. Everyone knows you have to go to a unlicensed seller at a gun show in the majority of states for that, not a gun store
- Comment on How alarmed should I be to see stool in my blood? 5 weeks ago:
Note that you probably shouldn’t read this post if you have health anxiety
generally yes but not always. Don’t freak the fuck out without other symptoms. Something as simple as taking pepto bismol can make your stool very dark and it’s obviously benign in that case. Similarly red in your poop can be caused by dietary stuff, classic trigger is beets
Ideally you’d see a doctor just to be safe, especially if it occurs for more than a few days or if you also have other symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, etc.
if you have symptoms like tachycardia or weak heartbeat, pallor, hyperventilation, sweating, excessive fatigue/not alert, etc it’s in the medical emergency zone and you need an emergency room asap.
- Comment on Silicon Valley Tech Workers Quietly Protest Their Bosses’ Embrace of Trump 5 weeks ago:
“The quiet dissent underlines who wields the power in Silicon Valley these days: the bosses”
also “these days” as if silicon valley was once a worker run socialist wonderland
- Comment on Anon has an antique revolver 5 weeks ago:
I used to do a lot of repair stuff and I posted a lot on the associated subreddits and stack exchanges related to the topic. I’ve seen a lot people with things much less complex than this post pictures like “how do I put it back together??? They’d get detailed instructions from people on how to do it, then post angry replies that people basically weren’t doing it for them and (I assume) give up