- Comment on We need a new Amazon 2 days ago:
Um, sure.
- Comment on We need a new Amazon 2 days ago:
Not sure how you interpreted my comment as criticism, but it wasnt. Nevertheless, there is no comparable alternative, so unfortunateIy cant “do so”.
- Comment on We need a new Amazon 2 days ago:
I dont think its about availability, more about the convenience of having everything in one place and especially the rating system (which of course only works if you have a huge customer base and is also being exploited so not really a plus for Amazon anymore)
- Comment on We need a new Amazon 2 days ago:
Of course it is, but why does convenience have to be built on exploitation? I would gladly pay higher prices for an ethical alternative.
- Comment on What do You think about level scaling in cRPGs? 2 days ago:
Level scaling is usually used to make development easier, so making it optional would require the extra work to come up with appropriate enemy strength and the eoptional scaling effect on top.
- Comment on ohh ... 3 days ago:
Enjoying their freedom to be enslaved, as long as its freedom.
- Comment on They look pretty happy to me 1 week ago:
Oh no, they bought a camper and a pool, those dirty criminals. We should give 100x more of our money to those who really deserve it, so they can buy their third private jet.
- Comment on I guess it does 1 week ago:
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 week ago:
Which is simply wrong.
Its pretty sad to turn your back on the whole system because there are a few exploiting it.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 week ago:
My point wasnt that it is morally right, which it isnt. But OP made it sound like some evil masterminds are pulling the strings so rich people can stay in power, when it is simply people doing whats best for themselves. People are being judgemental but I think most wouldnt sacrifice 90% of their paycheck ‘because its the right thing to do’. Most people already earn 10 or 100 times more than people in Africa for example and are still buying from Amazon or temu contributing to exploitation. When people have the chance to make/save lots of money, they usually take it.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 week ago:
Partly agree there. Top talent in this context doesnt have to mean you are an expert at something. It usually just means you are worth a lot of money because having you generates even more money.
Imagine making 50k and generating 100Mio a year in protif for your company (doesnt matter how, maybe you just know the right people, Biden is your cousin or something). Wouldnt you feel exploited? Some other company might offer you 500k, bevause they know its still more than worth it.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 week ago:
Which is obvious because a huge part of big paychecks comes from exploiting others (directly or indirectly). You cant make the same amount of money ‘doing the right thing’
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 1 week ago:
Why do honest effective charities have to suffer because of some others who exploit the system?
You could just pick some that arent greedy like this.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 weeks ago: ranks charities by their ‘efficiency’ in multiple categories and offers funds for bundled donation according to their constantly updated ranking. Its really cool for finding reputable charities if you are worried about your money going where it is needed.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 weeks ago: does kind of the opposite. It ranks charities by their ‘efficiency’ and offers multiple funds for bundled donation according to their constantly updated ranking.
- Comment on Boil em, Mash em, Stick them in a Stew 2 weeks ago:
Please dont throw them away though, just cut out the sprouts. Theyre perfectly edible.
- Comment on That's right! 2 weeks ago:
I hope not, Im married…
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 weeks ago:
I dont know what part of your comment contradicts anything I said. If you are saying I shouldnt have said ‘vaping is healthier’ but instead ‘vaping is 99% likely to be healthier’, then yeah, sure.
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 weeks ago:
Wow. How can there be a single person in australia paying so much for slowly killing themselves?
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 weeks ago:
Vaping is much healthier per unit. The thing is lots of people cant stop vaping coz unlike cigarettes it tastes awesome. They suck on that thing 24h a day vaping the equivalent of 100+ cigarettes.
Also a big part of the revenue is generated from addicted kids, they know it and wont change it.
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 weeks ago:
Youre joking right?
- Comment on Making peace with liking very few games? 2 weeks ago:
Whats gonna happen?
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 2 weeks ago:
Oh how I wish that was true :(…/share-of-americans-who-believe-in-…
And thats just the ones believing in it, far from the number of people occadionally coming into contact with it.
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 2 weeks ago:
Youre right, also for old people
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 2 weeks ago:
You do but others might not. Most people have way more interaction with zodiac signs than D&D
- Comment on I have to be knowledgeable about a particular superstition in order to sign in to access a government form 2 weeks ago:
That example is very unfitting. Its more like your shoe size, just a single fact about yourself to remember. If you never wear shoes and dont talk to ppl about it you may forget, but it doesnt change throughout your life.
I have absolutely 0 connection with astrology and dont believe in any of it, but I still know my sign because I was probably told a few times as a kid.
- Comment on Gregor Samsa stealing all my matches 2 weeks ago:
All insects have 6 legs though, why cockroaches?
- Comment on I live in the green part 2 weeks ago:
It is literally a ‘first world problem’ then :p but not in the usual sense of small significance.
- Comment on DnD 2 weeks ago:
He doesnt need friends to play D&D, he can pay people and they will play with the exact facial expressions above.
- Comment on Bird Bath 3 weeks ago:
Drinking from a guys sweaty nuts? Thats def waaay geosser than navel shots