Mainstream media is just media consumed by the majority of people.
It has nothing to do with money.
But capitalism tends to rot anything it touches.
Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 2 months agoMainstream media and capitalism are part of the same bullshit
Mainstream media is just media consumed by the majority of people.
It has nothing to do with money.
But capitalism tends to rot anything it touches. 2 months ago
No, mainstream media is part of capitalism.
Specifically shitty mainstream media (I’m sure there are some mainstream media providers that aren’t shitty).
This is a shitty product.
This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism.
This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism which happens to show mainstream media.
But this isn’t mainstream media.
Mainstream media would want in on the ad revenue. Mainstream media would facilitate & encourage this.
This is just a shitty product from a shitty company capitalising on shitty practices. 2 months ago
Yeah, I had to really masticate on my phrasing for a while and never really settled on a statement that reflected properly my true meaning. Glad you could see where I was coming from