- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
It is by no spores either
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
even mechanics can be unintentionally political. there was a really cool errant signal video years ago talking about civilization games. it was mostly about what the games idea of a “civilization” is and how the win conditions reinforced the idea that one civilization has to be the superior one to rule them all…
but also these ideas were further reinforced by the way barbarians were depicted. that word already has baggage but the interesting thing is that in civ4 they share a banner with wildlife. like, they’re almost like animals or natural disasters and not people at all.
what conservatives don’t understand is that you can think about things like this and acknowledge what they mean and still enjoy the game and or understand why these choices were made. they’re not necessarily political choices as much as they’re mechanical, but that doesn’t mean we can’t think about what mechanical choices might mean to the player, or what messages they send. if video games are art, they can—and I would say must—be critiqued.
fear of change is at the core of conservatism, and that drives their utter aversion to introspection, and also to criticism of things and people they like. and vice versa, they can’t bring themselves to appreciate any part of anything they don’t like. if they like a person they can do no wrong. if they like a game it must be perfect. if they dislike a song it’s the harbinger of the fall of civilization (ooh look at me bringing it full circle).
in a world of absolutes, there can be no discussion. don’t ask me to think about things please. leave your thoughts and opinions out of my fun time, lest my views get challenged. this is what’s funny about the likes of ben shapiro pretending that they have the facts while liberals are too emotional. their entire world view is based on their feels, and their arguments follow those as justification.
- Comment on Prison slavery 1 day ago:
why use carrot when stick work
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
if you think about it, in tetris once you fit perfectly you get destroyed. but if you don’t you eventually help each other get to the top. maybe it’s a caution against conformity.
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
“a man who hates an animal” made me laugh so hard
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
I’m glad, because you’re talking nonsense.
what you’re referring to is a time when you were a kid and didn’t realize the politics. now you’re aware of it and are acting like it’s new. this is just illiteracy.
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
because you think of “I never get laid” as a normal human need to connect with another person, which is what it is but they’re too deep in misogyny to realize it. instead to them getting laid is a quest to complete and it involves a quest item known as a woman, not a character. so I never get laid has less of an undertone of “why can’t I connect with a woman” and more of “when will we get our government mandated sex slaves”
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
this literally has nothing to do with the game itself. it’s about behavior towards other people, which is intently political.
also video games are art which makes them political as well.
the fact that you kneejerked into this reaction feels super insecure and reactionary.
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 5 days ago:
try envigorated. I don’t know if you watch let’s plays at all, but me I mainly do it with games that I’ve finished but can’t play again with the knowledge I already have. great puzzle and mystery solving games like obra dinn, the witness, etc. or games with amazing twists like prey… some things you can’t live through twice, but you can witness the joy in others when they do it for the first time. that’s why I do it. with kids, it’s literally everything.
you should watch the Love Death and Robots episode Pop Squad.
- Comment on Enshittification 5 days ago:
going by the cover from top to bottom: spaceX, tesla, DOGE. hmm…
- Comment on The specter of a GTA 6 delay haunts the games industry: 'Some companies are going to tank' if they guess wrong, says analyst 5 days ago:
that’s not true. games can absolutely get fucked by release dates coinciding with big names.
- Comment on I've done it again... 5 days ago:
good thing is I can eat pasta 3x as much as I can eat any other food. so to me it’s only 200 servings.
- Comment on Type C 6 days ago:
23x awards
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
different degrees, but yeah pretty much all land has been taken by force. still is. the difference is how though.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
funny how it’s not “intelligent” enough to say “hey I don’t really do math” and instead feeds me bullshit that I have to correct and then it’ll say “oh yeah totally right sorry here’s the actual answer that I wouldn’t have given if you hadn’t corrected me as the one who asked the question”
also your essay fucking sucks. learn to put together a coherent thought instead of relying on a glorified autocorrect that doesn’t have them at all to do it for you.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
to be fair it’s always been a kleptocracy. literally founded on stolen land, with stolen labor. even after emancipation it kept the stolen labor tradition alive til now with increasing intensity.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 6 days ago:
dude had already swallowed the tech bs, thinks ai is the furthest advancement if technology when it can’t compete with ancient tech. literally can’t do what a calculator can do reliably. or a timer. or a calendar.
- Comment on Acetone: A Thread 1 week ago:
so just inhale it all… ok
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
there’s no way having fewer garbage cans results in less garbage on the ground
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
it’s both. conservatism is both appealing to stupid people and it compounds stupidity.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
“your statistic is false because I have an anecdote” is literally the entire basis of the conservative understanding of science.
union workers don’t make more on average because I earn half a dollar more.
global warming isn’t happening because I brought a snowball.
vaccines cause death because my friend walked out of a clinic after a shot and got hit by a self driving tesla.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
and the most reddit ass comment award goes to …
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
if you know how to use blender, sure. for most people the controls will not be very intuitive. not everyone knows about the donut tutorials.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
apparently grok doesn’t know what balance means
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
professionalism is so last millennium. we’re hip and young and human. and definitely your friend.
- Comment on Help! I can never find a game that has a good resolution. 1 week ago:
“I’m looking for a game that has the aspect ratio of a person”
- Comment on He's totally not a Nazi tho 1 week ago:
I’ve been saying the reason he’s obsessed with the letter is its resemblance to the swastika.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
it is basic biology, ie biology simplified to teach a kid in middle school. the thing is sciences don’t stop at middle school level. a lot of university education is about clarifying that things you learned before were simplified to the point that they’re practically useless if not outright wrong.
- Comment on Schumer’s Retreat From a Government Shutdown Has Young Democrats Fuming 1 week ago:
traitor, nazi collaborator piece of shit.
- Comment on What someone's doing to X right now 2 weeks ago:
half right. what i meant was back then it was fringe, and the majority of people didn’t take them seriously. the internet not only brings these people together but galvanizes their beliefs and spreads them. they’re not just louder, they are more numerous. and stupider.
this is the most annoying part for me.
even conspiracy theories are much more stupid than before. at least a lot of old conspiracy theories had some reason behind them. black helicopters, hidden aliens, multiple shooters… whatever, yeah you could see why they might have happened, and why the government would have reasons to keep those under wraps if they were true.
now they’re like … trans agenda (whatever that is), covid to cull the population, covid vaccines to implant chips, 5g, flat earth (I know it’s old but there’s no way it was as popular as it is now)… just the fucking dumbest, most nonsensical, pointless, improbable and impractical shit.