- Comment on Divided and conquered 4 days ago:
Here’s the problem: the one with the purple hair wants civil rights and safety, and the one with the red hat wants to punch the one with the purple hair repeatedly. Can’t really compromise like that. Need to fight red hat and billionaire at the same time, which is bullshit.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Are there any mentally healthy people anywhere?
- Comment on Help! I can never find a game that has a good resolution. 1 week ago:
Seriously though, there’s a lot of bullet hell that are suddenly available to you, on a screen like that.
- Comment on Anon reads a depressing book 1 week ago:
Let’s go, Akutagawa!
- Comment on Do tell!!! 2 weeks ago:
Man, I already don’t do verbs at people. I’m posting this to a website though, and that doesn’t involve people, but if you choose to read it, then I’m delighted. If we have that layer of internet abstraction, then we can do whatever we want?
I’m gonna go outside and touch some grass.
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 2 weeks ago:
There are so many different kinds of intelligence, and pattern recognition is but only one. I’m sure that you’re intelligent in ways he can never aspire to be. That’s the thing about humans: alone, we’re pretty useless, but together, we contribute our different skills to make societies of wonder and magnificence.
- Comment on Favorite Racing Game Soundtrack? 3 weeks ago:
Ridge Racer Type 4 isn’t here?
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
Well, if nothing else, it’s on my Steam Deck too, and the decks seem to make the game more accessible to people who don’t have an eight-hundred dollar bill lying around.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
It’s my wife’s favorite game. She has a small shrine to it in her library!
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
I see Rule of Rose, I upvote.
- Comment on PERIPETEIA: An indie ImSim 4 weeks ago:
The creator of this game has a habit of attacking people as “brain damaged.”
Don’t buy his works.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I mean, Downfall is right there.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
You called someone brain-damaged.
I’m not buying your game, specifically because you did that.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Disco Elysium has helped polish my English, and using those character concepts seems to help facilitate various lines of thought. Plus, since they’re now fairly well-known, I can use them as a short-hand for categories of feelings.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Honestly everyone needs therapy, but when you’re trans, you just *know*. You know deep down in your shivers, in your half-light. You know in a way that cis people can articulate in language, but will never truly be able to feel, to understand, to appreciate, to resonate.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 5 weeks ago:
Visibly queer minority here! I’m probably gonna go to jail sometime in the next year for being trans in public. Until I do though, I’ve been lobbying state congress about some of the bills on the docket.
- Comment on Anon has a busy day 1 month ago:
Dark patterns in gaming are the absolute worst and although I understand that they’re structured to cater to the worst impulses in human thought patterns, I still don’t understand why people can’t quit.
Then again, folks don’t quit drugs easy either.
- Comment on The Chilling Consequences of Going Along With Trump 1 month ago:
Google Translate says that reads “Even Our Faces Got Eaten.”
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 1 month ago:
I’ve been told they’re Spanish?
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 1 month ago:
I didn’t grow up in a place where Christianity was the norm, so nope, never baptized. I’ll just pirate some Jesus, that’s what he’d want.
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 1 month ago:
Sounds to me like I need to burgle mass and eat some Jesus on the down-low then.
- Comment on This is my hole! It was made for me! 1 month ago:
You do get it. Also, there’s not monsters, just, uh, extruded humans coming out the other side.
- Comment on This is my hole! It was made for me! 1 month ago:
The artist’s name is Junji Ito, so that you have an accurate search term and can find more of his works.
In real life, he’s a delightful and bright guy, but on the page, he gets pretty fucked up real quick. Good luck.
(I think most of my problem with Junji Ito is that he comes up with an incredibly graphic shock panel and then crafts the story around one or two violent bits of art, rather than making the art in service to the story. His pattern can get a bit repetitive.)
- Comment on Wish I could charge $100 a call attempt to these people 2 months ago:
My ring tone is two longs and a short and a pause, vibrating on my right wrist. No one can hear it, and I get to know when someone’s leaving me a voicemail cause I don’t answer my phone.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 2 months ago:
And the example they use is a guy shooting another guy on TV.
- Comment on It's absolutely true. 2 months ago:
It’s not his bag, baby!
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on How many games do you manage to play at the same time? 2 months ago:
A few. I’m playing through the bonus campaigns of Etherfields, while looking longingly at ISS Vanguard which I haven’t picked up in a week, while playing one-shot games of stuff like Twinfold and Balatro and Slay the Spire. Finished Silent Hill 2R recently and that was awesome.
I know this isn’t true for everyone, but narrative solo board gaming is really, really good for me, and lets me do a lot of gaming that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to do, what with my brain being all busted with stroke damage.
- Comment on Anon memes 2 months ago:
Fuck it, I’m in.
It’s honestly the best but of American TV yet made.
- Comment on What are your bank details? 2 months ago:
I bet it’s even more than a thousand dollars a year!
If it isn’t, I’m so sorry buddy, and I hope your situation improves somehow.