- Comment on Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives! 2 days ago:
We have an echo for the chamber, that is true, but the antidote is not right wing views, the right wing has lost any credibility after Trump.
I’m probably center left for lemmy, and that is what we need more of. Lemmy is heavily moded by very VERY left people that like to ban anyone that dares disagree
- Comment on WHY 2 weeks ago:
Isn’t machine female? La machine
- Comment on George Carlin spent nearly his entire life trying to warn us of what is happening 3 weeks ago:
Absolutely. People like George and Jon Steward are fantastic at shining a light at the bullshit, but their solution is either apathy or just laughing at the bullshit and moving on. Both are akin to giving up.
All their bits should end up with the message don’t just vote, get involved in LOCAL government. Don’t just wait to vote for president and expect things to get better.
The GOP controls everything because they started the local level, from city councils to librarians, these fuckers are everywhere
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
🤣 Just one more subscription, bro! Come one just one more I promise!
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 month ago:
If you are paying for this shit, you are part of the problem.
- Comment on Career tip #345 1 month ago:
Got em!
- Comment on Anon does overhead press 1 month ago:
My guess is that this person watched two YouTube videos of Olympic lifters do snatch and clean and though, “that’s not that hard! I’ll jerk that weight up there! 🏋️”
Narrator: it was that hard.
- Comment on Allianz boss calls on Germany to withdraw sick pay on first day off 1 month ago:
Wtf Sweden, I thought you guys were cool! That policy sucks, I hate people coming in sick to work. It fucks up everyone
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 1 month ago:
Thanks, I hate it
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
Plenty of Chinese, black, south american weiners.
There is no need to bring in race and divide us. We’re all getting fucked by the 1% regardless of skin color.
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 1 month ago:
I still think your distinction is important. They are both tragedies of course, but it’s important to know and understand the cause.
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
People online do not understand jokes. I refuse to believe anyone in real life would be this dense.
In real life people would see this lol and move on, on the internet they write dissertations about some BS to virtue signal to other strangers how enlightened they are… 🙄
- Comment on Feel the Joy 2 months ago:
It would go exactly like this:
Man: Haha, that’s funny! Can I feel the joy?!
Woman: Haha sorry you’re not festive enough lol
Man: lol fair enough!
party continues
People that wear funny stuff are funny and like to laugh. It’s a joke conversation starter, not a porn movie plot.
I don’t know if people on here simply don’t interact with with the opposite sex or what, but 99% of all interactions you’ll have will be positive if you are positive and fun.
Most people aren’t psycho losers and most women aren’t frail damsels, they are fun and love to joke flirt just as much as men.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
Any good instances? All I’ve tried are dead
- Comment on Happy birthday, peon 2 months ago:
Mine is usually on labor day so I take the month of September off
- Comment on Happy birthday, peon 2 months ago:
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
So everything. You could have just said everything.
- Comment on Goku 2 months ago:
That’s a ridiculous acronym!
- Comment on CEO brains go brrrrr 2 months ago:
Killing people is never right
What is this nonsense? Hitler? Stalin? Mao? Putin? Khan? There is a never ending list of people that should have been killed sooner.
Those are just the obvious example. There are many more people that cause suffering and death of millions and they deserve to be removed from society.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 months ago:
The the amount of work and responsibilities the presidency is actually waaay underpaid. CEOs on the other hand get paid like they run the world, while in reality they are just sucking dick.
- Comment on Charities of Employees from "non-profit" I was going to donate too 2 months ago:
I always hear this argument, and it seems like straight up CEO propaganda. I remember how failing businesses HAVE TO hire multi million dollar CEOs and fire employees becuase how else will they get good leadership!
Motherfucker, your previous CEO also had the same salary and sent you into bankruptcy.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
lol the irony would be MASSIVE
- Comment on alpha 2 months ago:
Isn’t Schenkel thigh in German?
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 months ago:
vaping won’t give you cancer
That’s one hell of a confident statement… Backed up by exactly zero sources.
- Comment on Good to see AAFES looking out for my health 2 months ago:
LeBron LeJames would never smoke LaCigarete!
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 3 months ago:
Yea that’s also good. I do that with chess 😂
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 3 months ago:
I’ll just say as an aging gamer, I simply do not have time to grind or replay things. I could do that stuff in highschool, but not anymore.
Grinding especially is a no-go for me. 100% achievements? No chance in hell that’s happening.
Life moves too fast and there’s too much entertainment. Devs that think people have time to sit there and enjoy some obscure shit they hid, will be disappointed.
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 4 months ago:
People that litter are human trash.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
WERE YOU THERE TO SEE IT??? - The next moronic rebuttal