- Comment on Anon's calendar is incomplete 3 hours ago:
They come from a parallel universe where the lunar month is about 4 days longer than ours.
- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 8 hours ago:
Narwhal moustache bacon! lol so random
- Comment on adhesive tape to the buttocks 2 days ago:
“Whenever I’m having a… problem, I generally work it out with a pencil”
- Comment on Are old people usually attracted to other old people? 1 week ago:
As seems to be the consensus, I still find people in their 20s physically attractive, but the prospect of spending any significant amount of time talking to most people more than 5 or so years separated from my age is pretty exhausting. If we’re talking long term relationships, I’d rather compromise a bit on looks in favor of a roughly contemporary personality than vice versa. And, as I get older, my threshold for “attractive” softens a bit to accommodate that personality.
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
We don’t know you
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
I don’t think “fascist” or “utopia” are accurate descriptions. With Heinlein, his political settings are less “the world should be like this” than “hey what if the world was like this?”. Again, he wrote it in the middle of writing SiaSL, which demonstrates basically the polar opposite worldview. To interpret ST as fascist propaganda seems a bit myopic.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
I think “propaganda” is less accurate than “thought experiment”. Heinlein centered his books around a lot of different political backdrops. Pretty sure he wrote Starship Troopers in the middle of writing the free-love-hippie-commune “propaganda” Stranger in a Strange Land.
Still, probably best not to try to hide subtle critique in something that looks like propaganda.
- Comment on I'll give 100% when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 2 weeks ago:
What are they thinking, owners make the most money.
- Comment on Equations can't hurt your feelings 2 weeks ago:
Time: 2 weeks, take home
Questions: 1, multiple parts. Open textbook, internet, collaboration with classmates, anything really.
Good luck
- Comment on Bat is the way 2 weeks ago:
You’re cutting the head off the hydra at that point.
- Comment on Bat is the way 2 weeks ago:
That and also reasonable corruption. You can only do so much within the system when the system is rotten.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Kissing a bearded man rarely results in hair in your teeth
- Comment on Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show? 2 weeks ago:
I’m talking about physically altering the outside world: creating a giant painting, growing a garden, building a house, etc. Anything that takes longer than one day to physically achieve will reset, undoing your progress.
- Comment on Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show? 3 weeks ago:
Except everything which physically takes longer than 24 hours.
- Comment on Somebody stabbed this repeatedly 3 weeks ago:
Leave the keys upon the table
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 weeks ago:
My mind goes round like a roundabout. Whistles and sings.
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 3 weeks ago:
Hey keep your hands off my wife
- Comment on I'll care when I work for a co-op that is equally owned by all the workers. 3 weeks ago:
The free market capitalist types always wanna talk about incentives. Wages incentivize working exactly as hard as necessary to not get fired and not one iota more. Stock ownership incentivizes maximizing profit for the business: higher output, fewer sloppy mistakes, extra care and effort. Shockingly, workers are spontaneously encouraged to actively help the business succeed when they actually see a return on that increased success, who knew?
- Comment on It works for anything 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Physics books are a classic 5 weeks ago:
Cylinders are the extreme upper limit of a prism
- Comment on Physics books are a classic 5 weeks ago:
Huh, I’d considered “prism” to be the general and “cylinder” to be specifically circular, but apparently cylinder is general. Go figure.
- Comment on Physics books are a classic 5 weeks ago:
As opposed to a non-circular cylinder?
- Comment on Homeless? No way! I am living the van life down by the river. 1 month ago:
“just” is a bit reductive, but yeah that wouldn’t hurt
- Comment on Homeless? No way! I am living the van life down by the river. 1 month ago:
Arguably, some degree of food supply uncertainty is most natural, and what our metabolism developed to accommodate. Security is great, morally, but I don’t think our caveman metabolism is adjusting that quickly. I don’t think that should curtail the efforts we make to secure good for all, but it’s worth consideration.
- Comment on Okay, this is getting out of hand 1 month ago:
There we go, that’s more like it
- Comment on Okay, this is getting out of hand 1 month ago:
The Home Depot doesn’t make sense, Shell/Exxon/BP would be more appropriate
- Comment on Ancestry dot com 1 month ago:
“Four individually wrapped varieties” implies each of your grandparents was a separate, distinct nationality
- Comment on [Discussion] Which movie trailers were the most deceptive regarding the actual content of the movie? 1 month ago:
I remember Man of the Year being advertised as a strategy comedy: Robin Williams plays a Jon Stewart type that actually gets elected president, hijinks ensue.
!It pretty quickly turned into a serious thriller. He didn’t even actually get elected, he only won because he entered the race after a program was installed to steal the election for another candidate, and the convoluted conditions wound up favoring him instead. !<
- Comment on Spicy Candy 1 month ago:
Free? Someone’s never had to install the stuff.
- Comment on Hope yall like screaming 1 month ago:
Fitting, since this picture looks like it was taken from inside the Van from the Clown Core album