- Comment on What would happen if all undersea cables got severed worldwide simultaneously? 4 days ago:
Theyd all be caught in networks
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 5 weeks ago:
Maybe a helpful starting point, if this is a real question, is for you to define what it is you mean by Marxism and what you find unethical about it more specifically. I’m asking the ideology as a whole, not a specific instance or country that claims to have it. For example I don’t think all marxists would be in agreement about if China’s government is a good representation of marxism (even if they call themselves communists).
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago:
I appreciate your dedication
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago:
I mean the woman posting there identifies herself as a follower, seems on brand for the platform
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 5 weeks ago:
This is good information, a few follow up questions:
what does China gain by influencing the US to elect a fascist? It’s clear what us billionaires gain, less so for China
where are the breaks on choo choo train to Nazi America, based on this trend?
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 month ago:
I’m always a bit dumbfounded how many people are apparently fine with this sort of thing. I wish this was obviously a death sentence or pr nightmare for the service but in practice it must not be for a lot of people, enough to make it worth attempting.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 month ago:
“interesting” is certainly one word for it
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 month ago:
I would be more sympathetic to this if they actually maintained their grid. It’s been shown time and time again that the company doesn’t replace parts that badly need it while paying their c suite enormous bonuses. I have no sympathy for this situation whatsoever
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2: Electric Boogaloo 1 month ago:
Luigi’s Mansione
- Comment on Developer of WalkScape (the fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL) here again. We're accepting new players and have a Lemmy community! 2 months ago:
The game is great, eagerly looking forward to smartwatch support as someone who doesn’t bring their phone on runs but otherwise having a good time with the game
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 29th 2 months ago:
I pulled “I was a teenage exocolonist” off my waiting list and it’s been fantastic, honestly. Neat but not ground breaking pseudo deck building gameplay but really engaging story in a nice cozy setting but without the kids gloves that usually comes with it. I’m having a great time
- Comment on Behold currently! 2 months ago:
This is honestly just as good as the original post
- Comment on It’s over 2 months ago:
You can trust her she is a professional smoker. Kid is doomed
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
I think it’s a spectrum, some are worse than others. This one is particularly incensing as it drives house prices up for average consumers. Me putting my meager retirement savings in stocks, while still arguably just as much a capitalist behavior, feels a little less negative on the working class. But maybe it is and I just don’t understand economics enough for the nuance
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
I and I think many in the left would say no to both of those, especially if you lived there yourself in the second case. The abhorrent behavior is buying multiple houses and charging rent that is high enough to not just cover mortgage and maintenance but also turn a large profit, enough to where you can live entirely off of it at the expense of your tenants. And do things like raise the rent every year because “the market allows for it” even though your mortgage cost hasn’t changed.
There is obviously a grey area in between that everyone will have different opinions on. But in my view it is POSSIBLE to rent a property ethically, using lower than industry rents and being generally nice about it rather than viewing it as an opportunity for exploitation
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 3 months ago:
What if they were 9 inch nails instead?
- Comment on Many TV stations put a banner ad in the picture these days 3 months ago:
This take is why you keep losing at golf
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 5 months ago:
I mean it’s definitely an interesting read. I’m just not sure what to actually do with this information. The fundamental problem feels like a generally small bubble, and at times a specific disinterest in venturing outside of it. If anyone’s whole worldview is shaped entirely by their tiny rural hometown, it’s easy to understand why others with radically different backgrounds feel scary.
But at the end of the day, it doesn’t feel like a good enough reason to drag the rest of the country through rigid christofacist moral dogmas and support the industries that prop up those small towns at the expense of the planet as a whole. But as long as those people aren’t interested in venturing outside their communities and meeting other different people, im not sure how to convince them of this.
Maybe if the cost of living becomes too untenable in major cities and work from home continues in certain industries rural areas will see more growth and this will improve somewhat? Idk
- Comment on Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Preview: Purest Evolution of a Stellar RPG 5 months ago:
I believe it is accurate to say rtwp gameplay came before turn based and that turn based RPGs aren’t even that old in the grand scheme of video games. I know it’s not for everyone but for me personally if it isn’t turn based im way less interested. I’m too old for twitch based gameplay and rtwp feels tedious
- Comment on How do you join a different instance? 5 months ago:
Unless they call it a sad robot it is clearly ai. Anyone in mtgzone knows this
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monkey Island 6 months ago:
Love all the monkey Island games, my sister and I played 3 together at the same pc when we were kids and it is a fond memory, have since played all the others.
I remember reading a write up by the creator essentially saying that each game sort of reflected where the small team of developers were in their life at the time of each game, from the first game being young and ambitious to third being marriage themed and the most recent having child raising themes. I am paraphrasing badly but was neat insight either way.
My only gripe about the game is that whenever I inevitably use lines from the game in my real life it’s exceedingly rare anyone has any idea what I am talking about
- Comment on Trump's answer today reminded me of his infamous "Nuclear" quote. 6 months ago:
This now makes me wonder if I could call Trump and just claim to be some random famous person and he would take me seriously and go on the news about it. I honestly can’t decide what is weirder, making up a random, easily verifiably false story about lizardman calling to apologize to the ex president about his company, or the possibility that this may have actually happened.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
DE is fantastically well written, equal parts emotional and hilarious depending how you play and one of my all time favorite games. Big recommend
- Comment on Open world games, need recommendations 10 months ago:
It a fairly low intensity PC game
- Comment on Open world games, need recommendations 10 months ago:
My somewhat controversial suggestion is outward. Low graphical intensity PC game, very open world, and some incredibly unique and polarizing design choices. If your favorite part of breath of the wild was world exploration and korok finding, you may love it! If you like quality of life features though, maybe not.
Things like, you have a world map but no “you are here” marker so need to place yourself with landmarks. You need to drop your backpack to fight effectively and remember where you dropped it, the magic system is based on insomnia with the longer since you slept the more mana you have until you push it too far and just collapse. Really really weird game that I still think about all the time years later.
- Comment on Open world games, need recommendations 10 months ago:
I affectionately refer to it as live action breath of the wild