- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 14 hours ago:
Yep, I’m on the latest version.
- Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 15 hours ago:
I’m having the same issue on Freetube, it pops up and says it can’t play the video because Youtube requires being signed in. Sometimes if I retry a couple of time it’ll play, but usually keeps getting the same error. Freetube is great though, maybe they’ll come up with a solution soon.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 1 week ago:
Getting into a daily stretching routine is also really good for keeping things from locking up on you as you age. Do some stretches before working out to prevent injuries and afterwards to prevent muscle soreness.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 4 weeks ago:
If you answer wrong, what does it do? Refuse to show you any more of the program you are paying them to provide?
Oh wait, I know. It shows another ad, right? That’s gotta be it. We’ll keep showing you ads until you fucking pay attention!
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 4 weeks ago:
Neither Medicare nor most health insurance covers hearing aids, or glasses for that matter.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 4 weeks ago:
Not to mention that all the waiting rooms also have TVs in them, making noise. I really miss the days when you would go places and it was just quiet unless someone was talking (and it would be to someone physically present). The place I take my car for an oil change or whatever plays country music in its waiting room. It’s torture.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 4 weeks ago:
Same, if I’m walking around outside with it in my pocket, I don’t notice the vibration or even hear it ring over the background noise and wind.
- Comment on 小红书 4 weeks ago:
The real reason is that it’s competition for the broligarchs. They want it gone, thinking that all that traffic will come to their platforms.
That’s why there’s no chance that the govt will do what many in this thread are saying would be logical–ban the data collection and manipulation itself, not just one foreign competitor–be consistent, Meta, X, etc. should also be banned.
So regardless of how stupid people are for signing up on the Chinese alternatives, at least it’s good that they’re refusing to move to Meta, YT, X, etc. They’re deliberately not rewarding the broligarchs.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Many years ago, I offered a girl in my dorm to get high with me and to my surprise she got very freaked out and scared, which I had never seen happen to anyone before. And what we smoked back in those days was much tamer than what they have today. I had to sit with her and keep her calm for what seemed like forever. Really harshed my mellow (from my language in this post, you can guess my age 😄 ).
Point is though, yes–some people can have a negative reaction to it. Was it mj-induced psychosis in this case? I dunno, I don’t know the definition. I don’t think she actually hallucinated or anything, it was more like a major anxiety attack.
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 1 month ago:
Perfect! Those things look just like a dumpster too.
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 1 month ago:
Thanks, when I saw the news I knew I wanted a good shot of the it. Should become a great meme.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 1 month ago:
To answer the original question, it’s because the earth is very large and retains the heat from warmer times preceding the solstice in the water bodies and the ground, like a buffer, so there is a lag time for things to lose that heat and get to the coldest air temps. As an analogy, if you heat up some rocks in the oven, then turn off the oven, the rocks will still stay hot for a long time and gradually cool off.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 1 month ago:
What if it’s about some other guy named Brian? So stupid.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
At one of my first jobs in an office, everyone had an ashtray at their desk and there was always someone smoking at any given time throughout the day. Same with the breakroom. Sometime around then was when they started making people go to the breakroom to smoke, then a few years later it moved to having to go outside, which just meant walking through the cloud of smoke surrounding the door to get inside. Well, at least one thing has changed for the better since then. 😄
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
YES. Flip phones were fine and were enough to handle all the problems mentioned about pre-cellphones. Calls, texts, voice mail. All the new problems mentioned are caused BY smartphones. If the meme showed a Nokia flip phone it would have been perfect.
- Comment on To do 1 month ago:
How could that possibly be a J?
- Comment on To do 1 month ago:
And people think cursive is hard to read?
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
Reading this thread, I feel like having a nice rant:
“Waah, all our problems are caused by the boomers! They’re all rich and selfish, they had the easy life and got all the money and the houses and ruined the environment while our lives were ruined!” Keep believing that and stay distracted! while the oligarchy laughs it’s ass off at you.
Pay no attention to all those poor boomers who could never get a house, who are scraping to get by–those are the exceptions that prove the rule, they must have been especially lazy or stupid boomers, if they’re not rich like the vast majority of boomers! Yeah, that’s it.
Pay no attention to the corporations that have bought up all the housing so they can rent it to you at any price they like, that has nothing to do with housing costs–it’s the boomers who caused it! Yeah, that’s it.
Pay no attention to the oil companies and big corporations that control congress to keep their profits private and costs socialized so they can spew their effluent into the environment as the world burns and the ice caps melt, it’s the boomers who were too selfish to leave you their house when they died who are to blame! Boomers only started the environmental movement and demonstrated and pressured the government into creating the EPA, Clean Air Act, and many more, but so what, all the bad things are still their fault.
Stay distracted! Keep believing what you’re told and blaming who you’re told to blame as you get older and older and the boomers all die, and then enjoy how Gen B and Gen C, etc. hate you and rail against you and blame you for all their problems. Why didn’t you–yes you! stop global warming? You could have, but you didn’t give a fuck. You who had it so easy, living your selfish life with your fresh water and electricity and air conditioning and video games and all those nice things, while their lives were ruined? It’s all your fault!
Never the oligarchs, though. Not them.
[I can also do another version of this for the right wingers, substituting immigrants for boomers].
- Comment on That's a good one 1 month ago:
Ironically, that’s the same reason I don’t trust LLMs.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
I’m pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway
That should work out since most boomers didn’t get anything from their parents either.
- Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 months ago:
True, even though it’s supposed to be a jury of the defendant’s peers, not a jury of the victim’s peers.
- Comment on Well, I guess that settles it 2 months ago:
CEO’s: Second degree murder is the highest you can charge him with? But we want to torture him and make an example of him so the proles don’t get uppity!
Cops: No problem sirs, we can make that happen.
- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 2 months ago:
Congress basically believed what they were told by the warmongers.
- Comment on Iraq War was preceded by the largest worldwide non-violent protests in history and the war happened anyway. 2 months ago:
The protests were amazing, nothing like it before or since. The media suppressed coverage of them as best they could. They couldn’t totally ignore them but gave almost 0 coverage. Masses and masses of people packing the streets. Wish we’d had drones back then to get some good aerial footage.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
I thought the same thing. They have more video footage and we are seeing only 2 stills from it, but the coats are definitely different. But the hostel footage was from when he was checking in days earlier than the day of the shooting.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
If he did it to instill fear in health insurance executives as a deterrent, then that means it was an act of terror. As an act of terror, that means the murdered CEO’s life insurance company does not have to pay out. Claim denied.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Jury selection question to weed out biased jurors: “Have you ever had a claim that was unfairly denied?”
Weeks later: “We have been unable to find enough jurors to try the case.”
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
What statement are you referring to? The point that it’s far more expensive to travel from North America to a country in Europe for example, than it is to travel between countries in Europe? Maybe Thailand would be as expensive for both, though, I don’t know. Or the point that most Americans get much less vacation time than Europeans so again, only the more privileged Americans generally have the time off to take an overseas vacation.
Of course some regular people also take those vacations, but it’s probably a once-in-a-lifetime big deal that they saved up for a long time as a dream. Those aren’t the ones acting entitled, they are appreciating the opportunity.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
Just remember that any Americans vacationing in other countries are Americans who can afford to travel to take a vacation in other countries, and that explains the sense of entitlement and rudeness you see which gives Americans a bad name.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
I say it because every time I try to speak in someone in their language, they immediately switch to English.