- Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 16 hours ago:
Sword of Truth series has some very cool ancient white magic in the world that you get to see.
A few books in it goes balls deep into libertarianism and becomes unreadable but it’s fun while it lasts lol.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 16 hours ago:
Sounds like this guy smokes a lot a grass, does that count?
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 16 hours ago:
My wife listened to me get mad about Mass Effect 3 so I’m pretty sure she loves me.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 16 hours ago:
Women just don’t thrive on competition the way we do. They will absolutely nerd out on most other shit though, anything from Pokemon party builds to Fallout lore to puzzles.
The only other girl filter I’ve seen besides competition is the hardcore autistic stuff like logistics and simulators; not nearly as many women playing Factorio, Mudrunner, Elite, etc… They’re out there though, and there are exceptions like Wurm Online that attract more women than you would otherwise expect.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 17 hours ago:
My wife would casually watch me play until she saw me playing Rust with the bros. She shyly asked if I could build her a computer.
Brother I had been building, fixing, and overclocking PCs for like 20 years by that point, a few a month even. I slapped one together from spare parts and got her in the game.
She immediately used the fact that she is a girl to work her way into the good graces of other factions and made us friends I couldn’t have imagined. She would change her name and kill sleepers to make our enemies think they had been raided by other enemies. She would make friends with the resident assholes and then map out their base layout for us.
My group has people in it like a top 10k solo no-builf Fortnite player, a guy who regularly airdisked people 300m away in Tribes, and two top World of Tanks NA players: we are a force to be reckoned with on any day. She was armed with nothing but kindness and help for good people, and wrath to those who wronged good people.
She fit right in.
- Comment on I will take no arguments 3 weeks ago:
I only got the backplate but man I’m tempted to do the front too.
Also transparent filaments are great. I 3D printed an olfa knife handle in transparent green (think Razer’s green) and it looks fucking awesome.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon signs up for a 5k 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 4 weeks ago:
Seeing some of those idiots even in the comments on fucking Lemmy of all places is crazy.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 4 weeks ago:
I’m pretty over the whole “4chan dystopian joke becomes real life” thing. Corpo dickheads, you can stop now.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 1 month ago:
Always look at a potential spouse’s friends before getting married. Do they cheat, slack off, and just generally kind of suck? Your spouse-to-be will almost certainly follow their example. I say this because most people’s “therapist” are their friends and if their friends are maladjusted assholes you can probably expect more of the same.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 1 month ago:
It was already happening. Plenty of people were insulting those complaining about the cost of living, saying things like “What do you mean? The economy is doing fine.” In Canada the finance minister called it a “vibecession”, implying it was all in our heads.
All these people are talking about asset prices while we talk about the cost of living.
- Comment on Do linux users have wives? 2 months ago:
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Wife, is in fact, GNU/Wife, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Wife.
- Comment on Anon reads the news 2 months ago:
Not just populists: many groups have less concern for the truth across the whole political spectrum. Example: feminists and their claim that women make an ever decreasing amount of money relative to men. This claim is based on a single study that compared sweeping aggregate data, and then called the whole thing an actionable issue.
The problem is that when you get into the weeds of the claim, and you should always do so, you find that there are so many confounding variables that went unaccounted for that the study cannot reasonably conclude anything. Meanwhile women have been graduating at higher rates since the 90s, younger generations of women make more money on average than men, and women have more job security than men. Women also get substantial benefits throughout their education and are considered a minority class for the purposes of hiring in many jurisdictions.
Be wary of people driven by agendas, even (or perhaps especially) the agendas you think are good.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 2 months ago:
Eat the rich lol
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
Forklift certs ain’t nothing compared to amateur radio. When you get that personalized license plate too… They’re going to be climbing over their boyfriends just to hear you ask for an RST from the guy you bounced to with 10m.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
Bake some bread brother. I never got so much attention as when I worked in a bakery (though I imagine the sheer size of my forearms probably contributed)
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
When you propose it comes with an SLA
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
Imagine when they find out you run your own media server. Bad boys out there downloading videos without licenses about to pop off on dating sites because no one can afford the “Netflix” part of netflix and chill
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
I make mods for video games. It actually pays out too, I make a few hundred a year. It’s basically computer parts money lol.
Does that count as a hobby? I’m afraid to ask, women are pretty judgy about this stuff.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
Taking pictures specifically for a dating profile would show that they actually care about finding a person they would do other things specifically for.
This is a dead giveaway that you’ve never asked men why they don’t take and share pictures of themselves. Most men in the anglosphere consider it vain and self-destructive to obsess over their looks. You can also see it in the way they buy clothes (“I’ll take 5 pairs of the same pants, thanks”), the way they cut their hair (“just take an inch off and even it out”), and the way they present themselves, often with as few accessories and adornments as possible. Those they do have are utilitarian or deeply personal.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
Right? Just the other day I was thinking about how many hobbies I dropped once I started seriously dating, and then later how many more when I had kids.
My guitar hasn’t been touched in years. My books have gone unread. My 3D printer is getting a workout making organizational tools and little toys for the kids though lol
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
The costs used for wind/solar energy never included the cost of the required buffer storage, and even the rare few people who include that never factor in frequency stability which to this day is maintained by the giant steam turbines everyone wants to get rid of. It will not be trivial to solve the frequency stability problem; it will likely require massive investment in pumped water storage, flywheel storage, or nuclear energy, and these costs once finally included in the real cost of wind/solar will hurt its value prospect considerably.
As for nuclear waste: the overwhelming majority of nuclear waste generated over the lifetime of a reactor is stored onsite. Only the smallest amount of material is what will actually remain dangerous for a long time, and many countries have already solved this problem. It’s a seriously overstated problem repeated by renewable-purists who usually haven’t even considered how much frequency stability and grid-level storage have and will add to the cost of renewables, meaning they have not given a full accounting of the situation.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
The curse of Private-Public Partnerships (P3s) means middle-men sapping all the value out of long-term government projects. We simply cannot trust these organizations with our energy infrastructure.
- Comment on Anon awakens an ancient evil 3 months ago:
If thou gaze long into an anus, the anus will also gaze into thee.
- Comment on Anon trades and barters 3 months ago:
This is the kind of job AIs are going to replace. AIs are coming for the dick trade.
- Comment on Commie trek 3 months ago:
They were conserving energy because it was hard for them to find the crystals they need. That said the lights are bound to be nothing compared to converting energy to matter or maintaining a warp field.
- Comment on Anon reviews a game on steam 3 months ago:
I had a dev respond to me 5+ years after a review saying they had fixed the problems I mentioned. Now I have to download the game and play it again or I have no balls. God damn devs holding us accountable.
- Comment on Life imitates art? 4 months ago:
Baudrillard strikes again.
- Comment on Just So 4 months ago:
Like many things, people hate it because of its associations with other things. They will happily throw it out even if it has good uses. Here have some spicy examples:
Some people experience gender dysphoria and may benefit from medical intervention? Nah it got abused by ideological idiots so it must always be bad. Karl Marx says workers must arm themselves? Nah guns are bad, I know this because rightoids like them.