- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
It must be exhausting and lonely seeing the world in black and white.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
In North America it’s like domestic violence in a word. Cunt doesn’t really have a positive connotation here.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
If you’ve known him for 20 years he should respect you enough that you can tell him he’s being a cunt. Coming from you it should mean something, and maybe he’ll take a look at himself. I’m friends with some right wingers who are decent people but folks like that need to be called out.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
It’s an Anbernic RG35XXSP. Emulates consoles up to and including the PS1 beautifully.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
- Comment on Time to make your decesion 1 month ago:
I’d share an office with Brice only so I could steal his lunch every day, open it, and dump it into a sealed trash can.
- Comment on Or Polio. Guess we should invest in iron lungs. 2 months ago:
America voted for this.
- Comment on Anon goes to school in Arlen 2 months ago:
To this day my best friend still does a Peter Griffin laugh. Drives me up the wall.
- Comment on So I want this giant teddy bear outside my block of flats? 2 months ago:
Brb booking a one way flight to Australia. They’re in Canada and they’re vile little things. I’ll put up with spiders and snakes if it means no bed bugs.
- Comment on So I want this giant teddy bear outside my block of flats? 2 months ago:
With the potential of having bed bugs on it? No thank you.
- Comment on For when it gets real 3 months ago:
When the poop knife fails, bring out the pogo plunger.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 4 months ago:
Perhaps Albion Online for a similar kind of game?
- Comment on Has to be the manor 4 months ago:
Gotta go for the hand. I vaguely recall sometimes it would be animated and another card would poke out of the person’s sleeve.
- Comment on In my rizzless dreams... 5 months ago:
Anyone have a translation for apparently us geriatric 30-somethings who can’t understand a word of it?
- Comment on children 6 months ago:
I still remember what ruined my 100% average in grade 1. The antonym of “in front”, I was rushing and wrote “in back” instead of “behind”.
- Comment on Wading Android 6 months ago:
Looks like a Warframe.
- Comment on Olympic casual GigaChad 6 months ago:
She shot you a week ago. Wait for it….
- Comment on Oreo - Korean pronunciation guide 8 months ago:
Little do you know this man is a Stand user.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
To be fair, I’m unsure what their point was. I was just going with what I had to work with.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
Yes, but some are removable. If you can’t remove it you’re pretty much screwed - good luck getting a headboard inside of an interceptor trap. Just the bedposts, wheels, or whatever the frame has go into the traps. Basically you need to limit the access they have from wherever they’re hiding to your bed.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
A headboard touching the ground just invites them in. If the headboard is removable, remove it temporarily.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
I dunno if they’re quite that smart. If they are, they didn’t do that when I had them.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
When you get bedbugs and want to prevent them from getting on your bed (after treatment, say) you pull your bed away from the wall, thus limiting the surfaces they can transfer from. If you also put your bedposts in interceptor traps you’re pretty safe from them. They’ll get stuck in the traps and be unable to get out.
Source: had to deal with the bastards for a year because of a useless landlord and incompetent exterminator. Got really, really good at pest management.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
People who have had bedbugs. Old habits die hard.
- Comment on New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds 8 months ago:
Been charging my phone overnight for years. Battery health is 100% and I never have to worry about charging.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
Like (this)[…/humane-ai-pin-700-dollar-smartphone-a…]?
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
Wow. Amateur hour over here. There’s a much easier way to write this.
A case select:
select(number){ case 1: return false; break; case 2: return true; break; }
And so on.