- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
That’s how you get new checks and balances, once the dictator falls.
But you’re right the US is rapidly burning its power and alliances. That would take decades to repair, and they might never reach the same position again.
- Comment on Is there any hope for Ukraine to survive as an independent state now that trump is desperately wishing for a peace treaty with Russia, even bypassing Ukraine? 1 week ago:
The US can’t sign a peace treaty on behalf of Ukraine. They’re not mandated to negotiate by Ukraine.
The US can stop supporting Ukraine but that doesn’t force the Ukrainians to stop fighting, or Europe to stop supporting Ukraine
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
It’s never over.
Even the worst dictatorship can collapse. They get internally couped until the dictator learns to purge anyone capable of challenging them, then human mortality fixes that dictator and the government collapses
It’s not good though. The best time to fix it was ages ago before Reagan. The second best time is right now before the police state is firmly in place
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Yeah that sounds pretty fair honestly. Being cautions to feel safe is pretty understandable. Outright considering every man the same would be a bit harsh, and also obviously incorrect.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
If there were as many man and women pilots, and the vast majority of airline crashes were by men and intentional, that would certainly be worth discussing.
I bet it would still make some men angry though, as people often have an emotional knee-jerk reaction to defend what they see as their in-group. That reaction is not always helpful. Instinctively seeing “men” as your team and “women” as an opposing team leads to all kinds of BS we’d be better off without.
For fairness, it’s also not great when women see “women” as their team and “men” as the enemy. It doesn’t lead to quite as many rapes and murders though.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
they are too busy on the internet to go outside
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
If the meme was clearly an assertion of fact that men in general love murdering women, yes
Personally I read it as “[some] men love murdering”
Statistically most people don’t get murdered, but air-travel is also very safe, and people are still afraid of flying. If a meme about wanting to travel said “shame that planes crash” people probably wouldn’t be all angry about it. Or perhaps they would, people* are weird
(* again [some] people)
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
I’m sorry, I know it’s a hobby with long traditions, but woke people have ruined it
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
If you see something like this and get angry at women, you have a problem.
At best it’s a problem with reading comprehension. At worst, you’re worried that things like this could get in the way of your murdering-women hobby.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Stop murdering women and you’ll be fine
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
“more men get murdered” isn’t relevant though. Hypothetically, if predominantly men murder lots of men and women equally, a woman would be right to be worried about getting murdered by a man.
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on 5 weeks ago:
Yes, blocking them is a good start.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 5 weeks ago:
You have a point in that, in the general case, accuracy and evidence is good.
In this specific case, I think it’s obviously a nazi salute and whether that is “just to trigger the libs” or not in the heart of Musk simply does not matter.
Making a nazi salute several times while on scene for an extreme right party isn’t regular stupidity. We don’t need different boxes for “consistent supporter in word and action of extreme right wing white power etc things who likes using nazi imagery and dogwhistles, but who possibly wouldn’t really call themselves a nazi” and “actually technically subscribes to the entirety legacy nazi party’s old agenda”. They both fit in the nazi box
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 5 weeks ago:
Sounds like you’re taking the Sims pretty seriously ;)
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 5 weeks ago:
There are people who realised musk is awful many years ago, and there are people who will keep cheering even if there are tesla branded concentration camps, and people all along the gradient between.
The reason it’s useful to call out the apparent nazi salute is that some additional people might now notice that perhaps that musk guy isn’t great. Thed didn’t notice the twitter stuff, or the trump support or all the other things, but this is pretty obvious.
The idea that we should just go “well, we already knew he was a nazi supporter, no need to comment when he does an apparent nazi salute on the inauguration of the president he bought” is pretty silly
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 5 weeks ago:
That might be too narrow of a definition though. There may be self-identifying neo-nazis who don’t fit that. There were probably nazi party members who didn’t fit that, during the war.
There’s also no level of nuance that will impress the musk/trump supporters… they’ll consider “the libs” to be overreacting if someone said it was a gesture in slightly bad taste.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 5 weeks ago:
I think it’s fine to consider a fascist who does nazi salutes a nazi
It’s not a very interesting hair to split unless you’re perfectly fine with fascists who do nazi salutes but draw the line at people who identify as nazi
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 5 weeks ago:
This is overly charitable given his strong and consistent support of the extreme right
Failing to see it is dangerously naive at best
- Comment on More Censorship by Meta 5 weeks ago:
Your parents and siblings wouldn’t answer you if you texted or called them?
That’s pretty bleak
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
They’re sad insecure people who try to find self worth by looking down on others, which is hard work for a bottom feeder
- Comment on Anon questions North Korea 1 month ago:
They’re cosplaying a successful country
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 1 month ago:
Interviewing is a two way street, and the employer definitely failed this interview
That said, coming with a long list of questions of different importance without noticing that the interviewer isn’t on the same page is also a bit of a signal so the prospective employee didn’t do great either.
A lot of these questions could be condensed into “What are the benefits like?” which is a great question to ask when they ask about salary expecations which often happens early on. If they provide very little in the way of benefits, raise salary expectations.
The other questions are generally around company culture. You don’t need to ask all of them to get a good enough picture. If there are several interviews, spread them out. You can also ask them in a more open ended way like “What is the company culture like?”, “What do you like most about working here yourself?” or “What makes your best employees so good?”.
- Comment on Ordering coffee in the USA triggers me 1 month ago:
Sorry to hear, I hope your day improves or that tomorrow is a better one
- Comment on Ordering coffee in the USA triggers me 1 month ago:
On the plus side, if this is the worst part of your day, you had a pretty good day
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
It’s legal in a lot of the EU though, especially if you stay out of eastern Europe
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 1 month ago:
I think it might be a slightly wasteful system. I havent dug deep but this article with numbers from 2017 seems to hint that it’s not all to pay better teachers. E.g:
A study found that the California State University system had 11,614 full-time faculty in 1973, and 12,019 in 2008. During that same time period, administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183, ending up with more administrators than faculty.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 1 month ago:
I learnt lots at university, and that has been useful at work, but the degree itself doesn’t seem to matter much. But I’m in tech, and Europe, and university was publicly funded
American universities keep raising the prices and people keep paying. There’s no reason for it to cost that much, beyond profits
- Comment on What's making it into the good parts, my fellow philosoraptors? 1 month ago:
“it’s not literal” could be you realising it doesn’t make sense, in a context where you’re supposed to believe in it.
What parts people take literally seems to vary a lot. I guess it allows everyone to make it say what they want it to say
- Comment on Par for the course 1 month ago:
The answer is often more complex
- Comment on Par for the course 1 month ago:
Every time I think Zuck is as pathetic as someone can be, he finds a new depth to sink to. Truly an innovator