- Comment on DeepSeek-V3 now runs at 20 tokens per second on Mac Studio, and that’s a nightmare for OpenAI 2 hours ago:
It depends how much they’ve got to offer beyond AI. If the only thing they offer is AI (like OpenAI), yeah, they’re in trouble.
- Comment on DeepSeek-V3 now runs at 20 tokens per second on Mac Studio, and that’s a nightmare for OpenAI 2 hours ago:
Turns out when you build your entire business on copyright infringement, a. it’s easy to steal your business and b. you have no recourse when someone does.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 14 hours ago:
This was not private. This was a group of assholes laughing behind their friends’ backs at their expense. It was secret, but not private.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 20 hours ago:
Good. Don’t be an asshole to your friends behind their backs. That’s trashy behavior, and you deserve to lose your friends if you do it.
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 1 day ago:
Derek sounds like a cool guy.
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
- Ticonderoga is the Cadillac of pencils.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Ok, then how about the directional circle, solid pedal, and liquid pedal?
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
If it’s a mobile app, the operating system handles crash logs, and reports them to you through your app management portal. Then for connection issues to the host or handled errors, you can store that in your app’s data store.
If it’s a web app, you can save them in local storage through your service worker, then upload them once the connection is restored. If you don’t have a high level error handling function on your web app, that’s an issue with your web app, not your logging infrastructure.
For a network outage error, these aren’t usually reported if the problem is on the client side, since that’s not something we can do anything about. Both mobile apps and service workers can tell if the operating system is disconnected from the network. If it’s an issue connecting to our host (host is unreachable, but network is online), that’s when we’d save the issue and log it later once service is restored.
We can tell when our services go offline, because we have health checks on our hosts. So, technically, we don’t need client side reporting if our hosts are down. But, every place I’ve worked at has had them anyway.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
I think you’re trying very hard to ignore all the negative things I’ve told you users do when you include too much information. Maybe just go get a job at one of these big companies and submit a diff adding this information, then read why your diff gets rejected. I’m literally telling you the reasons big companies do this, and you just refuse to believe me. Maybe you’ll believe them.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
An expired cert means the browser would show an error message. I can’t send you any message if my cert is expired, because your browser won’t trust the connection.
UX designers have completely different skill sets than software engineers. At a small company, someone might do both roles, but at a company like Google or Microsoft, those are two different job titles. They do work together. In my experience, there’s a general consensus between both high level designers and high level engineers that giving the user useless information in an error message is a bad idea. There’s a reason these messages are similar across lots of companies. It’s because they are the best option for the business. If we need extra details from the user, we’ll have it printed in the console and tell them to open the console. That is incredibly rare, and basically only ever used for a network failure scenario in a service worker.
You can design your software for tech gurus, but you shouldn’t expect Microsoft Teams to be designed for tech gurus. Their customers are the general public (not super tech savvy), so they design for the general public.
You wrote “useless boilerplate error messages” in your comment, and I’m telling you that the useless part cannot be changed. You want useless detailed error messages. Good for you. Write software that gives you useless detailed error messages. Tell everyone about it and see how the general public reacts. I’ve been working in big tech for 17 years, and I am telling you from all of my experience that the general public will react poorly.
Software devs need to make a choice. When we include details, people complain and post useless bug reports and forum posts. When we don’t include details, a much smaller number of people complain, and generally we don’t get useless bug reports and forum posts about it. Which one would you choose?
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Because if there’s no error code or specific message, they’re far less likely to submit a ticket. The reason these messages often say, “try again later” is because that is the appropriate action for the user to take.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
It is intentionally and, I would argue, necessarily vague.
First, there is no time frame for these kinds of errors. If it’s just a cache host that’s down, you could retry right now and the load balancer would probably have taken that host out of rotation already. If it’s a primary db that’s down, that may take 5 minutes. If there’s no replica to promote, it might take 30 minutes. If the whole db layer is down, it might take an hour or two. If an entire release needs to be rolled back, it might take a couple hours. There are just too many scenarios and too many variables to give a useful time frame.
Second, you might appreciate an error message like that, but these error messages aren’t written for you and they’re usually not even written by developers. They’re written by designers and translated into many languages. They need to be concise, easily understood, and not easily construed as derogatory or malicious in any language. They are written for the broadest audience. You are not the broadest audience.
Third, we have to design systems as if every user is incompetent and/or malicious, because many of them are. Let me give you an example. I once got an email from another engineer using an internal system my team wrote. He said, “hey I’m getting this error, can you help?” He attached a screenshot showing an error message that read, “Your auth token has expired. Please refresh the page.” He was a senior engineer.
Fourth, and I cannot stress this enough, there is almost always nothing you can do when you hit an error like this. Any information given to you for the vast majority of these kinds of errors would be entirely useless to you. You cannot promote a db shard yourself. You cannot bring up a cache host yourself. You cannot take a host out of load balancer rotation yourself. The only reason this information could possibly benefit you is to satisfy your curiosity.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
I want you to really pay attention to the last paragraph of my previous comment. It’s the most important part. You might like having more information that doesn’t help you, but that comes at the cost of thousands of useless tasks and posts that all have to be manually closed. It’s not only not helpful to give the user detailed error messages in a lot of cases, it’s actively harmful to a business. It doesn’t make any business sense to tell a user that a cache layer host or a db shard is down. As a developer of these kinds of systems, I’m not going to give extra information that you don’t need just to make a few users happy that they get a peek under the hood if it means hurting our support staff.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Read the next sentence.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
The “we don’t want to deal with it” part is something you’re attributing to them with no evidence. As a former SRE, I can guarantee you they are dealing with it.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
I can’t speak for the other user’s claim, but I’ve worked at Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn, and have written plenty of error messages. When I write a message like these, it’s specifically because the user can’t do anything about it. I’ll log the error to our internal error tracking systems with actual information about it, then give the user a generic message.
If it’s something the user did wrong, and they can fix it, I’ll absolutely give them a message saying that. Usually I won’t even let a user submit a bad request, but sometimes users will bypass frontend restrictions to submit it, so the server always needs to validate it again anyway. The fact that plenty of users won’t even read the message I write is kind of annoying, but at least the users who do read it will know how to fix it.
I’ve tried sending detailed error messages before, and that invariably results in users submitting support tickets and forum posts for things that aren’t helpful. You learn pretty quickly what kind of messages are helpful and what kind aren’t.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
I don’t know why you think what I said means that. These error messages are never used on data validation issues. At least, I’ve never seen a data validation issue return an error like this, and I would never write an error like this for a data validation issue.
These messages come from 500-series errors. Usually caching layer errors, load balancer layer errors, edge termination layer errors, or db layer errors. In other words, there was probably nothing wrong with the request, it just couldn’t be fulfilled successfully, hence the “try again later” part in a lot of these messages.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
Why do you think the vast majority of these messages come from client side issues? I worked as a Site Reliability Engineer at Facebook. We had data on client side errors too. Crash logs are sent to the servers when a client side error happens. There’s not really one source that constitutes a “vast majority” of these error messages, but I can tell you that the plurality of them come from the caching layer.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
I feel like you really don’t understand how big tech works. There’s not some single server running every service perfectly. There are tons of different layers and services running on thousands or hundreds of thousands of hosts.
Let’s say you make a request to something like Facebook. Say you’re liking a post. Here’s what happens:
That request goes in through a PoP (point of presence). These are sometimes called edge servers or edge gateways, but at Facebook we called them PoPs. This is a server that’s physically close to you that’s used to terminate the TLS connection. It doesn’t have any user data. Its job is to take your encrypted request, decrypt it, then pass it on to Facebook’s regional data center on their internal network.
The request enters a webby. These are usually called frontend servers, but again, at Facebook we called them webbies. This is a server that runs the monolithic Facebook web app. Again, it doesn’t have any user data. Its job is to take your request and orchestrate actions on deeper services to fulfill that request.
First it’s going to check a local memory cache server for sitevars. These control system level switches, like AB tests, and whether certain services are brought down. That server returns the sitevars and the webby proceeds, now knowing which logic paths to take.
For a like, which is a write request between your user account and a post, it will create two DB entries (you likes post, post liked by you). It needs to first get the data from the caching layer, so it will make two requests to TOA, one for your account, and one for the post.
TOA runs in the same regional data center, and if it doesn’t have the two data objects cached, it will request them from the regional db shards.
These regional db shards also run in the same data center, and they’ll return the data.
TOA returns the data back to the webby.
The webby (after doing some permission checks, which probably hit TOA again) now creates the two relationships, likes and liked by, referencing the two data objects, you and the post. TOA is a write-through cache, so the webby sends the writes to TOA.
TOA now needs to send the requests to the db primary shards, since they are the only ones that can handle writes. Your primary shard and the post’s primary shard are probably in different data centers, so TOA now passes the writes to the regional data centers for each primary shard.
A host running TOA in each regional data center for each primary shard now passes the write to each shard.
Each primary shard now writes the data to the local disk, and waits for the binary log to be written to the local journal before returning a success message.
The success message is passed from the local TOA host back to the original region’s TOA host.
When that TOA host gets both requests back successfully, it returns a success back to the webby handling your request.
The webby then returns a success to the PoP you’re still connected to.
The PoP then returns a success to the client running on your device.
The client doesn’t notify you of anything, because it already showed you a filled in like button right after you pressed it.
This was how it worked back in 2013 when I worked there. It probably hasn’t changed a whole lot, but this is also an extremely simplified overview. That request will probably hit hundreds of services. Some of them can fail and the request could still succeed. But some are required to succeed for your request to be considered successful, like the db write operations.
If you know a better way to make a system like this that works for billions of users across the planet, you should write a paper and submit it to a local conference. If they approve you for a talk, you can present your designs to an audience there. If the audience is really receptive, your designs could make a big impact in the tech sector. That’s basically what the highest level engineers at these big tech companies do when they design these multi-billion user systems, so it’s definitely possible for you to do it too.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
What I’m saying is that error messages can be helpful or harmful. Knowing that and how to tell the difference is what makes you an expert. Just firing off any information to the user without thinking about it is what makes you a novice, and will eventually get you fired. We’re talking about systems with millions of daily users. If you cause 2,000 unnecessary support tickets every day because you don’t know when to send what information to the user, you won’t get very far in tech.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
These kinds of error messages are almost exclusively used for transient errors. You aren’t going to work around a transient error. The best thing you can do (the only thing you can do, really) is to try again later, hence, the message. It’s not helpful to show you a message like “cache-1234.example.com failed to respond within 300 milliseconds”. What are you going to do about that? By the time you submit a support ticket, that host has already been brought back up automatically. So now you’ve just wasted your time and the support staff’s time. The engineers already have a log of that error and a log of whatever error brought down that host, so you’re not telling them anything new by making a support ticket.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
I am a developer of software. I can guarantee you that what you’re asking for would make my job harder, because I’ve done it, and it has made my job harder. If an error is transient (like, a caching layer error, a db connection error, an external API error, an endpoint connectivity error, etc), giving the user an error code will make it more likely that they’ll file a useless bug report or support ticket. The errors are all logged internally, and we can see when there is a spike in the error count. There’s no reason to give the user an error code, because there’s nothing helpful that the user can do with it, and there’s a lot of unhelpful things a user can do with it.
There are times where a message to the user is appropriate, like if they made a mistake with their input. But there are so many things that could go wrong that the user can’t do anything about. You’re not going to work around your DB shard going down, and a replica will replace it in a few seconds anyway, so giving you an error code does more harm than good. Telling you to try again later is exactly what I would tell you if you filed a support ticket. I don’t want to deal with useless support tickets, and you don’t want to deal with useless error messages.
Modern software stacks are big, complex systems with lots of failure points. We monitor them, and we can tell when you see these errors. If we chose to not show you a specific error code/message, there’s almost definitely a good reason.
- Comment on Constituents Erupt at North Carolina GOP Town Hall Over DOGE Cuts 1 week ago:
It’s the find out stage that all non-billionaire republicans are experiencing right now. You love to see it. Get mad, stop being a conservative; it hurts you.
- Comment on Oops, something went wrong! 1 week ago:
What are you planning to do with information about the error? It’s not like these places have customer support. Usually it’s something like a caching layer failing, and there’s literally nothing you can do about that.
- Comment on this is art 1 week ago:
Cause it doesn’t know the context, and it’s not smart enough to tell you that the context matters.
- Comment on this is art 1 week ago:
(Both are correct depending on context. In this context, Bobby is talking to one person he doesn’t know, so “vous” is singular and formal.)
- Comment on this is art 1 week ago:
Translation: “This is my pipe. I don’t know you.”
- Comment on Why do people give their unwaivering support to autocrats? 2 weeks ago:
Complacency, stupidity, and ignorance. Have you ever heard a Trump supporter try to defend their positions? They haven’t thought through anything complicated in their entire lives. They believe whatever they’re told by their favorite authority figures (usually something like Fox “News”).
They’re also generally pretty bigoted. Whether that comes first or is a result of being indoctrinated into authoritarian thinking, I’m not sure. Basically, they get drunk on hate, get addicted to it, and always need their fix.
The autocratic figure promises them to fix all their problems that the [insert minority group of the week] definitely caused them. When they have no ability or desire to think critically about their claims, they just believe it. Evidence to the contrary be damned.
- Comment on does someone who lives very far away from me (for example 1900 miles) see the same night sky as me? (as in moon, stars, etc) 2 weeks ago:
If someone is 1900 miles west of you, they will be in (almost) your exact same physical location after a short time (about two hours). If someone is 1900 miles south of you, they won’t. So it depends on the cardinal directionality.
That being said, 1900 miles isn’t that far relative to the circumference of the earth (~25,000 miles), so someone 1900 miles south of you would see mostly the same sky. You’d each see some stars the other couldn’t see, but only near the horizon. About 85% of the sky would be the same.
- Comment on What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life? 2 weeks ago:
I feel like First Blood is not only a good movie but a glimpse into how traumatized veterans were neglected by the US government and stigmatized by the general population. With the current administration shitting on veterans left and right, they’re definitely keeping that tradition alive, and the movie has become a lot more relevant because of it.