- Comment on is Chat-GPT refusing this image? 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Time to buy a van and live by a river to make my bills smaller. Then I can get one chill job and be broker and happy. 1 month ago:
Having lived at both ends of the spectrum, I would gladly go back to being broke and free. The family, not so much.
- Comment on My hearing is already fucked. Mwap 1 month ago:
Dun & Bradstreet
- Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 22 comments
- Comment on U.S. Employee engagement sinks to 10-year low 1 month ago:
Last week, we had an all-hands meeting to discuss the findings of our latest employee engagement survey. I have to say in all honesty, that was the least engaging meeting I’ve had at the company. Literally NOBODY had questions, they started making up some to cover for it.
- Comment on Is there a name for the smell or sensation experienced right before dawn? 1 month ago:
Does anyone else smell strawberries? 💨
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 1 month ago:
It sounds like there is some other sort of resentment at play here. Is there some other underlying attribute the coworkers who annoy you share? Example: Are they friends outside of work and you are not? Is it a racial or ethnic difference? Look for the reasons why they specifically “set you off” and address those biases. Try to better understand them as people first.
You say they are lazy - is it your job to police them at work? If not, then do your work and get promoted. Then you can actually do something about it. Until then, back off unless they prevent you from doing your job. Maybe when they see you are doing better than they are, maybe they’ll follow your lead.
If you want to be a leader, lead. Be the change you want to see. Take pride in yourself and your work, inspire others.
Anyway, ask yourself those questions and be honest. If you are troubled by the answers, start there.
Hope this helps
- Comment on Mandela Effect 1 month ago:
Nelson Mandela died because of the Smiths
- Comment on Where do you think elon musk would be if he wasn't born into wealth? 1 month ago:
Assistant manager at a Burger King. One day, he WILL make manager. You’ll see.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Your friend needs to realize that no matter how much they want employees to work extra hard, they will not do it because they do not have incentive. No matter how hard they work, they will not benefit in the long term like he will.
Bust my ass six days a week to make HIM wealthy? No. And fuck you.
That is the difference.
- Comment on If you're not attracted to anyone "in your league", but you cannot choose who you are attracted to, then what are you supposed to do? 1 month ago:
In general, people may lie to their partners but, they are lying to themselves first and foremost.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 1 month ago:
Looks more like andrew Taint to me.
- Comment on What's the last point on your todo list? 1 month ago:
“Lumber for record bins”
Yeah, I really need to get on that project.
- Comment on this is controllable now: guy has moving robot messing with stuff in his house and blabbering TTS under internet control 1 month ago:
How can people live like this? Calling it nasty would be a compliment.
- Comment on I don't know how it stays on. 1 month ago:
A riDICulous amount of suction.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
You should send the cops ever-increasing stalker messages. See what their reaction is. /s
- Comment on Has Android's Material You dynamic color theming been implemented in other platforms? 2 months ago:
Apple implemented this many years ago in several apps, including photos, screensavers, and iTunes/Music, and of course Mac OS itself. I’m willing to bet there’s an api for it already in existence.
- Comment on To do 2 months ago:
Look for jobs
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
Their logos and packaging were designed by focus2 in Dallas, TX. I used to work there. Fun fact: The lead designer for Return to Wolfenstein project was flying back from Hong Kong, from a press check/approval of the metal tin packaging, on 9/11. He was stuck out of the country for a while. Really cool guy. But I’m not sure focus2 was involved in Rage. They were decimated by the economy after 9/11, never did really recover from that. I think they had gone under by then.
- Submitted 2 months ago to mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world | 11 comments
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 months ago:
I don’t think so. And it was a LOT of leaves. We’re talking big holes. He would dig a hole, put in the leaves, and stand there with a string trimmer, blasting away at them. Then cover them up. It was especially odd because the city collects them for free. All you have to do is blow/rake them into a pile on the street.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 months ago:
I had a neighbor for a while that ran his gas blower for a couple hours EVERY DAY. I think he had some sort of PTSD trauma and it soothed him.
He also dug holes in his backyard to bury leaves. Quite a …… character.
- Comment on What gives you hope to keep going? 2 months ago:
I deleted all my social media the day after the election, except for my lemmy account. Mostly because I forgot about it. Now I just read a few news headlines and solve a crossword every day. And WHOA - talk about having bountiful free time now. It’s kinda scary.
Am I less stressed? Meh, maybe a bit. But I’ve decided I’m going to find beauty and amusement in the utter self destruction we are about to witness. I’m going to stand over here and watch the fire while I drink my beer in peace.
- Comment on What produced the old dead channel tv static audiovisuals on tvs? 11 months ago:
If it was milk, you basically created tv static on a dead channel.
- Comment on Have you ever seen coal in real life? 11 months ago:
Sure! My stepfather was a coal miner and brought home several fossils in coal when I was a kid. Ferns, tree bark, etc. I’ve lost track of them over the years, unfortunately.
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
Make sure that you cleaning routine is top to bottom. Wipe off the blinds, wipe the counters and appliances, moving down until the floor, which is last. Even if it isn’t perfect, it’s better than completely dirty, right? Progress is progress.
- Comment on How do you keep your homes clean? 11 months ago:
I have 2 dogs and a cat and have hard floors throughout. The roboVac runs twice per day and is always FULL when I empty it after every run. In addition my roboMop runs 3 days a week. My job at home is no longer cleaning but, roboTending 😂
But yes, taking off your shoes from outdoors is a must. We all keep a pair birks just for use inside.