Sometimes I see things on the internet that make me wish I was dead.
Right now is one of those times.
Submitted 2 days ago by to [deleted]
Sometimes I see things on the internet that make me wish I was dead.
Right now is one of those times.
Glad I could assist!
I just got over a stomach flu and my appetite was juuuuuuuuust starting to come back.
Not anymore.
Gross. Those hotdogs need to be grilled first.
i would me more American if it had pickles instead of olives
The random use of Italian words
Behold, my new Savona Patty. Then, have some Bellissimo Salad. Would you like some Grazie topping, perhaps a Fortuna sauce?
You and your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.
Dont worry babe, you’re mistaken: i slaughtered the first one and this was the one from the fridge we were planning to save for later.
…We’re not anymore, btw.
Bro this made me sick from just looking at it…
Don’t touch Bologna
I just can’t, I had hot dog balogna cake for breakfast lunch and dinner every day this year
Enough’s enough
This is what the over weight nuclear launch operator has to wipe off his mouth while fumbling with his cheese whiz slathered fingers for the unlock keys.
This is the height of the American palate. JFC they cook with cheetos, processed “cheese” and sprite FFS.
Incorrect. This is just memes.
Also, processed cheese is simply cheese with emulsifiers added to it.
Unless you’re talking specifically about Kraft “cheese product” singles.
I know it’s just memes. Am I not allowed to poke fun on a meme shitposting c/? 2 days ago
And suddenly the last two months make (some) sense 2 days ago
I would eat this whole thing if it would undo the Trump presidency. 2 days ago
Taking one for the team. Much appreciated ! If it had those powers you’d receive much help & support. Hell, I even think people will fight you for it! 2 days ago
Same 1 day ago
I would eat this whole thing if it would undo feeling like absolute garbage when I’m done.