- Comment on Child support 1 day ago:
Oh shit I bet he makes 6k figures
- Comment on Anon's calendar is incomplete 2 days ago:
Don’t get me started on Plurday
- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 2 days ago:
But they haven’t had a chance to taste the rest of them yet
- Comment on Trump supporter Rick Fuze was arrested in CA for using a stun gun on peaceful protesters outside a Tesla dealership. The woman kicking this guy’s ass is a retired professor with 16,000 citations. 2 days ago:
Look at mr 50 citations over here
- Comment on Fast boi 2 days ago:
They have good enough endurance for the hunts they’d be involved with us for, but we are almost uniquely suited for endurance in the animal kingdom.
Becoming terminators is maybe the real thing that launched our ancestors.
- Comment on Mother 2 days ago:
Plenty of anecdotal stories of infant brothers and sisters not making it through hiding during the holocaust because of muffling their cries.
I don’t care enough to ruin my day by validating a of them though.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
5 … but black and in .38
- Comment on 🐙🐙🐙 3 days ago:
My cat, always. That little fucker just wants to dance.
- Comment on What games other than Smite have a lot of pantheons (beyond Greek and Norse)? 6 days ago:
When the cowards at smite add the Abrahamic religions to the game ill go back.
Jesus’ ultimate would literally be to climb down off his cross and put someone else up on it.
I mean cmon it writes itself.
3 second stun which applies a bleed effect, can be used on allies to sacrifice them and teleport them back to base after a 3 second delay, denying the other team the kill and XP.
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 6 days ago:
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
fwiw removing trash cans and promoting not littering is proven to reduce litter.
It’s people that suck generally
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
Texas is oppressing itself on the first part, but goddamnit that’s their right … the morons.
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
Texas is willingly part of the USA.
Any real secessionist movement is a farce.
Taiwan on the other hand is not part of China, it’s a nation of its own and has as much claim to mainland China as the mainland does to Taiwan.
Taiwan being a democracy makes it the easy choice.
Tibet should be free too, but unfortunately doesn’t have the backing of Nuclear Powers to keep it so.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Fuck me, my ex-wife told me she wasn’t put to sleep but thank god I was.
Then again I had 8 teeth broken off my jaw because so maybe I was a special case …
- Comment on tickle tickle 2 weeks ago:
Nah it’s like how if you touch A baby bird it’s mom won’t take it back, the body rejects the insidey bits when it has human funk on them.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 2 weeks ago:
I too wish for the secret knowledge
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
Ehhhhh, anecdote of one over here that the Bichon I knew was a constant medical adventure
- Comment on David Bowie Criticizes MTV for Not Playing Videos by Black Artists | MTV News 2 weeks ago:
Pearls were clutched
- Comment on An American delicacy 2 weeks ago:
I just got over a stomach flu and my appetite was juuuuuuuuust starting to come back.
Not anymore.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
The absolute degenerate
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Or shoot them a quick text. It’s easy.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
Yeah but the equipment to repair the electric car might my significantly harder to source.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 3 weeks ago:
I joked I was gonna teach my son how to drive a manual just in time for electric cars to render them entirely obsolete…
but at least he’ll be prepared if the zombie apocalypse happens in the next 10-15 years…
- Comment on How smart 3 weeks ago:
… having only really known these numbers from having watched cool runnings a bajillion times at my grandmas house … I don’t think the last couple are real.
You’re welcome everyone.
- Comment on Anon works from home 3 weeks ago:
I have a standup meeting that lasts 10-30 minutes every morning.
Occasionally I have meetings where we plan, but they’re known about in advance and we can usually get a lot of the work done on the side before hand so we’re “done” by the time the meeting occurs (agendas help).
I can make it through my whole week with less than 3 hours of “being on a meeting call”
- Comment on Existential Comics promotes suicide 3 weeks ago:
feed the troll at your peril
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 3 weeks ago:
It’s been an hour
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
“Backyard breeders” tend to breed for looks, so he “created” a great breed that happened to be fucking adorable and then people started targeting the adorable without as much care for the temperament.
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 3 weeks ago:
Xenogears was fun but I preferred the non-mech side of the game much more than the mechs, tbh.
- Comment on nets 3 weeks ago:
I just bought some today at Costco and they’re def paper still.
When did they switch?