- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
So are you gonna stay in a country of Nazis and Fascists?
Yes. And we’re going to handle them the way Americans handle Nazis and fascists. You might want to hide.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
Lol. Patriotic Americans don’t leave when Nazis show up.
We have another remedy for them. Patriotic Americans that came before us set an example for us.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
Reality really hurts your feelings, doesn’t it.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
Of course I mean voting americans in this context. Come on, man
No. You said “half of Americans”. Words matter. Not to people who don’t know how to use them, such as yourself, but to anyone with even a halfway decent education.
So you all lost to Nazi’s and fascists. So what does that say about the Democrat party if you couldn’t even win against them?
Yeah. It’s really alarming that uneducated individuals such as yourself are elevating fascism in America under the guise of “patriotism”. My concern isn’t with the Democrat party. My concern is the overwhelming number of uneducated individuals such as yourself that are allowing fascism to take hold.
A supporter of fascism such as yourself pointing at the Democrat party and asking what’s wrong with them doesn’t change that you support fascism in America.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
As an intelligent American (you wouldn’t know anything about that), I prefer our economy not to oscillate between tanking and recovering endlessly because low-IQ voters such as yourself keep giving failures chances to run the show.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
So what does that say about the people who lost?
That we’re not incel scum that supports fascism in America.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
I disagree with everything you said.
That’s because you are a scum incel that supports fascism in America.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 8 hours ago:
Cool. Then don’t worry about it so much!
The only thing I’m worrying about is low-IQ failures like yourself supporting fascism in America. Btw, another prominent conservative performed a Nazi salute at CPAC yesterday.
You are scum that supports fascism in America. But you aren’t intelligent enough to understand that you’re doing so. THAT is what concerns me. Because there are many, many more incels like you out there.
Not crying. Trump won, remember? :)
I totally remember. That’s why I’m confused as to why you’ve been losing your mind as every comment you leave is being downvoted and exposing you for the low-IQ individual you are. You should be happy, but instead you’re having a meltdown.
Oh, I’m very used to Lemmy not allowing any opposing opinions.
No, you’re used to being a victim, because that’s a core component of your personality.
Cool! Then I guess I’ll keep on posting!
And you’ll keep being downvoted by people with more IQ points than you in a space you thought you were safe in.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
This instance, sure. But we won’t leave Lemmy.
Ok. No one cares if you stay or leave. We’re just trying to get you to stop crying. You’re just upset that this isn’t like /r/conservative where only flaired and vetted conservative users can post along party lines. You’re not used to getting pushback in a conservative space and you’re having a little freakout over it.
I’m not. We actually won the election.
Then why are you crying?
I also fully expect to be banned for saying that
No one’s banning you. You just like playing victim.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
I don’t think they do.
It doesn’t matter what you think. Your opinion is not relevant on this subject. That white supremacists vote Republican is not up for debate. It is simple fact. There’s a reason why we’ve seen an increase in public displays of white supremacy during both Trump’s terms.
Most conservative people I know in real life don’t like nazi’s.
Then they should stop voting to support them or people will assume they are also Nazis/fascists.
And I don’t think Elon is a conservative leader.
Then you’d be wrong. He funded Donald Trump’s campaign, is followed by MANY conservatives on social media, and now has a prominent role in a conservative White House administration. So, again, you are definitively wrong.
But I’m not going to fucking cancel Trump
There is no reality in which you will cancel Donald Trump. You are in a cult. You are cucked.
Elon is a capitalist, not a Nazi.
Capitalists don’t perform Nazi salutes on national television. Nazis do.
But I do love him DOGE’ing every fucking thing and slashing and burning all the govt programs. That’s hilarious to watch.
The fact that you are celebrating tens of thousands of federal workers losing their livelihood, many of whom are veterans, tells me what kind of sick individual you are. You are not a good person.
He’s an asshole, not a Nazi.
He’s both.
And he likes trolling you all to see how pissed off you all get.
Sounds like a child. Which means you and him have something in common.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
And many “on-the-fence” folks got tired of Democrats talking down to them and making fun of them just because they weren’t 100 percent on board with every dem idea.
So they voted for an anti-democratic felon rapist who incited and insurrection and illegally attempted to overturn an election because Dems were being mean to them? Wow, they sound stupid as fuck.
even if they voted a third party.
I mean, you have to be pretty goddamn stupid to vote 3rd party in a presidential election. The 3rd party candidate with the most votes was magician Jill Stein, who magically appears right before every election, then disappears again. And she got a whopping HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast. So there’s literally no way a 3rd party can win, so it’s pretty stupid to vote for them when democracy is on the line.
I honestly think you all need to lose another election for you to learn your lesson.
I honestly think you need a much better education than what you have thus far received.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
And that’s one of the reasons that Democrats lost the election.
Democrats lost because Republicans ran a disinformation campaign to stoke fear and hatred among easily influenced Americans.
There is no reality in which I, or any decent person, will stop calling fascists fascists.
next election
Assuming there is a next election, our nation will be in such steep decline, the pendulum will easily swing back to Democrats. It’s the American way. Vote in Republicans. Economy tanks. Everyone’s mad. Vote back in Democrats. Economy gets better. Republicans run another hate/fear campaign and get back in, tank the economy, rinse and repeat.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
They’re victims. They have to be victims or their whole schtick doesn’t work.
It’s how fascists work. Always being attacked. Always on the defense. That way their deplorable actions are “justified”.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
So again, are you saying over half of America supports Nazis and Fascists?
Again, it’s not over half. I’m not sure how you’re getting that figure. I think you assume that since slightly over half of VOTING Americans voted for Trump, that it somehow means over half of ALL AMERICANS voted for him, which isn’t true.
And yes, over half of VOTING AMERICANS voted to support literal Nazis and fascists. This has happened before in history. I’m not sure why you don’t understand that other than lacking a suitable education.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
I don’t think Trump is a Nazi.
He’s a fascist. You don’t think so because you aren’t educated enough to see it.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
Why don’t you tell me some Nazi things he does
“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.” - Donald Trump
“Jews are poisoning the blood of our country.” - Adolf Hitler
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 1 day ago:
So do you think that the US is suddenly majority Nazi/Fascist?
No, but the majority of voting Americans just voted for a party whose leaders perform Nazi salutes at presidential inaugurations and don’t speak out against the literal Nazis that vote for them because they want their votes. So if you vote for a party with literal Nazis in leadership roles, I’m going to start wondering if you’re a Nazi. Associate with Nazis and you are a Nazi. Give power to Nazis and you might be a Nazi.
And if that’s true in your eyes, then how the fuck did you all lose to a bunch of “Nazis and Fascists
Again, do you know nothing of history? Hitler Nazis gained power by gaining public support. We already know it’s possible for a populace to be so stupid as to willingly give power to fascists. All the fascists have to do is target a desperate and under-educated populace by stoking fear and hatred. That’s exactly what Trump and Republicans have done. We know it’s possible, and it literally happened within living memory, yet here you are pretending it’s not.
Seek a better education. You desperately need it.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
They aren’t alternative views. They’re Nazi/Fascist views, and I absolutely think they should be silenced.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
But if you vote for Nazis…
P.S. You can replace “Nazis” with “Fascists”. Americans just use Nazi because it’s the most historically recent example of Fascists.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
So are you saying over half of America actively suppor Nazis?
I mean, have you heard of 1930s Germany? Do you think it’s somehow impossible for a large portion of a nation (not half as you suggested) to be misled and manipulated into something horrible? Because it has literally happened before. All you really need is for a populist with no moral compass to take advantage of desperate people by playing to their hate and fear. Enter Donald Trump.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
When you see a brown duck, you call it a brown duck. I’m seeing Nazis and Fascists, so I’m using those words.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
But that’s exactly why you lost the election AND why you all were so surprised that you lost. Because you refuse to pay any attetion to anyone who disagrees with you.
We lost because the Republican party is REALLY good at running fear-based disinformation campaigns and a lot of Americans are not very smart and easily influenced.
We’re not going anywhere.
Buddy, unless you’re extremely wealthy, we’re all going the same place together, which is down. We can hold hands if you want.
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
I guess the bigger question you should be asking yourself is why Nazis keep showing up in the conservative movement. Why their leaders court them for votes. Why their leaders are performing Nazi salutes at presidential inaugurations.
Weird how the left doesn’t have a Nazi problem.
Can you expand on that for us?
- Comment on Why were all the mods removed from this community today, leaving it un-modded? 2 days ago:
“differing opinions”
I mean I know you guys love playing victim, but holy shit.
Probably a good idea for us to find a new conservative community.
Yeah, you should probably leave. There are multiple racist cesspool social media platforms you’d feel at home with. Hell, one is run by the President and another is run by the de facto President. Plus, you guys have the largest fake news cable network in the nation. Why are you feeling so persecuted? Oh right, that whole victim complex you guys got going on.
I mean, come on. Your daddy is in. He’s here with his “concepts of plans” to deconstruct our federal government and re-organize it to empower our oligarchs and erase the middle class. You should be happy. You’re on top of the world right now. Well, the oligarchs are. You’re just kind of rooting for them from the gutter. A cheerleader of sorts.
Running away is what they want us to do.
No, it’s just what you’re good at. Stay cucked out there.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 6 days ago:
You’re only ready when your courage surpasses your doubt.
This. The real answer is that Americans won’t come together in solidarity to address this situation until almost every non-wealthy citizen in this country has their quality of life decline so much that they have nothing left to lose. We’re going to have to lose all our creature comforts before we take this seriously as a society. And honestly, by then, we’ll have lost so much power that it’ll be too late.
Realistically, the time is right now, and, if we’re being candid, it probably already past.
We are sooooo fucked.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 6 days ago:
I don’t own a gun and, personally, I find the idea barbaric.
But at this point I acknowledge that it’s time to arm myself. This is how far our society has degenerated.
However, I 100% disagree with Jan 6. That was a bunch of children with absolutely zero understanding of what they were doing. That was an example of how NOT to have a meaningful rebellion against an oppressive system. Those were fools behaving like fools and cheapening the idea of activism. They had no grasp of what they were doing or why. They were the antithesis of a true patriot that wants what is best for their society and goes about achieving that in a responsible, effective manner that inspires people to be the best version of a democratic citizen. They should not be idoolized. They are an embarrassment to our nation.
We should be setting a better example. We are shaming this democracy in a way that makes me physically ill. We are acting in a way as to paint us as failures in a historical context to future generations and it is truly shameful. This is our legacy.
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 1 week ago:
They’re busy failing to uphold their oaths as we lose our democracy because they live in comfort without fear.
We should change that.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 1 week ago:
Spent their lives toting big guns, but all they ever really wanted was a big man to call Daddy.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 1 week ago:
I’m waiting for the 2A nutjobs to realize this is the moment they’ve been fantasizing about their entire pathetic lives.
Guess I shouldn’t hold out for them.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 1 week ago:
Yeah, if our stupid country tries to invade an ally, I’m going to start utilizing the CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manual, and invite everyone to do the same.
Was meant to be used against the Nazis, but if we’re invading allies then we’re the Nazis.