- Comment on WTF 8 hours ago:
You should tell every useless 2A fanatic in this country that the moment they’ve been preparing their whole lives for is literally here and they aren’t doing a fucking thing about it.
- Comment on WTF 8 hours ago:
Nothing to make excuses for.
The richest man on the planet performed a standard Nazi salute, perfectly…twice. At a presidential inauguration. For a president who is giving this Nazi an office in the White House.
- Comment on WTF 8 hours ago:
Nope. American voters made sure of that.
- Comment on WTF 8 hours ago:
What did Americans used to do to Nazi hearts?
- Comment on WTF 8 hours ago:
Yup. Saw the pic first and thought "OK, add it to the list of photos I’ve seen of people mid-wave who look like they’re throwing a Nazi salute.
Watched the video. Nope. Literally no room for debate. That was a sieg heil and there is zero chance it wasn’t.
- Comment on WTF 9 hours ago:
Has his whole life if you look into his past.
That’s why he ended up the way he did.
Straight out of a movie. Ugly looking dipshit with daddy money uses daddy money to buy people into thinking he isn’t ugly or stupid.
- Comment on WTF 9 hours ago:
That’s a blatant sieg heil and anyone that says differently is lying or flat out stupid.
Lookin’ good America.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 publishing director thinks GTA 6 might have the "clout" to normalise a $100 price tag 11 hours ago:
Most of them.
I’ve been buying games since the mid-90s. They’ve always been $50. But as the last paragraph states, people don’t give a shit about what the price should be based on inflation. They care about what they can afford.
The fact that game prices have stayed the same for so long and people still feel strapped to purchase them just shows how wages haven’t increased. Not that we needed anymore proof.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 publishing director thinks GTA 6 might have the "clout" to normalise a $100 price tag 11 hours ago:
Only thing a $100 price tag is going to normalize is pirating.
- Comment on Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture 11 hours ago:
Confirmed. You have to be a literal retard to think it was anything else other than a blatant sieg heil.
He did it exactly like Nazis did it too.
Start at chest and then fully extend. Once to the crowd. Then turn around and once to the Fuhrer/flag.
- Comment on Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture 12 hours ago:
The 4 year myth needs to be dispelled. There is no magical reset button every 4 years. Damage done can’t be magically erased at the end of a 4 year period.
We’re entering a period of American decline that’s going to last a lot longer than 4 years. Buckle up. As shitty as the 2000s have been for a lot of us, we’re going to look back at the early 2000s as a golden age.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 14 hours ago:
Lot of businesses backed up Hitler and his Nazis too.
A lot of them even came out of that whole situation in pretty good shape.
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 1 week ago:
We’re a lot of different cultures all mixed in over a large swath of land. That melting pot regularly reaches a boiling point.
We pray to Capitalism. It is all important. All else is secondary to the almighty dollar. Many of our politicians are bought out and our legislation is determined by money. Greed guides our decision making processes.
The internet has broken many of our brains, although that’s not just an American thing. I’ve been around long enough to have witnessed our politics go absolutely bonkers and the timeline coincides with everyone starting to carry around devices that give them access to the internet at all times. We simply aren’t educated enough as a whole to be immune or resistant to misinformation.
Personally, I don’t see our situation getting any better any time soon. It will probably get quite a bit worse, actually.
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 1 week ago:
Also I’ve had some luck with www.50gameslike.com finding games.
Cool site. Thanks for the link.
- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 1 week ago:
I like how it’s being banned after the election when the damage is already done.
- Comment on Where do you think elon musk would be if he wasn't born into wealth? 1 week ago:
Look at the way he behaves.
People who behave like he behaves without money don’t go anywhere in life because no one wants them to be around. He’d be working at a packing plant somewhere. Or a fast food counter. I say that because the guy isn’t actually intelligent. He isn’t some engineer that designs cars or rockets. He just bought the companies with the people who actually do that. And it doesn’t take a genius to have a lot of money and invest it in safe bets. Look at Donald Trump. Guy is a moron but it’s pretty easy to take daddy’s money and buy/sell real estate. Musk would still look like the Gollum he looked like before he got REALLY rich and paid to make himself look different. He’d be alone, poor, and sad. I mean, he’s clearly sad now because no one who’s happy behaves the way he behaves. He’s lonely because the only people who interact with him are people that want something out of him. He ain’t poor though, so he’s got that going for him.
Of course, if he wasn’t born wealthy he wouldn’t be who he is, so this is all assuming that his personality is the same without the lifelong money, which it wouldn’t be.
- Comment on Trump Promises to End New Wind Farms 1 week ago:
Tonight at 9: Donald Trump Promises To Make Good Things Bad
Tonight at 10: Americans Still Braindead Stupid
- Comment on "Free" Speech Absolutist™ 2 weeks ago:
You been paying attention? Elon and Trump are buddy buddy. Elon has donated big time. He has shown up at rallies. They did a live interview together weeks before the election. Trump tapped Elon to be the head of a new government efficiency department. Now he’s making questionable posts on social media regarding our government and what he plans to do regarding it.
If you voted for Donald Trump, you voted to give Elon Musk more power in our politics. Anyone who thinks otherwise is engaging in an act of extreme ignorance.
- Comment on "Free" Speech Absolutist™ 2 weeks ago:
I mean you can, and should be, pissed off at Democrats all you want. Doesn’t change that all data point towards them being a better decision for middle/lower class Americans.
Problem is, a bunch of Americans feel the way you do, but instead of still voting intelligently, despite being upset with Dems, they chose to stay home or vote 3rd party.
So now a felon rapist is our leader and the ultra rich have made it abundantly clear average people like us are going to lose even more power.
- Comment on "Free" Speech Absolutist™ 2 weeks ago:
Isn’t it great that Americans are so intelligent and well-informed that we voted to give this trashcan more power?
We pretty much fucked any chance we had for the middle/lower classes to gain more power/influence during our lifetimes. Weak middle/lower classes = shit country. It’s only going downhill from here.
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
Eh. I want hyper realistic graphics, but I also want a solid story and good gameplay mechanics. If hyper realistic graphics took a backseat to story and mechanics I’d be just as annoyed as a focus on hyper realistic graphics over story and mechanics.
- Comment on What happened to techbros from the 90s to now? 3 weeks ago:
In the past you had to actually be smart to be a “tech bro”. The barrier of entry was higher.
Now any dipshit can get online and start being a “tech bro”.
It’s basically the same as the enshitification of the internet. Used to take some effort to get online. Now any dipshit can do it.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 4 weeks ago:
I’m getting close to 1k. Such an incredibly good game. The devs are legends.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 4 weeks ago:
I’ve been playing a Half-Life mod called Sven Coop since 1999. I play almost daily, if only for a half an hour when I get home to unwind. Multiple server owners have given me admin rights to help manage their servers so sometimes I’m just there to kick griefers or change levels that are broken so people don’t leave. There are many thousands of user made levels. People are still making them. The mod is still getting updated. Just did actually.
It wasn’t added to Steam until 2016. So there was no way for me to track play hours until then. Since 2016 it shows that I have a little over 3000 hours. And I used to play more before I became an adult and had to do adult things. So I can only imagine what my total hours are.
10,000 hours? And that’s probably conservative.
I will have been playing regularly for 26 years this January.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Because there’s nothing more American than getting ripped off.
- Comment on Ammo vending machines come to US grocery stores 5 weeks ago:
It’s like we’re trying to prove to the future that we were the dumbest generation of humans to ever exist.
- Comment on Trump Adviser Collapses On Stage At New York Young Republican Gala 5 weeks ago:
I love how this administration is already a clown show fuckfest and his term hasn’t even begun.
The real sadness is that I’m going to spend the rest of my life knowing how profoundly stupid Americans are and that I’m surrounded by them.
- Comment on NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’ 5 weeks ago:
Our “news” outlets are simply pathetic.
It’s embarrassing.
- Comment on Will Republicans try another Federal Right to Work attempt? 5 weeks ago:
Let me make this easy for everyone.
If something is detrimental to average Americans and beneficial to the wealthy, Republicans will absolutely attempt to do it.
That is a fullproof formula.
The part that’s hard to wrap your mind around is how average Americans can be so stupid as to elect them despite this being an easily provable fact.
- Comment on Tokyo government to introduce four-day workweek for its employees 1 month ago:
I would.
Reduce my cost of living so I could work an extra day less every week until my child is out of elementary school while keeping the same job with the same benefits.
Count me in.
Note: The article does state for couples with children until the child is out of elementary school. So you get to work 4 day work weeks for a significant chunk of your life, while keeping the same benefits, but you do have to obviously lower your costs of living to make it work…probably. Yeah, I’m in.