Fediverse Advocate
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 7 hours ago:
It was nice for me. I enjoyed it. It was good food. But not something I’d bother spending £17 on. I would have enjoyed a £8 meal from burger king the same even if it’s slightly lower quality. When it comes to eating, I am not a sweat or a food enthusiast. I just needed to eat something for dinner so my mum and girlfriend don’t get annoyed with me.
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 8 hours ago:
Would probably cost the same
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 8 hours ago:
I spent £17 on a burger and chips at five guys due to peer pressure. I still haven’t mentally recovered.
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 8 hours ago:
Vandalise something
- Comment on Anon needs money 8 hours ago:
What did he expect to happen
- Comment on WH Smith name to disappear from High Street after sale 9 hours ago:
The WH Smith name is not being sold and will still be used at the airport, railway station and hospital outlets that are also not for sale
Makes sense to rename it
- Comment on Papers strewn on Newcastle street feared to be sensitive army documents 9 hours ago:
Or warthunder forums
- Comment on Homeland Security Secretary visits El Salvador prison where deported Venezuelans are held 2 days ago:
El Salvador seems to have done really well at reducing crime
- Comment on DeepSeek-V3 now runs at 20 tokens per second on Mac Studio, and that’s a nightmare for OpenAI 2 days ago:
Of course, the Chinese flag has to be in the article thumbnail.
- Comment on Meta considering subscription option for UK Facebook users 4 days ago:
It sounds more like it’s optional?
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 6 days ago:
That massive fish is also a bit jarring. Usually SDValley kinda works though because of the tiling. Wasn’t that game also almost entirely made by one dude?
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 6 days ago:
There’s many factors, honestly. For example, a lot of pixelated games have animations that break the “pixel barrier”, eg, a character moves smoothly over half pixels. Another thing is pixel scales being completely different. Sometimes a character or an icon has larger pixels than those on a map. Another factor is simply a variety of textures and colours- older games had limited colours for most objects, counting the underlying map as an object in itself. Not every colour could be used, and sometimes, a lot games weren’t actually on the same saturation as people remember.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 6 days ago:
build your own moral code
By that logic, we should get rid of global human rights and international courts. Also stop criticising people who have a different moral code. Maybe we should stop enforcing the law in general.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Doesn’t mean you can’t follow Him
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
You’ve just contradicted yourself. First you say it’s silly that God is willing to pay and accepts payment for our sins from Himself, then you claim God is evil because He punishes sin to begin with. How could a sinful person expect their sin to be tolerated around a perfect God? Yes, such sin damns us to hell, but God forgives it, and Jesus is the mechanism of God’s forgiveness. If God just let people who were sinful in His sight get into heaven, He wouldn’t be perfectly just. You mentioned that we should be able to atone for sin using flour, money, incense and prayer. That’s like a player trying to bribe a Minecraft server admin to not ban him for rule breaking with diamonds. God can create flour, “money” (something that only has value because we perceive it to. What’s God going to do with it, buy His groceries in Tesco?) and incense. As for prayer, He has a multitude of angels praising Him constantly.
Adam and Eve knew what they were doing. God told them not to. But they did it anyway. If their descendants didn’t sin, their descendants wouldn’t be punished. But their descendants sinned. This “cruelty” is null and void considering God gives us a free way out (compared to your “better” idea where you proposed that you should need to work to get out of Hell)
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Because if we were all to be punished for our sin, everyone will be thrown into hell eternally. That’s the punishment for sin.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Yes. We have eyewitness accounts and archaeological evidence for followers.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Slaves obey your masters wasn’t Jesus. Also, what’s wrong with substitutionary atonement?
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Hate to break it to you, but that’s not historically honest.
“The Bible” is actually just a library of records gathered by various people which testify God. If there was another record/first-hand account about Jesus, it would be in the Bible. So not really. It’s more like trying to use records of Rome to prove that events happened in Rome, like the assassination of Julius Caesar. Or observations about other historical events to prove that event.
So essentially, these are all separate records, the Bible is just a compilation (except for Luke and Acts, they were originally one record, which I have amended my original comment to show)
The circular reasoning argument you are thinking about is about using the Bible to prove the Bible (eg, saying the Bible says it’s true, therefore it is). I’m not using the Bible to try and prove itself, I’m using the Bible to try and prove Jesus. You claimed there are no written records, yet that’s exactly what the Bible is. You can’t just dismiss it because a few hundred years later, Christians decided to canonise it as one text.
And even then, you can in a way, through textual criticism and supplementary historical evidence, prove things about a text (such as criterion of embarrassment, preservation, other details from the authors) relating to it’s legitimacy.
The texts of the New Testament have been one of the most spread and reproduced documents from the Roman empire period, nevermind the first century
Most historical events don’t have the documentation made about Jesus. They all popped up at the same time saying the same thing yet from different perspectives. Then there’s archaeological evidence carrying on about Christianity and a church existing, all from the first century. Something big must have happened, typically things like that don’t happen.
Lastly, not all of the texts I mentioned were biblical. The others were from other historians which didn’t have enough detail to be included in the Bible. The thing is, if they were more detailed, they would have most likely been included in the Bible, making your standard quite the tautology
It’s kind of like someone saying “use studies from academics showing the legitimacy and arguing in favour of the Bible- by the way, you cannot cite Christian Apologists” when by definition, a Christian apologist is someone who argues in favour of Christianity. If they were to argue in favour of Christianity, they’ll be a Christian apologist. It’ll be a tautology. Like how any detailed contemporary account of Jesus by someone close to Him would have most likely been included in the Bible.
- Comment on Wait, why is the White House using Starlink to ‘improve Wi-Fi’? 1 week ago:
I think it would make more sense if this was just another redundancy
- Comment on Wait, why is the White House using Starlink to ‘improve Wi-Fi’? 1 week ago:
They could have easily made up an excuse like “contingency in case of a terrorist attack where national infrastructure is damaged” or something, lol
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
The look on your face when He comes back will be hilarious
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
I do. That’s why I said Jesus is a good rolemodel. I’d never say the Church is a good rolemodel or that people should follow what other Christians are doing.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
That’s just flat out wrong.
Antiquities of the Jews - Flavius Josephus Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a, 107b, Sotah 47a) Annals – Tacitus Lives of the Caesars – Suetonius Letters (Book 10, Letter 96) – Pliny the Younger Letter of Mara bar Serapion The True Word – Celsus (Referenced in Origen’s Contra Celsum) The Passing of Peregrinus – Lucian of Samosata Gospel According to Matthew Gospel According to Mark Gospel According to Luke Gospel According to John Acts of the Apostles Epistle to the Romans First Epistle to the Corinthians Second Epistle to the Corinthians Epistle to the Galatians Epistle to the Ephesians Epistle to the Philippians Epistle to the Colossians First Epistle to the Thessalonians Second Epistle to the Thessalonians First Epistle to Timothy Second Epistle to Timothy Epistle to Titus Epistle to Philemon Epistle to the Hebrews Epistle of James First Epistle of Peter Second Epistle of Peter First Epistle of John Second Epistle of John Third Epistle of John Epistle of Jude
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Do you have a video, picture or any kind of evidence that Julius Caesar was murdered?
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Jesus did die right away. His lungs were collapsed, there was no way a human could survive that.
You’re right about conservatives being wrong about Jesus. I do not care what americans have warped the Gospel into, it doesn’t change what Jesus did for me. I can’t just say “Sorry Jesus, I know you were tortured and died for me, but the people you warned about claim to follow you and do awful things, so I’m going to turn down what you did to me.” That won’t make sense.
Sure, ideology does change and maybe “Christianity” cannot be synonymous with what Jesus taught anymore. Doesn’t change who Jesus is.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
The major foundation of Christianity is a belief in God, basically. Without believing in God, there’s no point to being a Christian. It is kinda hard to argue though that Jesus as protrayed in the Bible is not a good role model.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
He rose again
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
Jesus is real, and that’s a historical fact. Jesus is still alive, His resurrection and ascension was witnessed.
But that’s besides the point; who else who is “alive and real” would you suggest is a better rolemodel? Even if Jesus was fictional, He’s still a pretty good role model by what’s written about Him.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 1 week ago:
True. Jesus is a good role model.