- Comment on Is this green or blue? 1 day ago:
Both, obviously.
- Comment on mass 1 day ago:
Choosing the other one would be known as “rimming”
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 4 days ago:
This is what the world looks like when you step outside
- Comment on Actually it's pretty cool 5 days ago:
I decided to read up on it since it looks a bit mental but once you know why it makes a lot of sense.
Plasma is charged and needs to be contained with magnets because it’ll melt anything it touches.
To use the magnets uniformly on a donut shaped cloud of particles will cause the particles drift and hit the wall because the donut has particles traveling short distences close to the donut hole and long on the rim. The particle will eventually drift into the wall and destroy the reactor.
So fuck it, squash the donut and twist it around and now all of parts of a cross section traveling around the donut are traveling equally long distance.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
There are good headphones that can work with a headphone jack.
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 2 weeks ago:
I thought it meant that “Here no questions are stupid” where it implies you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about asking strange or simple questions.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 2 weeks ago:
And no one went up to it with an angle grinder? Pretty sure you can cut it with a diamond blade.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
I mean it’s not that crazy if it saves you a trip to whatever store.
Going to a single place to replace something can take an hour so we can subtract that. Getting paid $5 an hour for a fun activity is also an absolute steal.
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 4 weeks ago:
Hearts of Iron 4 is also fun. You can take on the entire third reictb
- Comment on To simplify, assume the cow is spherical 5 weeks ago:
Not entirely. You get a lot of air resistance from vortex shredding which pulls the object back because of turbulent air flow at high speeds behind the object. You also have collision with air molecules when they are compressed in front of the object.
Friction on the other hand is more dominant when pushing an object along a surface.
- Comment on Got any must-play games for strategy fans? 1 month ago:
Medieval 2 Total War. It’s the best Total War game and one of the oldest. It has a basic campaign map where you create and manage armies which you then use to go into a real time battle with thousands of units. There is nothing as satisfying as routing the enemy with a massive cavalry charge into the rear when they’re in hand to hand infantry combat.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
Student exchange programs - > job - > permanent residence is one of the easiest ways to migrate.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
50 euro tuitions are heavily subsidised, usually the price is a lot higher without subsidies.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
80% of startups fail as a benchmark. It’s pretty tricky to create a company.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 1 month ago:
There’s the other side of maintenence that you don’t have to worry about messing other parts up if you change that one drop down menu since it’s the only place it’s used. It sometimes takes less time to do it this way.
I still think that the dropdowns should be unified, one view for desktop and one for mobile.
- Comment on Anon watches the news with his mom 1 month ago:
Swiggety swooty coming for the 2008 mortgage booty
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 month ago:
I assumed you meant electricity since solar only makes that type of energy efficiently (and sub 100C)
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 month ago:
Don’t forget industrial heat. If we had infinite electricity for free everywhere there would still be fossil fuels burned for industrial heat. We need more technology to finish it like plasma torches.
No need to despair, the technology is being actively developed and a lot of the sub 600 Celsius temps have an electric solution now.
- Comment on Age of Empires designer believes RTS games need to finally evolve after decades of stagnation 2 months ago:
This is why RTS shouldn’t focus on the PvP portion of the game. A good campaign and arcade is what Blizzard did and it worked. The greatest thing Blizzard ever ever did was to add in the custom map creator which was fully featured.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Maybe me works both morning and night shits
- Comment on A landlord special. 2 months ago:
He didn’t want to put the connector on the outside of the mirror with a cover covering the cut? So close for a proper looking outlet
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
It’s the world’s medium length video platform. If there’s an indie creator that’s good he’s there. Of course we like the whole world’s content that’s fed to us by an incredibly sophisticated algorithm.
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
I think those people would be labelled as clumsy or lacking motor skills. The brain is pretty good though so with experience it can almost always figure stuff out.
- Comment on If investing in the S&P 500 is such a surefire way to make money, then why isn't everyone doing it? 2 months ago:
If there was a way to gain more than the S&P then in theory the market would find that gain and reduce it to being the same as S&P. If investing in all stocks would be better then Vanguard all stocks index would be better.
Hedge funds and managed funds for “serious investors” try to get better than the S&P and some succeed but most fall below. Is general not everyone is doing it but by the way things are now everyone really should. It’s a surefire way to get 4% + inflation.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
- Counter Strike
- Factorio
- Elden Ring
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
Yeah, it’s usually just a compliment. Some things that implied I was gay were having gay friends, smiling, being friendly and not always having sex-seeking behavior with girls. Probably also that I don’t have traditionally male hobbies like football and I’m also a good listener. Then there’s the fact that I grew up in an all female household and I’m up for listening to matters of the heart.
Rest I’m pretty much a stereotype guy, I go to the gym, mediocre hygiene and dress like I have no sense of style. I’ve had some girls even say “I first thought you were gay but in reality you’re really straight”. Probably my love of having sex with girls gave it away finally.
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
So many people have thought I was gay I went into introspection. Turns out I’m very straight.
- Comment on I have to fly back home. My brother was forcebullay taken to the hospital for thirty days do to a mental attack. My quest is I have not carry on's or anything beside the ticket. Will the TSA target me 2 months ago:
Arresting a person for resisting arrest is some next level bullshit.
- Comment on Government? 2 months ago:
Make it heavy so it doesn’t sink. Make it make sense
- Comment on My recent experiences with big budget AAA after years of avoidance 2 months ago:
I don’t play new games a lot because I don’t want a Ubisofted ARPG game where you’re just riding an open world rail with grinding sessions in between or a generic AAA shooter with crazy system requirements. Horizon Zero dawn was pleasant play though even though it had the Ubisoft formula because.
Elden Ring was great though and I’ve heard good things of Black Myth Wukong.
I just want to have fun and experience some new fun game mechanics or with some fun exploration element or with a gripping story. Indie games satisfy my itch very well.
I’ll play the next GTA since those are genuinely just a marvel of modern technology with a story and exploration elements.
I’m now always looking for a game that’s doesn’t require 30h of filler grinding to complete. It’s crazy but Magic Archery is free on Steam and I had more fun with it than some AAA games albeit very short.