- Comment on What's the point of the "Airport Security" (aka: TSA) in the USA? Does the "Airport Security" ever actually scare away potential terrorists? 2 days ago:
Others have mentioned how bad the TSA is, but with they aren’t mentioning is why it is so bad. It’s basically the third rail of . As soon as a politician starts to suggest that we redo the TSA they are accused of being weak on security and weak on terrorism. So because of it, there’s no real way to change what exist all they can do is add another layer. And yet the bad part or messed up part is still in place. Even TSA agents know that half of what they’re doing doesn’t make any sense.
And by the way, when I say half that’s a figure of speech, not a literal.
If the TS agent doesn’t do exactly what the rules require they’re just fired. Once you get fired from a government job good luck on ever getting another job in the government.
Instead of the politician, sitting down and asking what is working and what is not working and rebuilding the TSA. It’s just used as a for political, cheap shots and a way to attack the other side. Both Democrats and Republicans are doing the exact same thing. Anybody who says otherwise just lying to themselves
Insane amount of money are spent for just a small benefit. Meanwhile, it screws up travel time. There’s a reason why some people stand in for hours just to get on an airplane.
- Comment on These mini expacs really aren't doing it 3 days ago:
Sorry about the extremely long delay. I’ve started both and gotten a fair amount into them (yeah I know should have started one finished it then did the other, but didn’t work out that way) but at this point I’d say yes. Release them at the same time.
- Comment on A Peaceful Spot 3 days ago:
That literally belongs at the entrance for sniper school.
- Comment on How do you voice chat without bothering roommates? 5 days ago:
- Comment on If a contestant on Jeopardy! gave the correct response "Alexandre Dumas" but pronounced the surname as "dumb ass", would the response be accepted? 6 days ago:
Good question.
I’m not sure if it would be but when he gets home he’ll be called dumb ass.
- Comment on How long does it take for Jade Fragments to respawn? 6 days ago:
Did not know that. Thank you
- Comment on How long does it take for Jade Fragments to respawn? 6 days ago:
50 nodes across all maps regardless of where you are. Got it. Thank you
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 1 week ago:
Are you saying they put radiator coolant in dog feces and got the dog to eat the feces?
- Comment on Is there a way on an iPhone when you go into the Photos viewer do you have it only show videos with a simple click? 1 week ago:
Except she didn’t scroll. Just unlocked the phone and tapped photos. Maybe a possible accidental long press somewhere
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 1 week ago:
I think it depends on the context. Was the poisoning accidentally, unintentional because of not realize a dog can’t have that item, or left poison out for something else and the dog somehow got into it? Context is important.
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 1 week ago:
I need more context.
What do you mean by bad faith apology. Be specific.
- Comment on Is there a way on an iPhone when you go into the Photos viewer do you have it only show videos with a simple click? 1 week ago:
What would you reap to select live photos?
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 6 comments
- Comment on Village Visitor 1 week ago:
Or maybe Terry Redlin
- Comment on How can I become independent in life? 1 week ago:
Find something that gives you a sense of worth. Something that makes you feel part of something larger.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
That takes some long ass arms. Although you could use your toes, but the down side is you might break your toe when then gun goes off.
- Comment on Not disparaging the dead or anything. But why does it seem in the US we are expected to feel sorry for a person who overdoses on illegal drugs? Didn't they make the choice knowing the outcome? 4 weeks ago:
So you are saying a person can’t possibly get addicted to legal drugs then when those drugs are cut off they can’t possibly turn to illegal drugs?
You are saying that a person can’t get addicted to drugs for other reasons? Ex: mental health issues that aren’t being fixed?
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 4 weeks ago:
Well done
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 4 weeks ago:
He gets measured and weighed.
Height length width and weight
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
That is a good point. He could die of a heart attack on national TV and Maga would find a way to claim something else happened.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I haven’t had a drink since before the turn of the century. You better belive I’m having a drink, when that fucker dies. I’d piss on his grave if I could find it and not get arrested doing it.
- Comment on Are the inside parts of toilets universal? 5 weeks ago:
Their motto :
We start with your shit, and we finish with your ass
- Comment on Air fryers are simpler than you think, but still pretty neat [19:38] 5 weeks ago:
Most of them are a pain in the ass to properly clean. My mom has a ninja air fryer. There is no way to remove the top grate. The grease builds up in it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
A lot of liberals do vote. I think you meant "for those liberals that don’t vote, why don’t they vote "
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Trump won this time. I don’t like it but he did win.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 1 month ago:
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 1 month ago:
Good enough for me.
He didn’t realize it was an issue, he won’t do it again.
- Comment on Why are people politicizing Peanut the Squirrel 1 month ago:
And then there’s the truly sad bunch that can’t live without social media.
For those that missed… Yes I’m joking
- Comment on What is stopping the vice president from ever murdering the president? 1 month ago:
The president Can’t be held accountable is one thing. The vp as far as I know (if the vp killed the president) would need certain people in the cabinet to make him president. They’d have to sign off on it.
But of they signed off on it then really at this point nothing stops it