- Comment on Do kids of rich people feel loved, or are their rich parents toxic? 1 week ago:
Everything is relative, and trauma not dealt with is passed down.
I was not raised wealthy. Laying in my bed, in a room in a 2br public housing apt I shared with my two brothers, I could hear my parents fighting over money at night. I used to daydream about a rando giving us money and in my vision of how that would go it was never that we would have stuff, it was just that my parents wouldn’t have to fight over it anymore. I was homeless when I left home, sleeping in my beater broke down ass car and taking showers in public showers. I joined the US Army because I ran out of options. Just to give my broke ass credentials. It wasn’t the bottom, but it was close.
I am wealthy now. I live in a wealthy neighborhood. My kids go to a public “rich kid” school. They’re both teenagers, so I have a fairly good knowledge of the neighborhood kids since our house has always been the hangout house.
It’s weird. Being rich is sort of exactly what I thought it would be. We don’t argue over bills. My wife was not crazy town poor, but she was definitely lower middle class. We are both extremely frugal. We torture them dollars. I ain’t goin back. My kids have never known that world cause we hit the job lottery and the money showed up right before the first one was born.
All these kids are the exact same kids with the exact same problems as the ones I knew growing up, but the parents have more money and therefore more tools to help support their kids. The only real difference is the trauma of being broke as fuck isn’t there but it’s replaced with the pressure of expectations. When I was a kid if I had gotten a job as a mail delivery person, that would have been seen as a total success on my part. Life long stable job with a retirement at the end. I fucking won the game of life. For rich kids, that would be seen as an abject failure.
It’s not that they don’t have empathy. It’s that their entire community is economically high performers. Everyone they meet in their lives fucking won the game of capitalism. The only regular humans they run into wait on them or teach them. In their minds, how hard can it be? They know all these normal looking people and they’re all rich as fuck so how hard can it be?
Because that’s the mind fuck. Rich people aren’t better than you. Some shit went their way and that’s the difference. Elite earners don’t work harder than janitors. And so rich kids grow up in that world and it’s just normalized. It’s not a lack of empathy, it’s that they internalize it as “normal”.
Then a middle class kid runs into them and sees them as lacking in empathy.
You’re right though. It is more luxurious. I let fruit rot on the counter because I won’t eat it after I buy it because if I eat it I won’t have it anymore. These fuckers eat all my oranges and blueberries because that’s what they’re for. Rich assholes.
- Comment on If you're not attracted to anyone "in your league", but you cannot choose who you are attracted to, then what are you supposed to do? 2 months ago:
Wonderful post. Thanks is for taking the time to write it.
- Comment on If you can’t discriminate based on age, how are there 55+ neighborhoods? 2 months ago:
Great comment. Thanks for posting it.
- Comment on In a bit of a pre upgrade slump, what do you recommend? 3 months ago:
Mad Max was way better than it had any right to be.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Yes please. Right on.
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 4 months ago:
I love you both very much.
I still play SSX3 GameCube version on my Wii.
- Comment on What careers are relatively easy to get into with decent unions behind them? 5 months ago:
My brother is a journeyman plumber in Seattle WA. He only does new pipe on metal frame (big buildings) for new build. He makes $130k a year not counting overtime.
Great job. Amazing job.
- Comment on Empires fall 5 months ago:
Circuit City was great until it wasn’t.
- Comment on Explosions in the Sky 6 months ago:
I’ve got tix to see them in Seattle on Sept 30!
- Comment on Explosions in the Sky 6 months ago:
I’ve got tix at the end of the month!
- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Continue To Crater With Massive 42% Revenue Drop - Slashdot 7 months ago:
I have two kids. Both prefer pc or switch for exclusives. They haven’t touched the PlayStation or Xbox in months if not years. I don’t even think they know how to turn them on.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
The Democrats have an unusually deep bench right now. Honestly there’s probably at least 5 very high quality candidates for Veep. Another 5 won’t take it because they plan on running for Prez themselves and don’t want to backbench when their current gig is going so well.
The veep choice won’t be a problem.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Another for the wishlist. Thanks for posting that.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Thanks for that. Added to my wishlist.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
My kids played this till their eyes bled. Great local screen party game.
- Comment on Capes has released, XCOM-like TBS with unique superhero characters - Reviews: 77 average, 75% recommended 9 months ago:
Looked great at PAX last year. Excited for it.
- Comment on V Rising has launched out of Early Access! 10 months ago:
I just want to play with a controller.
- Comment on Formerly Anti-Union Volkswagen Worker Explains Why He Switched to Pro-Union 11 months ago:
Good video. The guy was well spoken.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 4 Isn't Next For Larian; Something Bigger Is Coming | Spot On | Gamespot 1 year ago: