- Comment on Anon lives in the midwest 5 months ago:
It’s the result of colonization.
- Comment on International Woof 5 months ago:
On the other hand having clearer forms allows for more complicated yet accurate sentences (not needed for communication but beautiful).
- Comment on Anon races against the jock in P.E. 5 months ago:
I’m also awful with hand eye condition (my bad eyes don’t help either) and always got picked last, really dislikes most ball sports for that reason, but I did enjoy when we did athletics, went running, climbing, hiking, cross country skiing etc. It was always a gamble what we were doing but often enough it was fun.
Which sports do you usually practice?
- Comment on Anon races against the jock in P.E. 5 months ago:
But why? Are you also not doing sports in your free time?
- Comment on Intergalactic Planatary 5 months ago:
Is the planet special or is it a bait headline?
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 6 months ago:
The reason is lack of ressources. Integrating them properly works well as long as there are enough ressources, but when too many come in a too short timeframe it sadly does not work (also makes it much harder for them to get proficient at German since they can live in their own bubble and just talk in their native language).
(And we have many ressources, but we (Austria) took the most immigrants per capita of all central European countries, even significantly more than Germany which is known for having taken so many. We really are trying.)
- Comment on Why limit immigration? 6 months ago:
There only are so many resources for them. Here in many European countries the main issue (I think) is that with the current numbers we fail to teach them all our language (it’s simply not possible without having more language teachers available, and apart from needing those teachers that also needs more money). Without knowing the language their professional development is massively hindered, causing many to remain lower class, and causing disproportionately high crime rates among certain groups.
This leads to further problems: In the big cities there already are schools where people who speak the local language are a minority (for example in a primary school near me they have two classes for each grade (1-4) for children who can’t speak German yet and one class for all grades together for German speaking children).
So guess what people do: They go to a district with less immigrants, while the districts with many immigrants keep getting more immigrants (since cost of living is low there and as pointed out earlier many struggle to leave lower class). We’re re-creating segregation. This makes it even harder for those people to leave lower class, since they have no networking opportunities but only know others from lower class instead.
Even the left wing parties are now saying that we have to reduce immigration and instead integrate immigrants better.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
So is the conclusion from that that LGBTQ people would rather vote for Trump? I don’t get why this would be a reason for them to not support the democrats
- Comment on Breaking News 8 months ago:
Where do you see a W?
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 8 months ago:
AWD often is the difference of if you have to put on chains to keep going upwards or not. Downwards you’ll need them anyway.
Never had to use chains? Not getting any snow? It’s not very useful then.
- Comment on Never give up 8 months ago:
Good that they didn’t change their mind. If they had, you’d have been in trouble because your sources said otherwise.
- Comment on History is written by the victors 8 months ago:
In Austria and Germany at least we’re extremely critically viewing our history. It’s not “look at how good we are” but at “look at what we have to prevent from happening again” - and that’s for most topics, not only national socialism.
- Comment on Adopting a stray cat 8 months ago:
Most non native speakers just use whatever form they get to know first
- Comment on Adopting a stray cat 8 months ago:
Depends on in which part of the world this happened
- Comment on every company right now 8 months ago:
Can’t wait for Xx_MinecraftPvPer_xX_AI
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 8 months ago:
Ty. So the question for its rightful name simply depends on whether you give it to the one who discovered it or the one who isolated it, interesting.
I’ll skip that discussion and just say Natrium sounds better
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 8 months ago:
It’s Na from Natrium (I have no idea why you even call it Sodium in English)
- Comment on Measurements 8 months ago:
As someone who isnt from the… I think two or three? countries in this world that still use the imperial system standard is metric for me. So yes, if someone means the US customary system and isn’t in the USA they shouldn’t say standard or they’ll confuse people
- Comment on Anon learns that his grandfather dodged being drafted 8 months ago:
The one difference that matters if he dodged invading a country or defending his own.
- Comment on Just checking in 8 months ago:
The new Diogenes. Make it real.
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
Easiest way to prove it:
1/3 = 0.333…
1/3 * 3 = 3/3 = 1
0.333… * 3 = 0.999…
1 = 3/3 = 1/3 * 3 = 0.333… * 3 = 0.999…
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
About completely uncensored content: The fun part is that anyone who actually wants that can have that, I’m sure there are instances that federate with anything (or they could make their own “free” instance). And people who don’t want that (probably the majority but I have no data) can simply join moderated instances.
Great article :)
- Comment on Astronomy 8 months ago:
To be fair the style isn’t anime style
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 9 months ago:
- Comment on And they say English is bad 9 months ago:
Read some speeches from Cicero for example (in Latin). Latin has six cases and three genders so while Cicero’s sentences often consist of multiple sentences and sub sentences with beautifully spread out sentence structures they’re still very clear and easy to understand (with sufficient Latin skills). Same for all modern languages with cases and genders (like German).
In English you only have one gender more or less (you do have he she it but in terms of referring to previous words (which, etc.) or linking attributes you only have one) and the case solely depends on where the word stands in the structure (leading to a fixed sentence structure and limited possibilities to refer back to previous words, so you have to repeat them more commonly).
- Comment on And they say English is bad 9 months ago:
Gender and cases allow you to write much more complex sentences, and make long and complex sentences easy to understand.
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 9 months ago:
Ty, always trying to improve my English. Comments like that are really helpful because noone corrects those things in real life, ig they assume they’re trivial.
Refer to my last sentence in the comment you replied to (no elevation, no sharp turns).
Even with spike tires you’ll struggle greatly as soon as you add elevation. But in one of the cities without elevation you’re correct, yes.
Of course it’d be stuck, but generally the situation is, at least in my country: It snows, there are for example 20 cm of fresh snow -> roads get cleaned -> there’s no / hardly any snow on the streets anymore. So the situation where you’d have to cycle on snow is when the snow is a bit deeper. If I really can’t wait for the roads to get cleaned (which happens very quickly so usually it’s no problem) I go by foot or use skis, depending on how much snow there is.
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 9 months ago:
Get spike wheels and stay on clean roads, if there’s too much fresh snow you’ll get stuck.
Or use one of these images.app.goo.gl/A1NitHgRBS3Qanza7
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 9 months ago:
At 06:25 they explain that they use special wheels with nails, so that’s different of course. They also use such rails for the winter triathlon (running (with spikes), cycling (with spike wheels), cross country skiing).
With such wheels it for sure is safer
- Comment on So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen... 9 months ago:
How is Linux Mint for gaming? Does it still have input delay?