They got the good ending
Anon lives in the midwest
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
I still don’t think the natives got the good deal here 5 months ago
Who’s to say?
I was going to joke about an Amish casino, but then I remembered the move Kingpin 5 months ago
True. Ideally the Amish would have a “immigrated”, assimilated, and become another tribe in the area hundreds of years ago. However, this is still a better outcome than the tribes still litigating treaties signed hundreds of years ago, like in Oklahoma. 5 months ago
Migration leading to mixed cultures instead of genocide and colonization. Americans: “This is so weird!” 5 months ago
“In this here melting pot, we burn away all our differences until we’re left with only the pure white flame of Christian nationalism.”
I had to put the statement in quotes because while being hyperbole, it’s not too far from how some people think, and I don’t want to be confused with those folks. 5 months ago
Are you implying Americans started colonization, or…? 5 months ago
It’s the result of colonization. 5 months ago
The US was founded on migration which led to genocide and colonization. 5 months ago
That actually sounds awesome 5 months ago
The true American dream 5 months ago
I want to see a picture. In mind, it looks pretty dope. 5 months ago
Need photos this sounds adorable 5 months ago
This post has been up an hour and we have no fucking information this is unacceptable. 5 months ago
I don’t think jewelry wearing is compatible with the Amish conception of propriety and modesty but I’m not going to say it wouldn’t happen. 5 months ago
My grandpa rents some of his fields out to an amish guy who also rents a lot of other fields in the area. The amish in our area are known to be pretty loose with their rules so my grandpa wasn’t surprised when the guy showed up with combine harvester but he was kind of surprised with how new it was. My grandpa asked him how he could drive a combine when they weren’t allowed to drive cars. To which the amish guy responded, “Well, I don’t actually drive the combine; it drives itself. I just sit in it.” 5 months ago
Sounds like the Amish would be ok with a robotic vacuum as long as it charged itself from a solar panel. 5 months ago
Jewish people on Sabbat vibes. 5 months ago
Nice ha ha 5 months ago
Most based Amish dude I’ve ever heard about. 5 months ago
Good for them. Culture should evolve. 5 months ago
The “rules” the Amish live by are determined by the Elders of that group. They can be quite strict or fairly loose. And can vary by a fair bit from colony to colony even as neighbors. Cell phones can be fine for one group and be forbidden for the next.
Like some much in life, the rules are open to interpretation. 5 months ago
I saw some Amish or similar community teens freaking out in a Sheetz over the touch screens. They were having so much fun. 5 months ago
On top of that, many people will see a Mennonite and think “Amish.” 5 months ago
Right I get that, but the underlying value that the prohibitions are designed around is promoting humility and preventing vanity. 5 months ago
Maybe it depends on the branch of Amish. I’ve heard the ones in the Midwest are a little more relaxed than the ones in Pennsylvania. 5 months ago
Everyone’s just making shit up based on their feelings anyway, let them do as they 5 months ago
The Amish around where I live (Midwest) run a bunch of great little stores (which is most of the contact I have with them personally, but my partners mom has friends in their community who come to visit now and then.) The stores all take credit cards and have refrigerators for the cheeses/dairy, and many of them do use machinery for farm work. Some even use cell phones.
I haven’t noticed any jewelry (haven’t paid attention), but they really do seem to pick and choose which portions to adhere strongly to. 5 months ago
Really depends on the community, some have cars. 5 months ago
Also worth noting often if you see what looks like Amish folks driving a car, especially if its for personal errands they’re often not Amish but Mennonite.
I very consistently manage to shop at the same time as one Mennonite family, so I’ll see them getting groceries then load up their car and drive home 5 months ago
What’s weird is saying “native” and “indian” interchangeably in 2024. 5 months ago
My native american father in law prefers to call himself an Indian.
From his point of view he wouldn’t call himself a “native american” because he belongs to an actual nation and indigenous people aren’t a homogenous group.
He prefers Indian because it makes white people look bad. Incredibly based 5 months ago
He prefers Indian because it makes white people look bad.
I know nothing else about him, but I like him already. 5 months ago
A sentiment I’ve heard a bunch is “oh, so you called us Indians and now you’re uncomfortable with that label? Well fuck you, you don’t get to keep unilaterally changing what’s acceptable. If thinking about colonialism makes you uncomfortable, then great! Start sitting with that discomfort and recognising the crumb of self determination we express by identifying as Indians. You gave us that label, and it’s ours now.” 5 months ago
Me, Native american: Indigenous to where? lmfao
I swear people just pick the worst words to describe people sometimes when going down the slippery slope for PC language. It’s all so arbitrary lol.
People first language literally creates more in-groups and out-groups who have to jump literal semantic hoops, usually just make the in group feel a little better labeling someone because people turn a blind eye to racists.
I have rarely, and I mean very, very rarely seen new language originate from minority or out-groups being used by their own people first then co-opted by the in-group. There’s some random language here and there, but anything race/ethnicity related, it’s almost always the in-group getting too racist to call people by what they used for the out-group before, and they have to start calling them something else or fear being branded a racist… Rather than, you know, ostracizing people for being fucking racist.
Maybe I’m just too mixed or too ND to care, but for the same reason why if you get the pronunciation of my name close enough and know you’re referring to me, I could care less. (Heh)
TBH, I wish Injun made a comebock.
I like Namen (Native American, human, man, woman, his noodly appendage) too. No, I don’t care if you say Nay-men or Nah-men.
You’re wrong if you pronounce GIF as JIF though. 5 months ago
I know right? Especially Latvians and the Swedish. 5 months ago
‘Indian’ is still pretty widespread in the US 5 months ago
Only generationally, as one might expect 5 months ago
Indian isn’t offensive to native Americans in general 5 months ago
It’s still technically called Indian Country and there are a variety of Indian services type organizations in the government. 5 months ago
I’m falling into the old person category lately but prefer to stay in the know. What is the proper nomenclature in 2024? 5 months ago
“Indigenous” seems to be acceptable most people. When you know them personally, use their nation or tribal affiliation. Like if your friend was Korean, and you only referred to them as “Asian,” it might feel like you don’t care about the difference. 5 months ago
Different people prefer different nomenclature, but the generally accepted standard has switched from native American a couple decades ago to American Indian now. IIRC the change happened because calling people natives sometimes seems synonymous with calling them primitive. Most US tribal groups use American Indian now 5 months ago
20 years ago it was “native, aboriginal, or first nation’s” people
Not sure which is the current flavour 5 months ago
Depends on your country. Really every place has come up with something different: First Nations, indigenous, native, etc. 5 months ago
Native, I would assume 5 months ago
I was reading it and genuinely thought it meant South Asian Indian at first 5 months ago
Same. I was getting really curious about this Amish group in India 5 months ago
My understanding is they call themselves Indians and it’s only dipshitty non-indians tripping over themselves to be publicly offended on others’ behalf who say it’s bad.
I don’t know for certain but that certainly seems to be the consensus. 5 months ago
There’s actually a diverse opinion even within the indigenous community, Indian can be a uniting identifier, but it can also be representative of everything wrong with colonism.
While I’m not American, my understanding from my grandfather who was warded to a government school in Canada (though it’s never been clear if he is first nations, he was documented as such but his cultural experience once he joined the army and moved countries to has been white, and I am white, so I can not truly speak to any of this), whether an individual or a tribal group are more comfortable with the label Indian or Native American, or indigenous, or first nations, tends to depend on the relationship between the person/group and reservations and government programs that historically used the terminology of Indian.
My grandfather for example would use First Nation’s/Indigenous (though he used to say that he was “treated like first nations” rather than he “is” first nations, because even he had no idea if he actually was or not), he couldn’t bring himself to say “Indian” because that’s what he was labelled as while subjected to the abuse of the educational system at the time, it’s a traumatic term for him. Meanwhile some of the men he knew from that time united under the label “Indian” to claim it back from those that used it to oppress them, it’s a point of pride for them. 5 months ago
Someone has never been to a reservation and it shows. 5 months ago
That’s not weird, that’s how things should be. Working together. 5 months ago
agreed. technically, both are native. 5 months ago
anon discovers cultural exchange 5 months ago
This is local politics in action. In a federation this is protected. In a federation this could also be forced on all federated states or banned. In a federal system it is also allowed that damaging actions are outlawed or embraced and cherished by the state. It is all imperfect but the entire idea is the hope that all the various levels of legal authority check and balance themselves for the benefit of the people and are accountable to wrote law.
I am just writing this for people to maybe remember that this is how a federation (see: The United States of America) is fundamentally supposed to function. 5 months ago
Is part of the agreement to trade fashion accessories? 5 months ago
isn’t that a part of every agreement 5 months ago
As a father who raised 4 daughters, you try and stop a young woman from wearing jewelry, perfumes, and even makeup. That’s a fight you WILL lose every time.
You should see the dating scene. A young Amish boy holding hands with a young Native walking down a hallway, (or vice versa). It ain’t right I tell you. 5 months ago
Yes but only among girls. 5 months ago
Weird, but hey they ain’t hurting nobody, so meh 5 months ago
Are there actually Amish people in India?
I can’t tell if this is real or not. 5 months ago
American Indians, the term hasn’t died out in the New World quite yet. 5 months ago
Many people refer to the people who were living in North America before Europeans as “Indians” and there’s even a good portion of those people that use it to self identify as well, even if “Native American” is more widely used, if not also somewhat an inaccurate if you’re getting technical. 5 months ago
That’s not weird. That’s how functional societies reconcile when they aren’t subjected to endless propaganda and fear mongering. 5 months ago
I mean, it is weird in the sense that it is unusual. But that doesn’t make it bad, in fact it should become more normal. 5 months ago
I’d go so far as to say it’s bad that it is unusual 5 months ago
Yeah, I wouldn’t say history shows humans usually treat outsiders really nicely but I agree this should be an example we strive for. 5 months ago
i came to say this. being friends is healthy and normal. 5 months ago
I’m just so fuckin burnt out on xenophobia and i feel like that shit got pushed on me a lot growing up. 5 months ago
Making friends? In this economy!?/s 5 months ago
No what’s ‘weird’ is so many not understanding that ‘weird’ isn’t automatically negative. or maybe more disturbing that so many automatically go there at first instinct. 5 months ago
“Surprising” or “unexpected” are probably a better words due to connotations and all.