- Comment on Costs to thee, but none for me! 4 days ago:
(n.b. I got here after OP deleted their comment, so I don’t have the context of what you were replying to. This is just a reply to you)
I felt a sad wistfulness upon reading your comment, because of how deeply I wish this were possible.
I’m reminded of an exhausting dinner in which a friend and I were trying to explain to his Dad why doctors and the like don’t work for free. It took us a while to figure out what he was actually saying, but in the end, we understood him to be arguing roughly: “It sure would be nice if people could work for free, because things like the NHS and other social safety nets only exist if people feel a duty to society, or their community. It sucks that selfish motivations seem to be guiding people’s decisions instead, and this isn’t their fault, but a product of them having to struggle to fulfill their basic living needs under capitalism. Maybe if we had a comprehensive, universal basic income, we would see more people able to exercise their duty to society”.
This memory sticks out to me because we spent most of that conversation exasperated and confused because it seemed like he was arguing that people should work for free, in the here and now. Your comment brings me back to that memory because I do believe that sufficiently robust social safety nets would lead to far more people doing work because they find it rewarding; I’m imagining a world where they still get paid, but the money is far less of a determining force in people’s decisions. It would be nice to be able to be an idealist like this, but we’re a long way off from that world
- Comment on Costs to thee, but none for me! 4 days ago:
This article blew my mind when I first read it. The unsustainability of the current academic publishing situation made a lot more sense after learning how we got to this point. Strongly recommended this article to anyone who doesn’t know how huge Maxwell’s influence was in this area.
- Comment on Costs to thee, but none for me! 4 days ago:
I know quite a few people who fit into that category, although I imagine they would take issue with how this meme characterises them.
A widespread concern that I see is that paid peer review may make things worse via a perverse incentive. Consider, for example, paper mills, and the conditions that cause them to arise: Publish or Perish; poor pay in academic research; lack of stability of jobs in academic research (tenure Vs adjunct) etc… If we’re concerned about the quality of peer review, then it doesn’t seem unreasonable to be concerned that paying may exacerbate the problem.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 1 week ago:
I wonder if that may be the cause of the block in the original post — i.e. if the fascist accounts were posting lots of “sensitive” content (such as stuff that would, in a different era, been far more likely to be removed if reported), then it might appear like the censorship that OP saw. I vaguely recall an instance of something similar happening, and if so, the “censorship” would be an automated error, and it being visible now would be after the manual intervention.
- Comment on Religion 2 weeks ago:
I want you to know that I’m screenshotting this comment (and the one you’re replying to) to send to a friend, who will find it very funny.
- Comment on Religion 2 weeks ago:
I do know an Anglican priest-in-training who refers to God with They/Them pronouns because thinking of God in a monogender way is weird to them. This apparently isn’t particularly controversial within their mini community, although there was a big argument once when someone suggested that capitalised pronouns (such as He/Him or They/Them) technically means God uses neopronouns
- Comment on Religion 2 weeks ago:
The way that someone explained it to be once is that if we think about the typical monotheistic, omnipotent, omniscient God — surely a God would be far more than what humans can comprehend at all, right? So any single characterisation of God is going to seem weirdly limited, because it’ll be grounded in our human perspective. So the idea is sort of like God™ is like a diamond, and each of the Hindu Gods is like a facet of that gem. The problem is that our human perspectives can’t understand the diamond (similar to how visualising 4D shapes like a tesseract is trippy and hard) so we have to try to understand the diamond by looking at each of its facets and trying to imagine an entity that can be all of those things at once.
As someone who is neither Hindu or Christian, it reminds me of the Holy Trinity: that God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Comment on Why aren't you 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 3 weeks ago:
The bear deserves better food
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 3 weeks ago:
This, a thousand times. Also echoing what someone below said that a physiotherapist may be best, but in my country, the doctor refers to a PT.
The reason why getting proper medical input is important is because often back pain arises because of long standing, complex imbalances e.g. I had a weak core, which caused my legs to lock in a way that sort of compensated, which caused me to have an odd gait and to fall lots. Generally improving your strength was a good step, but if you’re experiencing pain like this, you may need help in identifying any underlying weaknesses.
Especially because injuries don’t just come from heavy or intensive exercise. I knew someone who had upper back pain that likely stemmed from poor posture. They identified the muscles that were painful and started doing stretches to that area. Even though it was only light intensity stretching they were doing, they were inadvertently exacerbating the root problem, which they didn’t learn until they had to be seen by a doctor urgently.
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 4 weeks ago:
Recommendations? Not even limited to J-jazz — I used to do a lot more active music searching and I’m trying to get back into that, part of which involves asking random people who like different music than I do for recs
- Comment on Bioshock creator Ken Levine discusses the future of narratives in games 4 weeks ago:
Your explanation is good and thorough.
I always struggle to know when to use the square brackets. The straightforward answer is to just quote directly where possible. But especially in interviews, someone’s answer may be jumbly, so the most honourable thing to do may be to use square brackets to make it easier for the reader to understand the speaker’s point, but you’re not being misleading.
For example, maybe this interviewee said something like “in the future, it — we might come to see that game development, and games overall, will end up turning out to be player-driven”, which could be straightforwardly shortened to what we see in the screenshot: “in the future, it [will be] player driven”. Square brackets, in the hands of a skilled journalist, can be used to manipulate a narrative through selectively quoting people, but they can also represent a speaker’s point far more authentically and cogently than the literal words.
"in the future, it will be player-driven
- Comment on Am I doing this right? 5 weeks ago:
I like yours better.
- Comment on Hurry 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Crabs 1 month ago:
I love that you did
- Comment on Crabs 1 month ago:
I think this Tweet is referring to carcinisation, if any of the nerds reading this don’t know what that is
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 1 month ago:
Man, what assholes.
I was at a “know your rights” training thing for protesters and activists, and one of the things that they covered is that a super important and low risk thing way to support a large protest is to have people sort of “on guard” nearby the police station, ready to receive and support someone who was arrested, because the police like to release people at stupid times of night (especially if they’re salty that they don’t have enough evidence to charge you for a crime). In most cases though, (such as yours), there’s no-one to provide this support, and then you’re fucked.
I hadn’t realised how prevalent this spitefulness was until this part of the training , where multiple people shared experiences of this sort. I was already on team ACAB as it was.
I’m glad you made it home safe.
- Comment on The Automated Bot of Experian support phone line, refuses to let me to a real person... 🤬 1 month ago:
It sounds like you have this sorted now, but I will share my tip anyway.
My master password was a randomly generated pass phrase of a few words, such as what you can generate with Bitwarden’s password generator set to “passphrase”
Using an example I’ve just generated with that tool, if I had decided on a master password of “Daily-Exorcist-Nappy-Cornmeal”, then I would generate a few more passwords and write those down too. So I’d have a list that might look like this:
(I have bolded the words belonging to the actual master password from my example above, but obviously that’s not how it’d be written down. To remember that the passphrase has the words separated by hyphens, you could draw dashed lines around the list, like a decorative border. Here, I have also written words all in lowercase, even though the password has uppercase. (Though I would advise keeping the passphrase in the correct order, as I have in this example, because it’s easy to pick out the correct four words from a list like this, but harder to remember the right order for them).
I don’t have a safe either, but writing things down like this felt like a sufficient level of security against snooping family and the like. Though like I say, it seems like you’ve resolved this differently, so this is more for others who may stumble across this than for you.
I agree with you that the emergency access feature is great. A couple of years ago, my best friend died and I ended up being a sort of “digital steward” of all his stuff, because I was his tech guy and he had shitty passwords that I couldn’t convince him to change. In the end, his laziness meant we got to preserve some digital mementos that would otherwise be lost (such as his favourite decks on Magic:Arena). At the time, I was using a personal system to generate and remember passwords, and I was shaken to consider how much would be lost if I died. I feel far more at ease now with the Emergency Access feature from Bitwarden Premium (I also like being able to use Bitwarden for 2FA codes). I’m sorry that you had the unfortunate experience of being locked out of your stuff, but I’m glad you were able to secure yourself such that you’re protected from that in future.
- Comment on The Automated Bot of Experian support phone line, refuses to let me to a real person... 🤬 1 month ago:
“Eeyup, ars thar doin’? Ad be reyt, but av lost me notes of me password— tin tin tin”
(This was an attempt at transcribing someone saying in a heavy Yorkshire accent: “Hello, how are you doing? I would be okay, but I’ve lost my notes of my password. It isn’t in the tin”. (I had to squeeze in “tin tin tin” to this somehow because that’s one of my favourite mini jokes about heavy Yorkshire accents.)
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 1 month ago:
Good word, I like it
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 1 month ago:
Personally, I find him irksome because I get a strong vibe from him that he thinks of himself as a very smart person, looking down on the intellectual peasants. Part of why I perceive him that way is because this is how I used to think, as an autistic nerd who built much of my identity up around being smart. That’s also why behaviour of the sort that shows up on /r/iamverysmart (such as many of NDT’s posts) makes me cringe so much.
Dissecting this a bit further, it’s not necessarily that I think he thinks he’s better than other people — rather the opposite: some of the most intellectually arrogant people I have known are, at their core, deeply insecure and feeling the need to justify their interests by presenting themselves in a certain way.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 1 month ago:
There must not be much overlap in the countries we’ve visited then, because I’ve never seen this personally; one of the things I was glad for when I returned to the UK after while backpacking through Europe was being able to buy cheddar cheese in supermarkets again — it was non-existent in all the European shops I’d visited, and we usually settled for Edam or Gouda
- Comment on Important life choices 1 month ago:
It was an obtuse, lazy and (in hindsight) now very funny joke.
“Neoliberal” because one of the key ideological aspects of neoliberalism is the emphasis on individual responsibility. The big example that comes to mind is how the phrase “carbon footprint” was coined and popularised by oil companies as part of an advertising campaign to shift responsibility for climate change from fossil fuel companies to individual consumers.
“Greenwashing” was getting at the bullshit around recycling (which you also highlight in your comment). Often this isn’t as blatant as it is here: even if there were two bags, it’s likely that very little, if any, of the “recycling” bag would actually be recycled, and that the effort spent in separating recycling from regular trash is wasted energy that only perpetuates the feeling of doing something positive for the environment.
I found the image striking because although it isn’t hard to spot that there’s only one bag and that it doesn’t matter which hole someone throws their rubbish, I think it’s likely that someone passing by quickly wouldn’t notice this (especially if opaque bin bags were used). This is offensive to me because I’m finding that many people nowadays are struggling with chronic decision fatigue due to being worn down by the modern attention economy, and I consider the “personal responsibility” facet of climate change PR to be a facet of this. That’s what caused me to comment, but I didn’t know how to capture what I wanted to convey in a quick and straightforward manner, so I went for the lazy reply that, in hindsight, didn’t add anything meaningful to the conversation. I hope this is clearer, despite lacking in brevity
- Comment on Every time I search a windows error 1 month ago:
This is one of my favourite xkcds because it made me more consciously aware of the peculiar intimacy of the situation in the comic. Furthermore, in addition to the link that exists between me and someone on a forum with my particular tech problem, it also made me feel connected to everyone who had a different problem to me, but were also desperately trawling forums for help
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 1 month ago:
Regardless of what your next steps are, I’m sorry for your loss.
- Comment on Important life choices 1 month ago:
Neoliberal greenwashing go brrr
- Comment on Depressing awful town 1 month ago:
That doesn’t look like any cheddar I’ve ever seen
- Comment on Just kill one guy 1 month ago:
The way that I often hear it described is the spark that blew up the powder keg that was Europe at the time. Obviously a spark alone would do very little without the gunpowder there to be ignited, so there’re definitely different levels of causation, but I think there is a sense in which the assassination can be seen as a causative element
- Comment on UK doctors and nurses with long COVID to sue for compensation 1 month ago:
This is intriguing. I wish them all the best, and I expect that if they are successful, this would be a boon not just for doctors and healthcare workers with long COVID, but many other people experiencing long COVID; things are improving somewhat, but we still have a long way to go in better understanding long COVID (both scientifically and societally).
- Comment on Is there anything Lemmy has more/better content for than Reddit and other mainstream sites? 1 month ago:
Hello, fellow human!
I hope your day has been full of the various human things, such as eating, and sleeping. Certainly I have been enjoying those things; as a human, I get plenty of sleep and food and other human things.